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Is there a trick for finding high popularity businesses that I can buy/franchise with coins? I've found a few deals (just got one with 2,000+ pop, for like 30,000 coins), but everything worthwhile seems like they're going for bucks (and lots of them).

ID: 35199990
Town: Turtleton
Thank you

Thank you so much for helping me. I am trying not to let myself use it to clear some land but it is so hard to wait for 24 hours for a piece of land to clear so I can move to the next one. The land is also getting very expensive to buy. I am trying to reset the jobs as often as I can. Thank you again so much for your help. I am looking forward to making it look nice. :)
Son is mocking me... Husband threatening to close my iTunes account!

I need help! My 17 year old son is killing me with his "gloating" about winning a
Jackpot amount of $500 dollars! He bought a Mt Fuji and shakes it whenever he comes into the room, trying to drive me crazy! And crap... It's working!!

My husband said if I use my iTunes account one more time (at the My Town store) he will send me to the funny farm and close my account!

I really need Mt Fuji...... If you have any pity for a 47 year old My Town addict... Please franchise me!!!

Nayville 31735391.
I need help! My 17 year old son is killing me with his "gloating" about winning a
Jackpot amount of $500 dollars! He bought a Mt Fuji and shakes it whenever he comes into the room, trying to drive me crazy! And crap... It's working!!

My husband said if I use my iTunes account one more time (at the My Town store) he will send me to the funny farm and close my account!

I really need Mt Fuji...... If you have any pity for a 47 year old My Town addict... Please franchise me!!!

Nayville 31735391.

Franchised 10 of your businesses (paid all with bucks), how many more bucks do you need to buy the Mt Fuji?

I'm 1/4 there... yeah, pretty sad... But on the bright side, only 3/4 to go! :) Your so sweet to help out... :)made my day! Thanks so much for your help!

Now I franchised 26 businesses, how much do you need now to can afford the Mt Fuji? ;)

Now I franchised 26 businesses, how much do you need now to can afford the Mt Fuji? ;)

am I allowed to whisper real quietly Val
ooooooh me too, me too, please please please :eek: :rolleyes::) if not I understand. Thanks though for helping me get my town started. I'm almost done buying land.

@naycon yay! Is it fun? :) post and tell us what your son said now that your shakin too! Lol!
Trying and trying again

Gosh I am so addicted and at 55 you would think I would know better ! BUT I am constantly on my Iphone and my Ipad collecting coins, trying to collect bucks and build my towns.

I am level 50 on my Iphone town which I have been playing on for a couple of months, and didn't really understand what I was doing till I found this forum. And then thanks to Candyland who Franchised two of my businesses and buying Stock Exchanges I am slowly building up my town, but still about 200 bucks short for Mt Fuji.

On my Ipad although I wanted to have the same game as my iphone I ended up having another town, and although exciting I am getting tired of only getting about $500 for each business each hour. I have only been able to buy about 5 Stock Exchanges so far because it is slooooowwww. I am on level 26 on this. And only 100 Bucks :-(

I would love if anyone can help me with franchises, population, anything pleasseee. I am tearing my hair out and read this forum constantly trying to get ideas.

I am happy to gift anyone if you let me know.

Candyland I love your town, it looks absolutely gorgeous. When I grow up I want my town to look just like yours :)

My Ids are:

Ipad: 36506146
Iphone: 33855710
My son doesn't know how I did it! Hee Hee!

I came down this morning for breakfast and shook my iPhone in front of my son! He freaked! He knows I can't use iTunes for cash, so he can't figure out how I got enough bucks for Mount Fuji! It is driving him crazy!!!

Thank you SO MUCH Val and Candyman!! This morning was like Mothers Day!! You guys rock!!!

This forum made my day!

Nayville 31735391
MYTOWN2 HINTS TIPS and two cents

1. Esthetically pleasing towns are more fun for me than just gaming towns -tried both. Still trying to make it look as cool as some others have in these forms.
2. Try to "park" your vehicles it feels somewhat satisfying to get some traffic off the roads.
3. For free money, albeit small, go to the store, at bottom of window, hit free bucks, on the page-at top hit mytown2 icon- wait a few minutes-do not touch anything and should receive notice of 1 buck earned. Available hourly.
4. For the adults take this to Las Vegas and save yourself some real cash. Ha Ha
5. Be careful this game is so addicting it can cause sore shoulder and neck pain. Stretch. Do real life things like taking a walk, taking care of love ones etc.
6. Be kind to others, post tips and hints. Thanks for all the suggestions MR townies.
7. Lastly, consider copying my id and friending, gifting or franchising if any of this is helpful. I finally was able to save enough for the Cathedral and it is worth it-so beautiful! What I really would like next is a military presence as a nod and TY to our troops. My land is so expensive and I am determined not to spend any real money. May need your help.

Booyah ID: 34533618
Name: Sugarland

OT-Playing "Draw Something"? Another well developed game for kids and adults. I will see if that forum is on here. I am sugarsugar there.

Many Blessings!

I have great businesses to franchise! Please do it for me and I'll return the favor!!

ID - 29743438
Name - The Burg
Bank note franchise

I followed the advice to get multiple stock markets to generate coins. How can I get franchised so I can purchase places from Paris and such. Is franchising the only way to get bucks? When people franchise, I've given population. Is that what the big players want?

Town: love ID: 30257080
I began mt2 hoping to create a town with local small town businesses. I copied our village's businesses and included the businesses of friends, husband, neighbors, etc.

Now I'm thinking I have done it all wrong, as these businesses have problems maintaining pop, and don't increase in value or earn much. Land now costs a million coins, and it takes me weeks to earn enough to buy more land. Bucks are also hard to come by.

I have picked up a few hints on this forum (THANK YOU) and I bought a couple more stock exchanges and switched some businesses to offices. This is helping a little, but I need to earn money faster to buy more land.

Please advise. Should I sell most of my businesses and try to purchase more "worldly" investments? Should I just erase the game and start over? Any help greatly appreciated, and I am happy to send you gifts.

My ID 30830097. Town name Hamilsand

Thanks, IngS - a 67 year old gal from SW Ohio
I began mt2 hoping to create a town with local small town businesses. I copied our village's businesses and included the businesses of friends, husband, neighbors, etc.

Now I'm thinking I have done it all wrong, as these businesses have problems maintaining pop, and don't increase in value or earn much. Land now costs a million coins, and it takes me weeks to earn enough to buy more land. Bucks are also hard to come by.

I have picked up a few hints on this forum (THANK YOU) and I bought a couple more stock exchanges and switched some businesses to offices. This is helping a little, but I need to earn money faster to buy more land.

Please advise. Should I sell most of my businesses and try to purchase more "worldly" investments? Should I just erase the game and start over? Any help greatly appreciated, and I am happy to send you gifts.

My ID 30830097. Town name Hamilsand

Thanks, IngS - a 67 year old gal from SW Ohio

I didn't think the stock thing would work but I built all that my coins would allow and changed all my businesses to offices ( use paint brush in corner), and in two days I have 14 million:). Thankfully some nice people have franchised me and I've received about 14 bucks so far:)

I look at some people's towns and some level 50's. Start from level one business. I have franchised 2 of
Val's dream franchises for three bucks. If she hadn't built a new low level business I wouldn't have had this opportunity. Yay Val:)
Good luck:)

Town: Love
ID: 30257080
I didn't think the stock thing would work but I built all that my coins would allow and changed all my businesses to offices ( use paint brush in corner), and in two days I have 14 million:). Thankfully some nice people have franchised me and I've received about 14 bucks

Town: Love
ID: 30257080

Thank you Jenn, I'm trying it. Also thank you Pekman for the franchise. This game is very addicting. I've given up a couple of times because I was getting nowhere, but I keep coming back.

Keep the good advice coming. I need all the help I can get.

IngS. Town: Hamilsand ID 30430097

PS: I don't think I have the hang of "quoting" previous entries either. Sorry.

1. Esthetically pleasing towns are more fun for me than just gaming towns -tried both. Still trying to make it look as cool as some others have in these forms.
2. Try to "park" your vehicles it feels somewhat satisfying to get some traffic off the roads.
3. For free money, albeit small, go to the store, at bottom of window, hit free bucks, on the page-at top hit mytown2 icon- wait a few minutes-do not touch anything and should receive notice of 1 buck earned. Available hourly.
4. For the adults take this to Las Vegas and save yourself some real cash. Ha Ha
5. Be careful this game is so addicting it can cause sore shoulder and neck pain. Stretch. Do real life things like taking a walk, taking care of love ones etc.
6. Be kind to others, post tips and hints. Thanks for all the suggestions MR townies.
7. Lastly, consider copying my id and friending, gifting or franchising if any of this is helpful. I finally was able to save enough for the Cathedral and it is worth it-so beautiful! What I really would like next is a military presence as a nod and TY to our troops. My land is so expensive and I am determined not to spend any real money. May need your help.

Booyah ID: 34533618
Name: Sugarland

OT-Playing "Draw Something"? Another well developed game for kids and adults. I will see if that forum is on here. I am sugarsugar there.

Many Blessings!

Hi there
How do you 'park' a car. I managed to do it whilst editing once, but as soon as I hit the check mark it went on it's merry way :(

I try religiously (and yes this is like a religion !) every hour go into getting my 1 buck for free. But still struggling with only 261. I feel like I will never ever get to the 400 odd I need for the Mt Fuji !

CandyLand kindly franchised some of my businesses, but because I only have some vague businesses due to where I live plus can't afford to franchise anyone to get any cool businesses I am struggling there as well.

Anyone have any ideas of what I can do ?

I am also addicted to draw something and have added you sugarsugar !

Love this forum and thanks for everyone for putting down their thoughts and ideas. I have learnt heaps albeit s l o w l y !


I didn't think the stock thing would work but I built all that my coins would allow and changed all my businesses to offices ( use paint brush in corner), and in two days I have 14 million:). Thankfully some nice people have franchised me and I've received about 14 bucks so far:)

I look at some people's towns and some level 50's. Start from level one business. I have franchised 2 of
Val's dream franchises for three bucks. If she hadn't built a new low level business I wouldn't have had this opportunity. Yay Val:)
Good luck:)

Town: Love
ID: 30257080

I have done this too, I have changed all my businesses to offices and building as many SE as i can but I don't come to anywhere like a million gold ? What am I doing wrong ? Please help ? :confused:
My town 2

hi all players may second town I would like to ask for help. I have a company at level 10 (saturn-Markt Alexanderplatz) Please send me gifts (dolars) how I can send back to everyone. thank you. sivka14. id 36411737
Wow! OMGoodness!

Val thank you so much! You are my fairy Godmother for sure and I just seriously freak out when you wave your magic wand! ;)
I think I only have one more round of 24 hour land clearing to go! Can't those little men chop faster than that? :rolleyes:
We can't find you if you don't post your town's name. This is especially true for those of us who have many towns in their friends' list (I have 35+).

hi pekman, could you please please please franchise some of the businesses in my town :D;)

Name: Fashion Capital

Thanks so so much, I'll gift you in return daily!!!
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