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I think you receive coins when it's someone close, bucks when someone far away??

Changed my location, still nothing, only coins. I wonder if it has to do with how rich the person is that is franchising, or their level. I'm currently at level 50, 36 businesses, but my iPad is like a 14 with only 6 businesses.

ID: 35778212
CandyLand and Valmorra

A very very BIG thank you for franchising me. I am up and running with my Mt Fuji! What joy.

Now I just need to build up my bucks for some of the wonders and community stuff that need bucks and to franchise so I can get some of the cool businesses when I get rid of all my SE that is taking soooooo much space!!

How much coins is enough? Can anyone tell me please?

Thanks again for your generosity.
Mel xx :)
Bucks for Fugi

I've purchased some cool properties and was now inquiring to see if someone will help with bucks for Fugi? My top population business is Roseland theatre and Sip restaurant if you are willing. Thank you
Town: Love
ID: 30257080
Thanks, Val! Apollo Theater seems to bring on the biggest bucks.

Any of you that have the resources, do you mind franchising my Apollo theater? Bottom left of town. I'm almost to Mt. Fuji!!!

ID: 35778212
Thanks again. I just went back to refranchise Chanel, and it was bucks this time. Was coins last time. Whys that?

I guess it's normal that the price goes up, if you franchise the same business again over a short period of time. Happens to me too, I franchise first for lets say 450, and the second time 456.

Btw I haven't seen a franchise with coins in ages :D

But what's kinda sad is, when I franchise someone's business for 3000-5000 bucks (for example NY Times), and they tell me that they got like 35 bucks or something.

Oh well...

Good night everyone, I'll be back franchising you all tomorrow. ;)
Just did another one, Val. Deleted game and readded to change location to London. However... It took 50 bucks away when I deleted! :(
I've purchased some cool properties and was now inquiring to see if someone will help with bucks for Fugi? My top population business is Roseland theatre and Sip restaurant if you are willing. Thank you
Town: Love
ID: 30257080

Holy cow Val's dream!!!!! I got 68 bucks from you. Thank you do much:)

Town: Love
Thanks Val & candy land!!!!

Thank you soooo much for franchising!!!
On another note, I "explored" for friends today, and found some amazing high popularity business for coins!! I have Begins Cafe, fireworks pizza, universal studios. Check out my town



I learned something new today and thought I'd share. When you want to franchise, HURRY UP!! If you wait for more than a few seconds, the popularity goes way down.
Changed my location, still nothing, only coins. I wonder if it has to do with how rich the person is that is franchising, or their level. I'm currently at level 50, 36 businesses, but my iPad is like a 14 with only 6 businesses.

ID: 35778212

I believe you receive coins when the person is able to pay for your franchise with coins because they are playing in the same geographic area and you receive bucks when the person pays bucks for your franchise.

If you don't have the bucks necessary to franchise businesses, sometimes you are able to turn off location services on your phone. After you do that reenter the game and click on the social button. After that, search the geo graphic area in which you want to find the business. Then click on friends and search their businesses. Often, but not always, this may allow you to buy with coins versus bucks if you, like me, I have had a hard time accumulating enough bucks to buy franchises. Hope that helps. I franchised a couple of your businesses. I am not certain how long I have to hold those businesses before you actually receive the money.

Good luck!


Thank you soooo much for franchising!!!
On another note, I "explored" for friends today, and found some amazing high popularity business for coins!! I have Begins Cafe, fireworks pizza, universal studios. Check out my town



I learned something new today and thought I'd share. When you want to franchise, HURRY UP!! If you wait for more than a few seconds, the popularity goes way down.

Interesting! I have watched the values go way down and didn't realize that if you franchised very quickly that you actually got the full amount that it initially shows. What a huge difference that would make. Thanks for sharing.


Val and cAndyland...Superheroes of MyTown2!!!

Thank you soooooo much for your incredible generosity! I am having so much fun passing this along. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I would love to know how long I need to hold businesses before people actually receive the bucks. Val, I wanted to let you know that the businesses you franchised most recently paid anywhere between four dollars and $50. I know that there was some question as to what percentage we actually receive and I thought this might be of interest.

Again, I can't thank you enough.

Big love for you from Katie's Dream!!!


I guess it's normal that the price goes up, if you franchise the same business again over a short period of time. Happens to me too, I franchise first for lets say 450, and the second time 456.

Btw I haven't seen a franchise with coins in ages :D

But what's kinda sad is, when I franchise someone's business for 3000-5000 bucks (for example NY Times), and they tell me that they got like 35 bucks or something.

Oh well...

Good night everyone, I'll be back franchising you all tomorrow. ;)

Val, you are like the caped crusader and Santa all rolled into one!!! Big virtual hugs!
I'm almost there. Just shy if $400 bucks. Look to change my location a few times today to franchise and pick up some cool businesses, and hopefully get franchised some more! :)

ID: 35778212
My Town2 help Restaurant within 25 metres

Hi guys, wonder if anyone can help, I'm stuck in this one where I've goto find a restaurant within 25 metres. Closest I've got is 233 metres. How do I do this? I have turned location services off and on but nothing helps. Im on level 22 with 8 businesses. My Booyah Id is 37480687. ..... Please help :confused::confused::confused:
I believe you receive coins when the person is able to pay for your franchise with coins because they are playing in the same geographic area and you receive bucks when the person pays bucks for your franchise.

If you don't have the bucks necessary to franchise businesses, sometimes you are able to turn off location services on your phone. After you do that reenter the game and click on the social button. After that, search the geo graphic area in which you want to find the business. Then click on friends and search their businesses. Often, but not always, this may allow you to buy with coins versus bucks if you, like me, I have had a hard time accumulating enough bucks to buy franchises. Hope that helps. I franchised a couple of your businesses. I am not certain how long I have to hold those businesses before you actually receive the money.

Good luck!

Thanks I tried what you said and finally was able to change my location to NY to get some popular bussiness' for coins!!
Now I need more population!!

If you guys could franchise some more please so I can buy some hot air ballons to get my population up I would really appreciate!! Thanks to Val, candyland & pekman!!!

Expensive Land

Wow, I had to pay over two million dollars for my last piece of land to start clearing!
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Hi guys, wonder if anyone can help, I'm stuck in this one where I've goto find a restaurant within 25 metres. Closest I've got is 233 metres. How do I do this? I have turned location services off and on but nothing helps. Im on level 22 with 8 businesses. My Booyah Id is 37480687. ..... Please help :confused::confused::confused:

Change a business that is within 25 meters of your house to a restaurant. Check in 3 times. Change back.


Thanks to any of you who franchised me. I got Mt. Fuji!!!

What is the next common desired Wonder or piece of real estate?
Franchise off me- 32095577
I have strong income businesses to help you grow your city! I promise to help you out with gifts and such. Fun game, only a few squares of land left to buy:)
Franchise me please

Hello, I need some help getting bucks please and I would really appreciate it if I could get franchised for bucks, so that I can buy Mount Fuji. I managed to gather 116 bucks by myself so far... I can franchise back in coins if needed! Help me, please ! Thanks :)

High Popularity businesses so far:

Quick 113574
New York Times 20288
Apple Store 6722

I'm looking for businesses above 20000 popularity in New York, so if you have some I might franchise them too, thanks again :)

Delicioussss Town
ID: 37555124
Change a business that is within 25 meters of your house to a restaurant. Check in 3 times. Change back.


Thanks to any of you who franchised me. I got Mt. Fuji!!!

What is the next common desired Wonder or piece of real estate?

Really silly question so sorry to ask, change a business that is 25 metres of my house to a restaurant?? where is my house??
High income business, I believe you can buy for
Cash not bucks. You should franchise some, I promise to help your city as well! Thanks guys, trying to earn enough money for the past few squares of land, 1,800,000 right now
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