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Right now I pay 438 bucks for your US Marshal Department.
And no haha, I got enough bucks ;) don't worry, I like to help you.

EDIT: I just franchised about 22 of your businesses... I wonder how many bucks you get now ;) let me know

Hey Val, would you be able to franchise me as well? I'm looking to get some higher rated franchises and buy more land. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out.


Val, you da man! I think my next purchase will be the pyramids. Then the sky's the limit :)

I'm at 67 bucks right now.

Still waiting to hear you share about how you accumulated your bucks Val :)
To much to chew?

I think maybe I did my plan all wrong. Why oh why do I try to think things out first. :confused: Well on the bright side I'm no where near needing new land or levels yet :D
1. Hope I am not making you broke? How does one accumulate so much bucks other than actually buying it for real money?

2. What is the other game you play? Not that I need another addiction!! Lol

Big hugs again and THANK YOU xx

You are very welcome ;)

1.) I have more than enough, and I never spent any real money on it.

2.) I recently play way too much Left 4 Dead 2... besides that, Angry Birds Space.


Hey Val, would you be able to franchise me as well? I'm looking to get some higher rated franchises and buy more land. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out.



"MegaTown!!!!" right? Done.


Still waiting to hear you share about how you accumulated your bucks Val :)



I think maybe I did my plan all wrong. Why oh why do I try to think things out first. :confused: Well on the bright side I'm no where near needing new land or levels yet :D

Don't worry. I re-designed my town a million times and I'm still unhappy :D


Val, you da man!

You are welcome. How much have you got on the "Sushirrito" franchise? I just paid over 13'000 (yes thousand :D ) bucks on it, crazy.
You are welcome. How much have you got on the "Sushirrito" franchise? I just paid over 13'000 (yes thousand :D ) bucks on it, crazy.

what the hell? I seriously paid coins for it. Switched my location to San Fran. Seriously, you rock!

Anyone whose still reading care to drop a franchise on me? Need 10 more bucks to get the restaurant school.
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Thanks Val,

@ Candyland,Mytown& Chili thank you for your franchises earlier I found them in my stats just now I must have thought they were all Val. I'm very sorry I missed you.
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You are very welcome ;)

1.) I have more than enough, and I never spent any real money on it.

2.) I recently play way too much Left 4 Dead 2... besides that, Angry Birds Space.


"MegaTown!!!!" right? Done.




Don't worry. I re-designed my town a million times and I'm still unhappy :D


You are welcome. How much have you got on the "Sushirrito" franchise? I just paid over 13'000 (yes thousand :D ) bucks on it, crazy.

Hey Val can you help me out to? I'm still trying for the Mt Fuji. :)

ID 30107449

Thanks for everyone's help. Franchise my Disneyland and let me see what happens. San Diego has been the best so far. :)
197 bucks. Almost half way to Mt Fuji!!! :) yay. How does everyone get so many bucks. Wow. Some of your towns ate amazing. Keep it up everyone. :)

Play a round of Left 4 Dead 2 online with me :D I'm addicted to that game.
No it's okay ;) enjoy the game.

;) oh my, I looked this up and it does look intriguing. I fear a new addiction! Thank heaven I don't have an Xbox. I wouldn't get anything done. I would have to call that game Katie's Nightmare, right? Keep me posted on your wish list. Big virtual hugs to you!
OK, fresh outta bucks on my end. Franchised some people.


You only on wifi? If so, go to a business that has wifi.

So we are talking a real business. I'm being quite thick here arn't I? So if I goto lets say McDonalds which has WIFI then I should be able to connect and complete. I didn't realise the game linked to real life places... Wat a dumb ass
So we are talking a real business. I'm being quite thick here arn't I? So if I goto lets say McDonalds which has WIFI then I should be able to connect and complete. I didn't realise the game linked to real life places... Wat a dumb ass

Thanks again Val

And I checked those games!! Wow I think I might just stress over mytown2. I have arranged and re arranged so much I am stressing and that's without bucks!! Imagine if I had bucks to play with as well.

I am so loving this game. Thanks again Val without you I couldn't have got the Mt Fuji. If you feel like throwing more bucks my way I won't refuse !!

Big hugs xx:)
I have a great city built with high income business that you should franchise from if your looking for a 525$ every three min. Check me out and I'll be sure to help you as well:)


Help me out and franchise, I already have some great business that if you franchise will only help! Just trying to earn money for the last few squares of land! :) thanks guys! I'll franchise back! Just hope we get more levels soon! So addicted! Also let know what you think on my city:)
business hours

seriously... anyone having this issue... i had to start my town over again when i got a new phone and im on level 24 and 11 population

my business hours are 3min, 15min, 1hr, and 4hr....

i cant make the same money w/o the 2hr and 10hr....

anybody know if this is new or if it will kick in
seriously... anyone having this issue... i had to start my town over again when i got a new phone and im on level 24 and 11 population

my business hours are 3min, 15min, 1hr, and 4hr....

i cant make the same money w/o the 2hr and 10hr....

anybody know if this is new or if it will kick in

Like that for me on both of my devices.
bummer so i wont ever get those 10hr times again?


No, I don't think so.

Because of forums like this, I have been able to add all sorts of wonders and other things that cost some BUCKS. Thank you all! I wish that we had more opportunity to send gifts, b/c many people on here deserve more of them!
bummer so i wont ever get those 10hr times again?


I still have 10 hour times, is it a new thing?
Town love


A shout out for Pekman, Katie's dream, Val's dream and Candyland# Thank you. I'm going to try to get my Dad addicted this weekend when he visits:)
Town Love
ID: 30257080

bummer so i wont ever get those 10hr times again?


I never had 2 hrs or 10 hrs. What happened here?
Also, I need help!!!! Pleeze franchise me my Booyah ID: 36033533

Help me Pleeze! I don't even have $100 in bucks.
Also, everything is expensive to buy.
And, I'm not getting the coins and bucks from my spends. I will win bucks and coins, but they are not addede to what I have. Does anyone know why????
I love this game, but I hate spending my own money.
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