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I might be reading into this too much, or does it seem like the spin to win only gives out the good rewards when you use your own bucks to play. I periodically get 1 buck or 1250 coins but get the 50 bucks when i spend 20 - 30 bucks. Its just a question."..........

Myton I appreciate the help. Im still in the need of help. I have a cheap Loius Vuitton store check it out. All are welcome don't be scared.

South East: 33607168
Polo098: 34355249

The spin to wins don't seem to get you much even if you use your bucks. As far as the 50 bucks that comes from franchises when your business is somewhere around/above 5k popularity.
Hi,i just deleted my stock exchanges (exept 2 of then wich i cant just delete..) and i remodel my town,so i need bucks for buy nice things.. Id is 39106042 please franchise some of my bussineesses.
And i have also a question:is something else to do now exept remodel my town with things in the events ??
Does anyone know when Booyah will release more land? I need to remodel my city and can't afford to delete anything (since most stuff are seasonal and rare items).
Does anyone know when Booyah will release more land? I need to remodel my city and can't afford to delete anything (since most stuff are seasonal and rare items).

Would be interesting if anyone knew anything but I notice when you have a lot of houses and all land, it lags a lot when all the coins are up for collection. Makes me wonder if more land would mean issues with navigating around.
Is there a trick with the mega malls? Each 1 is supposed to have a 10% increase in retail coins, right? I have 10 right now, so that should be 100% right? If a an hour job pays 1,000 coins, shouldnt i be getting 100,000 coins? And does that work for each business? So I have 5 business I should be getting 500,000 coins for an hr job each? :confused:
Is there a trick with the mega malls? Each 1 is supposed to have a 10% increase in retail coins, right? I have 10 right now, so that should be 100% right? If a an hour job pays 1,000 coins, shouldnt i be getting 100,000 coins? And does that work for each business? So I have 5 business I should be getting 500,000 coins for an hr job each? :confused:

100% increase to 1,000 coins is only 2,000 - although I believe the malls stack which mean 10 gives you more like 150%.

You really need like 40 malls to really start racking up the coins.

Each business gets the multiplier on its own so with ten you might see 1000 x 150% = 2500 x 5 businesses = 12500 an hour
100% increase to 1,000 coins is only 2,000 - although I believe the malls stack which mean 10 gives you more like 150%.

You really need like 40 malls to really start racking up the coins.

Each business gets the multiplier on its own so with ten you might see 1000 x 150% = 2500 x 5 businesses = 12500 an hour

Math was never my forte. Got it now thanks.
I wish there was a way to rotate the screen to see backs of buildings. Its hard to judge in some places where you wanna build roads and what not.
Math was never my forte. Got it now thanks.

You might also find this post useful in explaining how the wonder stacking works:

to note the Stock Exchanges are no longer available but I'm currently stacking Megamalls and am making roughly $130M every 4hrs across all my businesses (I have 87 megamalls). I couldn't see anyway to buy all the land with the crazy price increases per square but megamall stacking seems to be the way to go.
I have been using the little glitch going to some one elses town and selling their stuff then get the coins which has really helped I have bought all the land so I sorta have a blank canvas also i have couple of big businesses ritz hotel 36000 popularity I'd like for some bucks though as these are used to buy premium skin also want the space wonder I have gone off mount Fuji after reading elsewhere game crashes but no one seem to help other than booyasplats which I cant thnk enough but ideally need more I will try and repay favour back
I have been using the little glitch going to some one elses town and selling their stuff then get the coins which has really helped I have bought all the land so I sorta have a blank canvas also i have couple of big businesses ritz hotel 36000 popularity I'd like for some bucks though as these are used to buy premium skin also want the space wonder I have gone off mount Fuji after reading elsewhere game crashes but no one seem to help other than booyasplats which I cant thnk enough but ideally need more I will try and repay favour back

I just franchised harrods. Can't do Ritz because I already have it. Hope it helps. :)
Hi guys,

I've recently gotten realllllyyyyy addicted to this game (terrible for my finals week lol). I've done a lotta reading from this thread and have def learned a few tips. My boyfriend and I both play like crazy lol. Our towns are currently located in Las Vegas, anyone else from there???? I feel like I've gotten most of the good businesses from there. I want to move to my next location (maybe LA).

Can anyone help me out and franchise some of my higher ranking businesses??? I really need to rack up some bucks so I can keep moving forward in this game lol. Much appreciated!!! :D

My ID: 39241716
My town: Babymanto
Thank you very much mellzzzy for all of your franchisees really helps!! If i want to upgrade my bussinesses witout bukcs and i do a 4h job it will take like a job so= to a 3min job?
I more question:what gives you vehicles or cool stuffs for your town?
Any chance you could do a few franchises for me? :cool:

I can but need some done myself first before I can give bucks away as have only got like 80 myself :-(

Ive never heard of that...How does that work?

Press social then go on to someone elses town find a business you can't afford to franchise (I found a random person who obv lives miles away and when I go to franchise it costs like 1755 bucks) then it says sorry you don't have enough would you like to purchase press yes then when on the buying screen press free bucks (bottom left) then when it has loaded simply just press back and then hit the x, it should then open up the normal store bit so press housing then cottage or whatever. You should be able to place an item in another town so just press the red cross then go to bottom right and open up edit you can sell everything in that town then just simply press social and go back on the town you was just on they should have everything back jut press x then x again back to your town and Walla you have money I used old York will try and find the I'd because they have lots of luxury apartments that sell for 79k each so helped me out massively buying expansions I hope this helps If not I will write a proper tutorial when I on comp as currently on iPhone.


Thank you very much mellzzzy for all of your franchisees really helps!! If i want to upgrade my bussinesses witout bukcs and i do a 4h job it will take like a job so= to a 3min job?
I more question:what gives you vehicles or cool stuffs for your town?

I have black limos driving on my roads because I have medittarean mansions I think

And me personally I just try and use check ins on new businesses and 3 min jobs so they go up quick when I actually play but if I busy I will do hour jobs or 4 hour so with check ins
3 min = 1 and a half min
15 min = 7 and a half min
1 hour = half hour
4 hour = 3 hours (because check in only last hour)
Have just looked on mytown and old Yorks I'd is 32222615 if anyone was interested also had a look on my top 4 businesses and my I'd is 38973635
1 - the ritz hotel - 28374 popularity
2 - atrium - 16621
3 - Matthew Paris - 4375
4 - harrods - 3610
So if anyone wants to help us out they are my better businesses and I will re pay the fav :)
Thank for the advice with the limos,i have many in my town about 20 black and 20 white.
I knew that with speed of the jobs,i wanted to ask if is equal at the job count that upgrade a bussiness,soo i now i have 1000jobs at a veryain bussiness and i do a 3min job i will have 1001jobs. But if i do a 4h job i will have 1001 or more?
Thanks aniway
Its very funny if i think how much i played to make coins and now i have 5kkk and i dont have what to do with them... Or when i think that i tryed to make more population for buy another bussinesses and noe i have almost 6mil population ....thank everybody for your help,i will help you with what i can do
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You might also find this post useful in explaining how the wonder stacking works:

to note the Stock Exchanges are no longer available but I'm currently stacking Megamalls and am making roughly $130M every 4hrs across all my businesses (I have 87 megamalls). I couldn't see anyway to buy all the land with the crazy price increases per square but megamall stacking seems to be the way to go.

And then you can sell the mega malls when you have billions of coins to make room for other stuff right?
Yes. U dont need soo many coins,when i deleted my stock exchanges i had 5.2billions and after i remodel my emtire town i had 5.15billions. Soo u dont neee soo many coins...
Id 39106042 please franchise my bussinesses,if gifting i need check ins or exp now
Press social then go on to someone elses town find a business you can't afford to franchise (I found a random person who obv lives miles away and when I go to franchise it costs like 1755 bucks) then it says sorry you don't have enough would you like to purchase press yes then when on the buying screen press free bucks (bottom left) then when it has loaded simply just press back and then hit the x, it should then open up the normal store bit so press housing then cottage or whatever. You should be able to place an item in another town so just press the red cross then go to bottom right and open up edit you can sell everything in that town then just simply press social and go back on the town you was just on they should have everything back jut press x then x again back to your town and Walla you have money I used old York will try and find the I'd because they have lots of luxury apartments that sell for 79k each so helped me out massively buying expansions I hope this helps If not I will write a proper tutorial when I on comp as currently on iPhone.


I got 400 million in 15 minutes using that lol. Cool,
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I see a new update waiting - anyone want to report any major changes or fixes?

I'm new here but thought I would let you know what I discovered with the upgrade:

1) You can customize community buildings like the fire station, school, etc... I think there are currently 3 or 4. Costs well over a million to do the final upgrade level.

2) To earn free bucks, you now have to watch a series of 4 videos to get your one buck.... not sure on the frequency you can do this yet.

3) I noticed by business popularity was reduced by about 90% or so. Also, they seem to be weighted differently, as some businesses that were less popular are now more popular then the most popular businesses I had. Not sure if this is a glitch or what.

4) The stock exchange is back

5) There is a new bonus (like a check in or buck) that appears that allows you to build any building instantly within a ten minute period of getting the bonus.

I think that's about all I've noticed. Been reading all your posts for the past few days and really appreciate some of the tips, hopefully this helps someone out as well.
I think boyaah must unlock more space ,thats very important and maybe new buildings or new customize abilities and a way to get bucks easier maybe..... But when wil be the upgrade?
Thanks kid,

Pretty poor update. The customisation is great but super buggy. Just fully upgraded the post office - cost over 2 million and no change. Can't upgrade anything else !

And luckily I grabbed a billion in coins before the bug referenced above was fixed.
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