I don't believe so.
Hmmmm i just franchised your wal mart though. Just trying out haha.
I don't believe so.
So im trying to start something!! It has to with the extra stuff you get from building a house or community thing. Like a car or a kid on a skate board.
1) Trailer home= Yellow Pickup truck
2) Cabin = Blue Sedan
3) Bus Stop= White Bus (lol)
4) Hospital = Ambulance
5) Post Office= Mail truck+ Mail woman
6) Police Station= Cop Car+ Police officer
7) Firehouse= Fire Engine
8) Playground = Ice Cream Truck+lady+Brown Dog
9) Court House= Police officer
10) Town Hall= Small Black person'
11) Park Plaza= White Dog
12) High School= Yellow School Bus
13) Public Park= White Dog
14) Duplex= Yellow and White Van and young Black Girl
15) High Rise Condo= Business man and Women
16) Mediterranean Manson= Black Limo
17) Condo= Two White Women
18) Town House = Red Sedan + Black kid
19) Blue Victorian= Blue and white Van
20) European Mansion= Black Limo+Two Maids
21) Apartment Complex=White Man+Women
22) Loft= Two White Women
23) Shuttle Launchpad= Astronaut
So you see what im Trying to get done. Everyone try to fill in some more extras. Long live MYTOWN2
My ID is 39620600
Town Name Diddy bop
I just turn of my settings to location 'off' go back into mytown, and go into businesses search. it will ask you where you are. I say New York, NY. I then go out of there, and go back into my town. I think refreshing the app is probably the right thing to do.
The other day I had to change it to give someone coins instead of bucks for franchise. I dont know whether it is just me, but I have never had a problem changing locations...
Mytown2. net website has something similar to this. Its pretty good isn't it ?
How do i send or recevie 50 bucks for franchisingThank you for the Franchise. Just a few questions about what happened. I franchise a few of your places did i give you bucks with me doing that and when you franchised mine i received bucks. I will do anything to keep getting bucks like that, How can we continue to do business
Ok, my starbucks just dropped from 154.000popularity to 11.000!!!What is going on??? I am getting really close to stop playing. I just spend so much time and effort into getting those high popularity places and it all just gets taken away like that.
I would love for someone to just give me the step by step process of getting bucks when someone franchises my business. I'm s little slow and I think that's the only way I'll understand lol. Thank you to who ever helps me out
Esentially if someone franchises your business for coins, you get coins (I think it works out at 20% of what they pay) and the same for bucks, if someone franchises your business for bucks, you get bucks (not entirely sure what the percentage is here).
What determines whether someone pays with coins or bucks to franchise is location. Example for you: my town is set to NYC, so if you had a NYC business and I were to franchise it, it would cost me coins. If you had a business somewhere in California and I were to franchise it, it would cost me bucks.
Hope this helps!!
Thank you for the Franchise. Just a few questions about what happened. I franchise a few of your places did i give you bucks with me doing that and when you franchised mine i received bucks. I will do anything to keep getting bucks like that, How can we continue to do business
How do i send or recevie 50 bucks for franchising
Thank you for the franchises. You guys are making me want to play this game again, im still so far away from getting everything since i had no bucks to begin with but i get excited every time i sign on to my town
Can you franchise my business's too, i will do anything for you!! lol
This helps me understand!!! But doesnt get me bucks!!!! How do i get people to franchise my stuff, its gotta cost them crazy amounts of bucks.
Thanks to Melzzzy for the franchise.
I have been playing for a little while but am only now starting to play strategically. So I have been following this forum over the past weeks and have used the aeroplane mode for some great top franchises. My question is: I see folks on this board saying they will trade franchising each other, how does that work to each players benefit? I am confused, for example, Melzzzy franchised for me which earned me 50 dollars. But I can't return the favor, I have nowhere near the bucks. How would it be to each of our benefits if I did?
29613257 / mcgirkville
does anyone know how to finish the goal Local Restaurant (Check-In to Restaurant that is 25 meters from your current lovcation)?
I already have business which is 25 meters from my location, but when i switch it to a restaurant and then i check-in the goal is not finished.
What can i do? Please help me![]()
Actual distance and mytown distance are two separate things. You can check your distance to a business by looking in the check-in list.
After a bit of messing I managed to do the airplane mode trick. Easy when you know how and you have trusty friends on here to walk you through it.
Have tried it with 2 new businesses that should be good when they revert to right popularity.
How long does that take?
Once proved it works I will have a clear out of under performing businesses.
Did notice that Quick is no longer there though.
Another question - I see a lot of people saving up for Mt Fuji. Is it really worth it or just time saving tool?
Ta and thanks once again for all the nice folk who share their bucks each day. Makes this game so much better.