Hello everyone ! I've been playing My town for
Over a year now ! Since the 12 hour drop to 4 hours my businesses have lowered drastically. My ID is 39941919 I have 28 businesses and have deleted a lot of my population to fill my space with stock exchanges , I've read through some of the posts but maybe if someone can check my town out , you may be able to see where I have gone wrong .. Any help is much appreciated ! Add friend for friend
My tuppence worth would be to get a few higher population businesses (scroll back a few posts, I've explained how to get some of these businesses from booyahtopia for 1buck). If you get the Four Season's and Macy's I'll be able to franchise you for coins (my town is located in NYC) > I see your still trying to clear some land. For these same businesses, if say Melzzzy franchised you it would cost her bucks and therefore you would get bucks (maximum 50bucks).
If you're looking to get Mt. Fuji whilst it's on sale I suggest you take my advice from my earlier post and 'instant' build these businesses then kindly ask for the help from the kind hearted RH's on here.
oh I'd also suggest you join mytown2.net > it's a forum dedicated solely to mytown2 > I've gotten so much useful information from there.