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What a jerk! Fortunately when I was growing up my brother couldn't have been nicer to me. He never would do anything like your bro did. Of course we didn't have IPads and stuff like that back then...more like the original Nintendo, Commodore 64, Vic 20.....anyone else have these computers/games?

Btw Zfire, how old are you? Do you want me to send some of my goons over to talk to your brother about being nice? I'm 17
My Town 2

No kind of guidelines are available for My town 2. so its hard to play at times ! else it is a good game .. even without guidelines :p

I've been playing for months and am stuck at a point where land costs 380K and it take3s me almost a week to buy 1 plot.

Does the Stock Ex. stacking bonus till work to make coins faster if I convert to all office buildings?

I've been playing for months and am stuck at a point where land costs 380K and it take3s me almost a week to buy 1 plot.

Does the Stock Ex. stacking bonus till work to make coins faster if I convert to all office buildings?

What is your ID and then I can franchise to help. Make sure you have some good businesses so you will get the most bucks. You can do that by turning to airplane mode on your settings and then buy some top businesses from booyahtopia for just a buck. Also try the spin to win glitch....that will boost your funds. For both of these tips, see previous pages. Once you have posted your ID I am sure a few of the people who look at this site will help you. :)
franchise me plz!

If you franchise and/or gift any of my buildings I will try my best to return the favor. I.D. =31422837
I hooked you up too


Can you hook me up again (signature) - I'll add you as a friend then and give you population every day.

Pheonix Rising is phenomenal and Splats has helped me in the past. Someone named Tominho franchises from time to time as well. Thanks all!


What is your ID and then I can franchise to help. Make sure you have some good businesses so you will get the most bucks. You can do that by turning to airplane mode on your settings and then buy some top businesses from booyahtopia for just a buck. Also try the spin to win glitch....that will boost your funds. For both of these tips, see previous pages. Once you have posted your ID I am sure a few of the people who look at this site will help you. :)

Jac - Do you prefer population in exchange as a thank you?
can anybody franchise me?

hiya! i was wondering if anybody is able to franchise me for bucks! i would really love to purchase that new steampunk item :) i will definitely gift you back with population. my booyah ID number is: 37988421

thank you so much!!!!

Can you hook me up again (signature) - I'll add you as a friend then and give you population every day.

Pheonix Rising is phenomenal and Splats has helped me in the past. Someone named Tominho franchises from time to time as well. Thanks all!


Jac - Do you prefer population in exchange as a thank you?

Hopefully that should help. I don't have jailbreak, but at the moment I am ok so please gift someone else who is struggling rather than me. Happy building. Your town looks great by the way. :D

Hi all

Happy to franchise if you want to leave you ID AND YOUR TOWN NAME here. If you gift I will franchise as well, BUT you don't have to and i dont really need it. I am sure there are others that need it more.

I hardly go into Melzzy's town. It's on my iPhone, too small, too blind, can't be bothered trying to move things around there. So if you have left me gifts there and have got nothing back that's the reason why.

Phoenix Rising is where I go to mostly, when I do go into MyTown. Hope you guys are having fun and am very happy to help when I can find the time to go in there. Sometimes it takes me over two hours to franchise everyone who have left me gifts so I hardly come here either to check if anyone new needs help.

But I do appreciate all the gifting, thank you xs
Hi all

Happy to franchise if you want to leave you ID AND YOUR TOWN NAME here. If you gift I will franchise as well, BUT you don't have to and i dont really need it. I am sure there are others that need it more.

But I do appreciate all the gifting, thank you xs

are you at the max population now?
Hi Jason
No I am not and the reason I think is because I have not got all my business up and running and have no intention to either.

I figured the bucks will apply to my need for constantly spinning!! Lol

If you are able to franchise everyone, doesn't that mean you either have tons of bucks already or are able to franchise yourself from a jailbreak phone?
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the gifts and franchises from people on this list. And also for all the tips, advice and suggestions. Your help has been invaluable. I have learnt so much about this game from visiting this list. Now my goals are to clear the rest of my land, get all my businesses to 10 and see if I can conquer that spin n win glitch.


ID: 38935656
Last edited:
Help please!!

Hello to all!...can anyone please help me? I need funds, population, etc :eek: my ID No. is 37712754. I will appreciate it very much. Im addicted to this game! :) Thank you in advance guys!!


BTW my town name is FUNKYTOWN, MANILA 37712754. Help!! :)
The thing is, you actually dont have to press and hold anything. All you have to do is press once, to start the wheels....then press again right after the last wheel stops....if you time the last "press" correctly(it is really easy when you get hold of it) this will start a new spin, and make the numbers to the left start spinning(under the left "wheel")....and there you go. Everything else is explained in all the other posts in this matter.

Ive made a total of 70.000 free spins and probably around 150.000 bucks this way. Been spinning for a total maybe, a few 3-4 hours. :)
The thing is, you actually dont have to press and hold anything. All you have to do is press once, to start the wheels....then press again right after the last wheel stops....if you time the last "press" correctly(it is really easy when you get hold of it) this will start a new spin, and make the numbers to the left start spinning(under the left "wheel")....and there you go. Everything else is explained in all the other posts in this matter.

Ive made a total of 70.000 free spins and probably around 150.000 bucks this way. Been spinning for a total maybe, a few 3-4 hours. :)

I just built up around 40K. The only downside is the free spins you build up. I noticed that you get bucks way more often when you spend bucks to spin so it was a lot more succesful. Unfortunately I now have 9K free spins so I can't go back to buying spins.

Another note - For those who are massively short on coins and cant expand - Use this trick to get your bucks up and then franchise an expensive business (1000+) - Level it up with your bucks then sell it. You get a couple of million in coins (not the bucks you bought it with).

Hi. if someone can help me with some franchising i would apreciatte i will gift him back! Need some for try the stw trick,missed something: What i do if succedeed first time?
My id is. 39106042

Ty in advance
Help! I had to start over again after reaching level 63. I've been trying to save my bucks so that I can upgrade a business to level 10 so that I can get more bucks gifted to me, but I just accidentally spent all that I had on an upgrade I didn't want. Plus, because I had to start over, nobody has franchised me. Please help me out in anyway you can!

ID# 41252459


Hi. if someone can help me with some franchising i would apreciatte i will gift him back! Need some for try the stw trick,missed something: What i do if succedeed first time?
My id is. 39106042

Ty in advance

Done .. Let me know if you got full 50


Help! I had to start over again after reaching level 63. I've been trying to save my bucks so that I can upgrade a business to level 10 so that I can get more bucks gifted to me, but I just accidentally spent all that I had on an upgrade I didn't want. Plus, because I had to start over, nobody has franchised me. Please help me out in anyway you can!

ID# 41252459



Done - although you need to get some more popular businesses to get bigger amounts
Hi guyz..!!
I've been playin My Town 2 from quite sometime and finished all levels..!! Jus waitin 4 some new levels to come up..
I visited some towns who's IDs were mentioned here and i saw some things which i could'nt find for my town like 1.Some rainbow pot Of gold, 2.Air baloons, 3.Field of shamrocks, 4.Dragons den, 5.Countdown Ball, 6.Wonderland Globe and some more.. Can any1 tell me how do i get these things..??


ID: 38230330
You can even connect with me on yahoo if you like:
Anyone have 100,000+ popularity businesses I can franchise? Please let me know thanks!

Looking for some high pop businesses to franchise? Please stop by Sparrah!

Booyah ID: 38980171

I have a franchise worth 177,000 points my ID is 32949951
Hi guyz..!!
I've been playin My Town 2 from quite sometime and finished all levels..!! Jus waitin 4 some new levels to come up..
I visited some towns who's IDs were mentioned here and i saw some things which i could'nt find for my town like 1.Some rainbow pot Of gold, 2.Air baloons, 3.Field of shamrocks, 4.Dragons den, 5.Countdown Ball, 6.Wonderland Globe and some more.. Can any1 tell me how do i get these things..??


ID: 38230330
You can even connect with me on yahoo if you like:

They offered those items the (countdown ball, New Year, ( pot of gold Saint Patty day) (the ballon, A spring item), (Snow globe was for Christmas) the dragon den was the first Medevil items. But the are gone! The were once featured items. Make sure u check featured items ever week and holidays because they offer neat items for a limited time. Also I have a business worth 177,000 popluarity points. My ID 32949951


I need money. Will someone franchise me? I have great business. My popluarity is over 800,000. My largest franchise is worth 177,000 points. ID 32949951
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