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Hi there, if some people could help me with Franchises it would be amazing. Im stuck on low popularity on my buisness :( im close to a mil in population tho, and im lv 54. Tried the STW trick plenty of times, still seems like its fixed for iphone 4s during the latest update?

BooyahID: 36933069. Kuklins Lair.

Thank You!!

Hi sent you a few franchises but your businesses are too low in population to give you any decent money. Try the airplane mode trick. Turn airplane mode on your settings to on. Go and explore businesses and the only one that will come up will be booyahtopia. Ignore any messages. You can franchise top businesses for 1 or 2 bucks. The population will be low but within a couple of days will shoot up dramatically. Post when this is done and I will franchise again and you will be receiving 50 bucks a time then. For clearer instructions see some previous posts where people have gone into more detail. Hope that helps.
Franchise me please?


I could use all the franchises I can get. Any help would be appreciated, and I always try to return the favor.
Thanx Much
My Booyah ID is:


I too would like any help that someone is willing to give.

My ID is 44150904

To this point i have been playing just regularly, Got to level 25 and have 3 level 7 businesses, but now everything is slow. and its getting boring when its slow.
I really wanna keep playing, so if anyone can franchise with me or gift me, I will return the favor. Thanks
It will be great if anyone can help me with some buck/coin in game. I am still working hard with some low popular stores. Appreciate in advance for anyone who helps.

My ID is 44316821

life hunter's Town


lately i just franchise Apple Store, hope this will help a bit for anyone who can help.
I really need bucks. Would someone please help me out. I am trying to get my business to level 10. I have great franchises. Thanks u do very very much on advanced. My town is Roneyville ID 32949951
Hello. I would appreciate anyone who could franchise some of my businesses. I just started a few days ago and bucks would be a great help.

Also, I have a question. How to people get business popularity into the billions (like the people atop GameCenter)? I know they have the businesses from Booyahtopia...

Is that just using the Airplane Mode trick to get popularity that high??

Thanks in advance if you franchise me. I will try to franchise you back!

My Town Name: The Burghundy
Booyah ID: 44386972
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Hello. I would appreciate anyone who could franchise some of my businesses. I just started a few days ago and bucks would be a great help.

Also, I have a question. How to people get business popularity into the billions (like the people atop GameCenter)? I know they have the businesses from Booyahtopia...

Is that just using the Airplane Mode trick to get popularity that high??

Thanks in advance if you franchise me. I will try to franchise you back!

My Town Name: The Burghundy
Booyah ID: 44386972

Sent you a few franchises to help, please don't franchise back, save your bucks, unless I have businesses you want. The airplane mode trick is the best and cheapest way to upgrade your town. Just be patient with the businesses you buy that way and within a couple of days they will reach the right levels and you will then benefit from the higher payouts from jobs and get a good amount from any franchises.
Hey jac's town. Thanks for all the franchises you did for me.

Also thanks to anyone else that sent me gifts. I tried to return the favor for everyone.

That trick with booyahtown is pretty good. After about 24 hours, the popularity shoots up and the payout is largely increased.
Hey I have a quick question...

Does the Notre Dame wonder stack housing income?

I've seen a few towns with 40+ of these wonders and pricey homes. I know this would give huge income but do those wonders stack?
I really need bucks. Would someone please help me out. I am trying to get my business to level 10. I have great franchises. Thanks u do very very much on advanced. My town is Roneyville ID 32949951

Dont worry, I'll make some same franchises again.. :D
I too would like any help that someone is willing to give.

My ID is 44150904

To this point i have been playing just regularly, Got to level 25 and have 3 level 7 businesses, but now everything is slow. and its getting boring when its slow.
I really wanna keep playing, so if anyone can franchise with me or gift me, I will return the favor. Thanks

I'll make some franchises 4 u too..
Hope u have some high popularity businesses..
Thought there should be quite a few. Anybody want to share problem/strategies?

I have a problem with MyTown Stock Exchange. It's not giving me the 20% income bonus for Offices. The Mega Mall does give me the 10% on Retails tho... Anybody have this same problem?
Booyah hit us with an update a few month ago that changed the way anything can be stacked. Back in the day u got compounded interest. That was when I use to get 4 million every 3 minutes. Now the new rules say u get 20 percent of your business base amount increase. In other words if your business makes 100$ every 3 minutes then each stock exchange will make it increase by 20$. A big decrease. So first make sure I have high popluarity business. Turn off your location and go to booyahtopia and get all your business for 1$ each. It will take a few day for your poplarity to get to market value. Then get all the stock exchanges u can. Your town should only look like exchanges at this point. Turn all your business to offices then collect your money. Be patient because as soon as u have collected enough then get rid of the exchanges and decorate.
help, please

Hi, I'm playing to mytown2 from a while. I'm level 50, but reading just some post here, I've seen that you have buildings with popolarity of thousounds. Instead, my max pop is 70. So, probably there are a lot of things that I haven't understood of this game, so, if you can explain me, you will really help me.
This is what I understood of the game:
- you can buy space. than you can build houses/apt to increase your population.
- you can buy offices or other activities that you have in the same city, near to you.
- every day, you can collect the coins every 3 min or more from the activities.
- you can register in your activities, but I don't understand what it cause, why you need to register,what it means...
- I bought 3 mytown Stock Exchange, now I should receive more coins just from offices, or from every activities?
- what is franchising? I goes in the town of other friends, and I see their offices/buildings, and there are two hands near its, but to buy it I need a lot of money, not coins.
- How can i increase popularity or income of the buildings?
- how can I obtain more money fro free? Every day, in the night I receive 3 spin free, but I don't obtain money every time.
Please, help me.

Hi, I'm playing to mytown2 from a while. I'm level 50, but reading just some post here, I've seen that you have buildings with popolarity of thousounds. Instead, my max pop is 70. So, probably there are a lot of things that I haven't understood of this game, so, if you can explain me, you will really help me.



You can also increase your population with 1) community items, 2) decorations, and 3) wonders (statue of liberty, space port, the whitehouse and the washington memorial).

It is possible to buy from other towns - it just costs you more unless you use these 2 ways to buy from other towns.

a) turn your device to airplane mode then go to social and only town will be booyatopia. You can pick up businesses there for $1. In a couple of days they will shoot up into the 1000's

2) turn off the location on your device. delete the app from your device then reinstall it. Once reinstalled go to check-in an choose a location - Paris, San Francisco, los angeles and new york have some of the most popular businesses. This will let you buy the most popular businesses for coins. Make sure you're backed-up before you do this.

The 4 hour jobs will bring you more money. And the all the jobs are free if you've franchised a business. I only use the 3 minute jobs when one of my businesses is getting close to a level upgrade and I want to speed it up. If you have enough bucks then you can use that move up to the next level faster.

Not 100% sure what you mean by register. I'm registered on because you get bucks by downloading free apps. Some players register on game center. I'm not sure what this does. If you by register you mean check-in then you check-in to make your jobs go faster, get extra points to go up a level up and accomplish tasks on your goals list.

The stock exchanges will give you coins from your office jobs.

Yes. those two hands are franchises you can buy. Interaction is a big part of this game. Your friends may not be in the same city as you. You can also go into your city and current location and franchise from towns near your location. You can view the popularity of businesses in your city before buying them by viewing in the check-in list. Send a gifts to towns in your location and friend them so they will remember you when they are looking for businesses to franchise and you can also see the popularity of their businesses.

The more people that franchise one of your businesses, the more money you make. One of businesses I franchised from my own town has a popularity of 5100. Now 2 other players have franchised that business so now that business is pulling in $6000 every four hours. It's now at level 9. Some players have businesses that are pulling in a lot more than that.

If someone franchises your businesses then you will get money from that. Coins if they are close to you and buck if they aren't. Right now with popularity under 70, you are not going to get a lot of people looking for franchises from you.

Wonders and going up levels are the way you increase the income of current businesses. And getting franchised.

Let us know your booyah number so we can send you gifts and what you prefer for gifts. If you've got any businesses at level 10 then you can get bucks as gifts. Also let us know when you have some high popularity businesses.

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I am hoping to try the spin to win (again) but haven't the bucks to get started. Grateful for any franchises to help me get there.

29613257 McGirkville
Hi everyone!

Hi all! My name is Lauren and I'm hoping you guys can help me out with franchising, and anything else! I never get gifts! I will friend you and send them back regularly! My booyah ID is: 43496125. Also, my friend's is 43087864 if you could help him out too! ( but he's way ahead of me lol) thanks you guys! I'm gonna try top he STW trick at midnight! :)
Getting there...

Tried the STW trick and it worked like 4 out of 5 times... Maybe my finger slipped a bit. {{{Thank you to Fleetwood for helping us out!}}} I have another question: how should we be setting the timers? I usually do 3 minutes while I'm sitting there playing, 1 hour if I'm just checking it periodically throughout the day, and 4 hours before I go to bed... Is there some other rule of thumb we should be following?? I also got two of the $1 businesses thru Booyahtopia on Airplane Mode. Woooooo! Also, I have this one goal sitting there FoReVER!!! It's the one where it says check into a restaurant within 25 meters. Now, I play on my iPad and I can use WiFi at my house, at my friends house, and I brought it with me to a local diner that has free wifi, but it says it's still like 61 or more meters away! I just don't get it... Thanks for any help and again I am LaurenTown<3 and my ID is : 43496125
I am on your friends list

Nobody plays this thing? Even tho it's like one of the top 50 apps?
Do you by any chance know my booyah I'd I am your friends list and I am clwydville as my I pad was stolen. I have a new one but my town2 isn't my original and don't want to start again. It's Debbie 44 clwydville. Thanks
I've been reading articles and watching videos on YouTube on cheats and glitches that will give you bucks and coins without using any type of jailbreaks. If you have already updated to the newest version of mt2, these cheats/glitches will not work. So how do you continue to play the game without having to use any of your own real money?
I've g


I have Yankees stadium and I got it before it costed 200 and some bucks. It is a level six and brings almost 400 popularity! I am constantly working on upgrading it and it will be a level 7 by the end of the week. If you want to franchise it vist my town Booyah id: 37452154 it's name is Mecca City.


I am also getting ready to purchase the Dallas cowboys football club before the nfl season starts. You will also be able to franchise that from my town as soon as I purchase it! Vist my town at the booyah id above^
Tried the STW trick and it worked like 4 out of 5 times... Maybe my finger slipped a bit. {{{Thank you to Fleetwood for helping us out!}}} I have another question: how should we be setting the timers? I usually do 3 minutes while I'm sitting there playing, 1 hour if I'm just checking it periodically throughout the day, and 4 hours before I go to bed... Is there some other rule of thumb we should be following?? I also got two of the $1 businesses thru Booyahtopia on Airplane Mode. Woooooo! Also, I have this one goal sitting there FoReVER!!! It's the one where it says check into a restaurant within 25 meters. Now, I play on my iPad and I can use WiFi at my house, at my friends house, and I brought it with me to a local diner that has free wifi, but it says it's still like 61 or more meters away! I just don't get it... Thanks for any help and again I am LaurenTown<3 and my ID is : 43496125

Hey Lauren,

I'll try to gift a little more. Doing the time zone trick so I can give more gifts out each day. I've hit the business max so I'll leave the franchising to the others.

Not sure what other players are doing. Think that sounds good. My strategy has been to make the most money I can, collect money several times a day and doing as many jobs as I can to level up my businesses. And still stopping along my way to pick up some of the things they offer for coins. Finally got my first 2 businesses to level 10. It took me 2 months (without using bucks to upgrade). I'm pretty happy with how much I'm bringing in on a daily basis.

If I can sit with the game for awhile then I stagger the finish times - some at 3 mins, some at 15, some at 1 hour so not all the 36 businesses finish at once. And if I'm getting really close to levelling up a particular business then I do the 3 mins and check in so I'm doing a job every 1.5 mins. If I'm not around the game then I do 4 hr jobs and try to collect 4 times a day.

My ipod is not connected when I'm not home. As the long as the game doesn't crash I still can do my jobs when I'm out - just can't see the friends list or gift.

It took me a while to get past the 25m cafe check-in but I ended up using the free internet access at a downtown cafe (and clearing several similar goals on the same visit). It accepted businesses that were under the 25m. Keep trying businesses with free internet access. I just cleared the 25m entertainment business -- turned out it made a difference where I was standing. Just by moving to the other side of the room the distance went down by 20m.

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Hey Lauren,

I'll try to gift a little more. Doing the time zone trick so I can give more gifts out each day. I've hit the business max so I'll leave the franchising to the others.

Not sure what other players are doing. Think that sounds good. My strategy has been to make the most money I can, collect money several times a day and doing as many jobs as I can to level up my businesses. And still stopping along my way to pick up some of the things they offer for coins. Finally got my first 2 businesses to level 10. It took me 2 months (without using bucks to upgrade). I'm pretty happy with how much I'm bringing in on a daily basis.

If I can sit with the game for awhile then I stagger the finish times - some at 3 mins, some at 15, some at 1 hour so not all the 36 businesses finish at once. And if I'm getting really close to levelling up a particular business then I do the 3 mins and check in so I'm doing a job every 1.5 mins. If I'm not around the game then I do 4 hr jobs and try to collect 4 times a day.

My ipod is not connected when I'm not home. As the long as the game doesn't crash I still can do my jobs when I'm out - just can't see the friends list or gift.

It took me a while to get past the 25m cafe check-in but I ended up using the free internet access at a downtown cafe (and clearing several similar goals on the same visit). It accepted businesses that were under the 25m. Keep trying businesses with free internet access. I just cleared the 25m entertainment business -- turned out it made a difference where I was standing. Just by moving to the other side of the room the distance went down by 20m.


When I have been out and about, I have used the personal hotspot feature on my iPhone to connect my iPad to the Internet. You can access this through settings on both items and link them. It is quite effective if you want to link your iPad to the internet whilst away from your normal access.
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