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Also if any1 wants me to help them out wid franchises let me know and also just mention ur highest popularity businesse so that i can directly franchise them and help you out.. ;)

Have seen your nice town.
Wow, popularity is so high.
Mine is totally low.....
How do you do ?
If you want to help me, it's booyah id 34795103 (Ejby 4623)
Businesse: Levi Strauss Germany
KajDK (Denmark)
(Sorry, my English is NOT perfect, that's why i'm writting in not so many words ;-)
Ha everybody.I have some bad new about the spin to win, I learn on Facebook that boohay is fixing the glich on the spin to win that is why the daily awards are back instead of 3 free spins.
Have seen your nice town.
Wow, popularity is so high.
Mine is totally low.....
How do you do ?
If you want to help me, it's booyah id 34795103 (Ejby 4623)
Businesse: Levi Strauss Germany
KajDK (Denmark)
(Sorry, my English is NOT perfect, that's why i'm writting in not so many words ;-)

To be honest even i dont know from where people find such high popularity businesses.. :s i jus bot most of these 4m other peoples towns.. ;)
And i'll make some ftanchises in ur town dont worry!! :)
I'm looking to franchise a few buisnesses with popularity ratings of at least 10,000 to earn more coinage. I have about 41 bucks and around 1 mill in coins. I'd gladly help someone out if they have what I'm looking for, thx.
Is there a player on this list with a town name Kuala Lumpur? If so, what's your booyah number? The game crashed on me when I visiting your town so I didn't get to return your gift. When the game came back, the thank you option had disappeared.

Be great if is was possible to search towns by name and not just booyah number or location.

Town Name: Fleetwood
Booyah id: 38935656
Buck and coin gifts preferred. At business max so population is not needed.

Ps. And Easyb23, I wish we could get/buy things that other mayors no longer want. There were some limited editions things they offered before I started playing that I would love to have for my town.
Lol sorry I should have explained better. If I was to franchise you over and over within a space of a few minutes on the same business (mostly because that may be the only good business you have) I am told the subsequent franchises don't take. But I can't be sure that it is true. I read it in one of the forums.
I have very few bank notes , but my sister has none , and very very low businesses to buy, so with the few notes I had I tried buying her franchise lol only 20 bank notes , three times with in minutes of each other, and you are right, she only received one lot of notes .. Bubs5


Hi all!! Guyz the latest wonder, the INTERNET is just tooo good..!!! (even though its very expensive :p)
I got it and it reduces the jobs setting hassle so easily b'coz ive got like arnd 35 businesses!!
Also the previous addition of the storage facility while in edit mode is also very helpfull.. After gettin these two ive been re arranging and editing things all over my town and now it looks totally dfrnt :D feel free 2 check it out and let me know how yol like it.. :D
ID: 38230330 (aamir_313)

Also if any1 wants me to help them out wid franchises let me know and also just mention ur highest popularity businesse so that i can directly franchise them and help you out.. ;)

Please can you help me, bubs5 level 62. Booyah I'd 40829634. What gifts do you want
I have very few bank notes , but my sister has none , and very very low businesses to buy, so with the few notes I had I tried buying her franchise lol only 20 bank notes , three times with in minutes of each other, and you are right, she only received one lot of notes .. Bubs5


Please can you help me, bubs5 level 62. Booyah I'd 40829634. What gifts do you want

I'll make some franchises.. And dont worry i dont really need anythn.. Chill and enjoy..!! #;)
Hi everyone! I'm new to this game and the forums! I think I have a few really good businesses to franchise, so if anyone could help me out with that or even some gifts or even some tips would be great!!

45303014*is my ID number town name is San lauderdale

Thanks :-D
Like the new linking option to speed up setting jobs running. Had to buy quite a few as I have lots of cash but am out of bucks at the moment.

Any of you generous robin hoods fancy popping over and doing me some franchises so I can buy some new slots.

Happy to gift back.

Many thanks.


Should have said - just need on main town Calley Ville.
has anyone won anything big from the spin to win? Like alot of bucks or get three golds in a row? or even the 1500 xp points??

Thanks to everyone that has documented their advice on this forum. My son and I have learned a lot in the past week reading back and learning how to be more efficient with this game. We got rid of most of our local businesses and it is already helping. If anyone would be willing to franchise us, we would most grateful.

Thanks, Tony & AJ

BooyahID: 37738412
Can anyone offer any tips on how to gather bucks? I understand franchising is one way of doing so but how the heck can one gather bucks quickly enough to franchise a business that is 1000, 5000, 20,000 bucks...I can't even manange 200 let alone 20K? Any advice or help of any kind would be greatly appreciated :)
Can anyone offer any tips on how to gather bucks? I understand franchising is one way of doing so but how the heck can one gather bucks quickly enough to franchise a business that is 1000, 5000, 20,000 bucks...I can't even manange 200 let alone 20K? Any advice or help of any kind would be greatly appreciated :)

I've never had that much in bucks. What I did to get some of more popular businesses was to change my location so I was in the same town as the business then bought it for coins. ie. Quick in Paris costs $3800 bucks but by changing to Paris I was able to buy it for 645 000 coins.

Turn off location in your device settings. Delete the app from your device. Reinstall it. Then check in and it will ask you what city. You pick the one that has the business you want then either go to someone on your friends list or a town in that city and franchise it. Once purchased then you can turn the location back on.

Make sure you are synced up. The is a delay on the backing up of the game so I would avoid doing anything major before trying this. I've never lost anything but I had done some reorganizing and I had to redo it when the game reinstalled because it didn't save.

I was also able to do this with mytown businesses by changing to San Francisco. I got the AMC theatres and it was at popularity 33000 but nosedived to 5. I'm trying to decide now if I sell it or wait to see if it goes back up.
I like My Town 2, but it is hard since there is no kind of guide anywhere. The Booyah site doesn't offer any help either. Image[/url]

Have you been to That board is packed with info and the closest thing to a guide. It does take a bit of digging. Most recent posts are at the end of the threads

Booyah has a FAQ on their facebook page but its fairly basic
Hey guys,
Will someone please help me? I've just started playing... Maybe a week now? I can't get bucks or money fast enough? There's no business over pop 40 where I live so I franchise, but I can't make money??! Well, I do, but not a lot. I've remodelled into offices & have a few stock exchanges but I'm still struggling. I could really use a few friends... Any advice?

Oh I do love to be
Hey guys,
Will someone please help me? I've just started playing... Maybe a week now? I can't get bucks or money fast enough? There's no business over pop 40 where I live so I franchise, but I can't make money??! Well, I do, but not a lot. I've remodelled into offices & have a few stock exchanges but I'm still struggling. I could really use a few friends... Any advice?

Oh I do love to be

You've done a lot in a week. It's good that you're already using some wonders and the stock market/office combination.

It wouldn't hurt for you to do the booyatopia airplane mode trick to get a few popular businesses - give it at a few levels and they will shoot up in popularity. They pay more and businesses over 3000 will give you $50 when someone franchises them bucks.

If your real town doesn't offer much then you might want consider the changing locations trick so that you can franchise some businesses from other cities ie rome, paris, new york, san francisco, los angeles, london.

I'll send a few gifts your way.

Booyah's Love for Glitches

Hey everyone

For some time I have been reading this thread as a guest and learnt a lot from you guys. So I decided to share a new glitch in MT2 that I found even though I never managed to successfully use the glitch for spin2win or whatever.

I hjave tested it two times. First time was out of pure luck and after mimicking every little detail from the first time I managed to recieve 10,000 bucks for free after two nights. (first night i got 14,000 check ins)

So without further is what worked for me: (please try it and let me know if it works for you too)

everyday after 00:00 hours, when you open the game for the first time this free give out thing pops up and if you've been using it for some time now, it should give you 1 buck per night (oh the generosity!). So what we want it to get this pop at night but there's a condition BEFORE you have to be prepare for, in order for this thing to work:

1) Game should remain open in background: The game doesnt close completely right after you close it. What it means is that when you exit the game and go back to it after 5 mins or so, it is still there but it says "Resuming" while the screen is darkened. So we need this happen after 00:00. If the game reopens sompeletly it wont work (didnt work for me).
So what you wanna do is to keep the game open minutes before 00:00 (your local time ofcourse) and closing it before 23:59:59 (but not too long before that- something like 23:57 maybe just to make sure, you get this chance once a day only!)

2)Your sucky internet connection: The game is internet dependant. It means that it works only when you are connected to the web. Actually when it says "Resuming" it is checking your connection and most probably checking with the server that everything is ok. Well, actually we make it "believe" that everything is ok but its not. What you need after 00:00 is your iDevice to be connected to your WiFi BUT: you need the internet to choke. You have a connection (so the game works) but its not a very good connection so something is lost somewhere. In order to do that you have to suffocate your internet connection using ANOTHER device (pc/mac/...) to download something forcefully. What I do is I start a download with IDM (a downlaod manager) with 16 connections to suffocate my connection and if thats not enough, I also start downloading with torrent. So I make SURE that I have a BAD connection but im still connected.

3) now that you have everything ready, just open the game after 00:00 hours and wait for the "Resuming" dark screen to go away. It should take some time to go away now because you have a bad connection.

3.1) Im not so sure about this step but im gonna test it tonight to see if its effective or its paranoia :D
Just start tapping on the screen repeatedly when it says resuming. Then the free gift screen pops up and voila! It wont go away when you tap on collect! :D It just stays there forever. in fact youll have to manually close the app when you get tired of free bucks that you got :D

Im not still 100% sure that this works at all! It might have been just a random glitch that happened to me twice but by chance that worked at the same time I hadmade these steps ready for me. I dont really know. So dont kill me if it wont work for you :<

Hope you enjoy.

Please let me know if this works for you too.

P.S.Sorry for the long post. I never understood the bug for spin to win thing and I felt like people are keeping others from that. I dont care. Everybody should enjoy these bugs specially when the prices of stuff in MT are rediculously high.

Well I started splaying mytown maybe 4 days ago, I didn't know anything about the game really. So I just bought these really crappy businesses, I'm not making much money at all. I see posts from people saying they have millions and billions of coins, and also a lot of bills. I have about 18,000 coins and $25 bills. How can I start making more money? I can't afford high rated businesses, my most expensive one is around 700, and the others are in the 50-60 range.
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I need bucks and coins really badly, can people with lots of money please franchise my buisnesses? It would mean a lot to me, and once I get enough money, I can help other people too.

Booyah ID:45342752

Thanks so much!
Well I started splaying mytown maybe 4 days ago, I didn't know anything about the game really. So I just bought these really crappy businesses, I'm not making much money at all. I see posts from people saying they have millions and billions of coins, and also a lot of bills. I have about 18,000 coins and $25 bills. How can I start making more money? I can't afford high rated businesses, my most expensive one is around 700, and the others are in the 50-60 range.

1) Get a couple of businesses from booyatopia. they are very high popularity and will earn you $50 when someone franchises you from far away. the cost only is 1 buck when you go to booyatopia with your device in airplane mode. they also earn more on the jobs.

2) Consider changing your location to pick up some popular businesses for coins rather than bucks- involves deleting and reinstalling the game on your device) ie. Paris, new york, san francisco

3) Let us know your booyah id so we can send gifts and franchise you

4) Franchise rather than buy (that way all your jobs are free)

5) A range of popularity is good but the 50 to 60 ones aren't going to do a lot for you. For people franchising me locally, my businesses in the 1000 to 3000 range performed really well for earning me coin franchises. And now at level 9 they with several people having franchised me they pull in $6000 every 4 hours (collected at least 4 times a day)

6) Get a few wonders i.e stock markets and make all your businesses offices or big top circuses and make all your business entertainment.

7) visit for more tips, tricks and advice. And more franchise fairies.

8) This game counts on you getting to know other players both in your town and far away (far away franchises give you bucks) so give out gifts and thank players for their gifts.

9) don't spend your money on getting the upgrading skins -- I purposely looked for certain skins (as well as popularity when I got my businesses

10) Build / expand when you get the instant building hammer. That way you do not need to pay bucks to finish building jobs

11) catch the sales (from to time the put land clearing, featured items on sale) and take advantage when they have double the coin weekends

12) sign up for Not sure how much longer this option will be available because itunes has made some rule changes but you get mytown2 bucks just for downloading apps. I stick to the free ones and most I delete after opening.

In the beginning, I would concentrate mostly on building population (houses and the community buildings) and revenue then once you're earning nicely then put more emphasis on the decoration part. some players fill their town with businesses and wonders until they reach a certain income they sell them and start designing their town the revenue. You do also have to complete the goal list but that will help you move up. You can also get revenue from the houses (there's a list on mytown2 that tells you how much earns what). If you can afford it then get a few notre dames because they help build your housing revue.

Each business level you go up you will earn more. As you advance, as long as you have some businesses with popularity, some wonders and get franchised you should do okay. Once you get a level 10 business you can get buck gifts so concentrate on getting 1 business as fast as you can to level 10 (some players used bucks -- I just did a lot of tapping, 3 min jobs and check-ins)

You do have to be selective -- if you get absolutely everything they offer then you will run out of land as well as money

I have only spent real money once -- only $5 and that was before I discovered this these tips. Booyah charges a lot but the only time you should ever need to spend any real money with them is if you REALLY want one of the limited items.

I'm now at the point where land costs 3.5 million. And I'm earning that in 2 days (which is slow compared to some people)


And thanks for tip Ari.
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1) Get a couple of businesses from booyatopia. they are very high popularity and will earn you $50 when someone franchises you from far away. the cost only is 1 buck when you go to booyatopia with your device in airplane mode. they also earn more on the jobs.

2) Consider changing your location to pick up some popular businesses for coins rather than bucks- involves deleting and reinstalling the game on your device) ie. Paris, new york, san francisco

3) Let us know your booyah id so we can send gifts and franchise you

4) Franchise rather than buy (that way all your jobs are free)

5) A range of popularity is good but the 50 to 60 ones aren't going to do a lot for you. For people franchising me locally, my businesses in the 1000 to 3000 range performed really well for earning me coin franchises. And now at level 9 they with several people having franchised me they pull in $6000 every 4 hours (collected at least 4 times a day)

6) Get a few wonders i.e stock markets and make all your businesses offices or big top circuses and make all your business entertainment.

7) visit for more tips, tricks and advice. And more franchise fairies.

8) This game counts on you getting to know other players both in your town and far away (far away franchises give you bucks) so give out gifts and thank players for their gifts.

9) don't spend your money on getting the upgrading skins -- I purposely looked for certain skins (as well as popularity when I got my businesses

10) Build / expand when you get the instant building hammer. That way you do not need to pay bucks to finish building jobs

11) catch the sales (from to time the put land clearing, featured items on sale) and take advantage when they have double the coin weekends

In the beginning, I would concentrate mostly on building population (houses and the community buildings) and revenue then once you're earning nicely then put more emphasis on the decoration part. some players fill their town with businesses and wonders until they reach a certain income they sell them and start designing their town the revenue. You do also have to complete the goal list but that will help you move up. You can also get revenue from the houses (there's a list on mytown2 that tells you how much earns what). If you can afford it then get a few notre dames because they help build your housing revue.

Each business level you go up you will earn more. As you advance, as long as you have some businesses with popularity, some wonders and get franchised you should do okay. Once you get a level 10 business you can get buck gifts so concentrate on getting 1 business as fast as you can to level 10 (some players used bucks -- I just did a lot of tapping, 3 min jobs and check-ins)

You do have to be selective -- if you get absolutely everything they offer then you will run out of land as well as money

I have only spent real money once -- only $5 and that was before I discovered this these tips. Booyah charges a lot but the only time you should ever need to spend any real money with them is if you REALLY want one of the limited items.

I'm now at the point where land costs 3.5 million. And I'm earning that in 2 days (which is slow compared to some people)


And thanks for tip Ari.

Thank you for the tips! I will try to get higher level businesses, and if I can I'll start franchising too. My booyah Id is 40932435. It would be much appreciated if people could gift and franchise. Thanks guys :)
Thank you for the tips! I will try to get higher level businesses, and if I can I'll start franchising too. My booyah Id is 40932435. It would be much appreciated if people could gift and franchise. Thanks guys :)

I just added you so I can send you gifts. I'm just waiting until midnight so I have some more gifts to give. Looks like already in New york - that's great. I'm leaving the franchising the others because I'm at the 36 business max now and not quite ready to get rid of any.
Hey everyone.
I've had some luck with glitches and getting bank notes, but could use some franchise.
Don't know why I love this game... But I do!
If anyone can help me out, I'll do the same for you.
Please help need them bucks !
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