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Hey town players I have rebuilt my town since I had to start over finally mde it to lever 50 I think any way I hate asking but it sure would help a little if someone could franshize a property I should b that much my levels r from 1-7 I sure would like to get nice wonders thank u:))
^ Lexie, give my your ID and I will gladly share the wealth here.

And whoever this Konstantin individual is...thank you, thank you! Your past 2 visits are GREATLY appreciated. Feel free to stop by anytime again :)

BooyahID: 36118398
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bucks please :D

Hey guys, i really need some bucks.

Please send gifts and franchise my businesses.
My BooyahID is 42585722
My id is 45096354 & I will return favor until then I can only gift thank & any 1 who wants to help
Hi sent you a few franchises but your businesses are too low in population to give you any decent money. Try the airplane mode trick. Turn airplane mode on your settings to on. Go and explore businesses and the only one that will come up will be booyahtopia. Ignore any messages. You can franchise top businesses for 1 or 2 bucks. The population will be low but within a couple of days will shoot up dramatically. Post when this is done and I will franchise again and you will be receiving 50 bucks a time then. For clearer instructions see some previous posts where people have gone into more detail. Hope that helps.

Hey I tried the airplane mode and it want do anything what am I doing wrong my Id is 45096354


Hey town players I have rebuilt my town since I had to start over finally mde it to lever 50 I think any way I hate asking but it sure would help a little if someone could franshize a property I should b that much my levels r from 1-7 I sure would like to get nice wonders thank u:))
My id is 45096354 and THK u very much 4 the 1's that have helped :)
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Can someone help me get some bucks please?
Booyah ID: 38140551
I'll send gifts in return :)
Just want to say thanks soo much 4 the help with franchising it's going to take awhile to get to level 10 since I had to re start my id is 45096354 my goal is mt.fugi just shake & collect I'm at 50 m cash but dollar here dollar there then I have it I gift every day & so I don't leave any 1 out I gift down the line so if u don't get a gift that day yr turn will come back the next
I'd really appreciate any help I could get. (Franchising/Bucks) Im looking drastically raise my popularity. My 36 businesses range from roughly 30,000 to 3000. I'm hoping to reach the billions like I have seen. I am a regular and I can assist as much as possible. And game hints would be greatly appreciated.

Town: Bel Air
ID: 37561964


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I was wandering how is it people is getting 50.00 n cash when some1 franshizes there business & I do good just to get 6.00 I have plenty of coins but no big cash & the cash I do get plus watching the 4 games for little 1.00, I either try to save up between the 2 ways then I franshize some 1 else then it's back to 0. Will some one tell me what I am doing wrong my id. Is 45596354
WTF...I had the oddest glitch today on MyTown 2. It was around 11:50ish PM and of course I decided to wait until 12AM to collect my DAILY REWARDS which I'm sure all who play MyTown 2 are familiar with. Lately for those rewards I have been receiving 2 bucks and thats it for the day. I must wait a full 24 hours for the same 2 bucks again as my daily reward, simple as that. But oh how that completely changed for the better today. I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else yet but as I went to click that button to collect my rewards today the 'Daily Rewards' box was still active and wouldn't disappear as usual after ONE click. So of course I was puzzled by this glitch and decided to click the same button one more time. And long and behold...I was able to push this button repeatedly and collect bucks without the box disappearing. I was able to collect over 400 bucks before the application decided to restart itself. As a note, all was well when I was pushing the rewards button slowly. Once my finger went into turbo tap mode is when the application decided to reboot itself. So for anyone out there who comes across this odd glitch DO NOT GO ON TURBO MODE. This is a good time for patience to be tested and used.

So with all that said...has anyone come across this glitch before?

Hiya! Yes the same thing happened to me about a week ago but being the sado that I am (lol) I tapped and tapped and managed to earn myself just over $5000 bucks for free! if I hadn't got so bored I could have easily have got more! Check out my town booyah Id: 38272685 town name is katies town !


Hi everyone, check out my town! Booyah ID is 38272685 and towns name is katies town! I've got All of booyahs businesses, I'm on level 67 and only have 9 more bits of land left to buy!
Please can people send coins or franchise in my lovely boyfriends town? His booyah ID is 39468707 and his town name is andyl84's town. Thank you :)
Can anyone please tell me if the spin to win glitch is still working? Ive tried but I can't do it! :)
Please can people send coins or franchise in my lovely boyfriends town? His booyah ID is 39468707 and his town name is andyl84's town. Thank you :)

Thank you to whoever franchised in his town!! He's just told me! He is really chuffed and excited to buy mt. Fuji, bless him. Sorry he didn't catch the name? He didn't even know I put his ID on here so it was a nice suprise for him :) we both love the game but don't know too much about it lol! If anyone wants to franchise in my businesses feel free! (it is my birthday soon lol!!) :) my booyah name is katies town ID 38272685 :) ;)
Thank you to whoever franchised in his town!! He's just told me! He is really chuffed and excited to buy mt. Fuji, bless him. Sorry he didn't catch the name? He didn't even know I put his ID on here so it was a nice suprise for him :) we both love the game but don't know too much about it lol! If anyone wants to franchise in my businesses feel free! (it is my birthday soon lol!!) :) my booyah name is katies town ID 38272685 :) ;)

If 'lucky town' has seen this, I want to say a HUGE thank you!!!!!
My id is 45096354 I have been to some of ya'lls ttown and may I say WOW !!!!! I have tryed to franshize but my 1 st question is how are y'all able to spend or get so much cash with out spending real money yes sure thanks to konstantin,and several others who have franshized from me I get few dollars I know I need to get my population up on my bussiness but if I can not franshize the popular ones From saving up to franshizing the 1's I could afford was 20.00 it took me for ever to save that I tried the airplane & location it didn't work 4 me but I only have the iPhone don't know if that makes a different or not but like I said ya's town look great
My id is 45096354 I have been to some of ya'lls ttown and may I say WOW !!!!! I have tryed to franshize but my 1 st question is how are y'all able to spend or get so much cash with out spending real money yes sure thanks to konstantin,and several others who have franshized from me I get few dollars I know I need to get my population up on my bussiness but if I can not franshize the popular ones From saving up to franshizing the 1's I could afford was 20.00 it took me for ever to save that I tried the airplane & location it didn't work 4 me but I only have the iPhone don't know if that makes a different or not but like I said ya's town look great
Hiya, I got my popular buildings from booyahs town. It works best if u turn your wifi off. When you tap to franchise in them you've got to be quick and catch them for $1 as they will quickly go up into the thousands! Check out videos on YouTube, it'll show you how to do it! :)
Hey Katie's town I have had u on my friends list for a bit i just dont hv the cash to franshise yet what i have goten cause my levels r small but im worken on it still t I don't know how to change the name of my town so I guess my town is called my town ? Or lexies town ? I'm on iPhone & wifi is off I go if I turn location off it want let me go to any towns and I also did the airplane mode still nothing how do I find booya's town I go to explore when I type n it says can't find THK u for the help & all I can do is send u 1.00 n cash everyday
Hiya, I got my popular buildings from booyahs town. It works best if u turn your wifi off. When you tap to franchise in them you've got to be quick and catch them for $1 as they will quickly go up into the thousands! Check out videos on YouTube, it'll show you how to do it! :)
Hey I have u as a friend I think town is called my town don't know how to change it any way I'm on iPhone wifi is off did airplane mode & tryed turning location off nothing will work for me I don't know how to find booyha's town I did explore typed it in and it says could not be located so I'm sorry I haven't Bn able to franshize from u cause my business r low until I can reach level 10 when people do franshize I usuall get less than 6.00 BUT I GOT 1 some1 franshize last night I got almost 50 my id is 45096354 so until I get cash save up to franshize some thg good I can only 1.00 n cash a day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :))))!!!!!!

I statt playing my town 2 some time ago but for 1 month i was not very active. Now i will be more active and i would appeciate very much if someone could franchise my bussiness. U can get 50 bucks on somw of them for sure.

My id is 39106042. I can gift anione if u need. Thanks in advance
Have seen your nice town.
Wow, popularity is so high.
Mine is totally low.....
How do you do ?
If you want to help me, it's booyah id 34795103 (Ejby 4623)
Businesse: Levi Strauss Germany
KajDK (Denmark)
(Sorry, my English is NOT perfect, that's why i'm writting in not so many words ;-)

My id is45096354 highest is coke cola 3563 I would like to franshize but all I get is 6.00 or less but last night I got almost 50 bucks now if a few people could franshize this I could get better franshize so I could earn money if u or any 1 else would like to help all I will b able 2 do 4now is gift yr highest level my cash on Hand is. O
Hey Guys Im back!!!

Ive been away since my IPAD was broken! But now im back and in need of help from the AMAZING Robin Hoods!! Please help me out! Sinbull are you still around? i miss your visits!!

My Town-Diddy Bop
Finally I got 66.00 now I only need 346.00 to go to get shakie shake thank u all u has gifted and franchised :)))
Finally I got 66.00 now I only need 346.00 to go to get shakie shake thank u all u has gifted and franchised :)))

Hiya! Thank you thank u for the franchise! As soon as I'm able to build another business I will return the favour :)


A big thank u to konstantin!! What a lovely visit! I havent been able to send anything over as you have nothing in your town yet! :)
Finally got 4 descent business id is 45096354 would like to get the mt figi tired of accidentally spend my few dollars when collecting my coins
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