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My old town sassylexie new name Barbara id. 45096354. Level 62 I think I've Bn playing all day as always BUT now it loads finishing up then it kicks me out yes I did hard shut down yes cleared everything my other games load no problem I hv Bn trying for 2 hrs has any 1 b. having this problem I did the up grade the day it came out
My old town sassylexie new name Barbara id. 45096354. Level 62 I think I've Bn playing all day as always BUT now it loads finishing up then it kicks me out yes I did hard shut down yes cleared everything my other games load no problem I hv Bn trying for 2 hrs has any 1 b. having this problem I did the up grade the day it came out

My does samething in regular mytown2. Ive been playing mytown2 getaways.

ID: 33762840
Townname: Hell
Lvl: 44

I know my townname is stupid I didn't make it!
My does samething in regular mytown2. Ive been playing mytown2 getaways.

ID: 33762840
Townname: Hell
Lvl: 44

I know my townname is stupid I didn't make it!

Hi it came bl on bout 4 pm my time & that was on getaway everything seems ok now as far as name I bn playing long time and I just figured out how to change the town name I'm slow names Barbara id 45097354
Please Help Me

Hi Katie,

I like the concept of the new game, but all of the glitches that worked before with the old version no longer work. For example, I had invested WAY more money into housing than businesses because I was able to stack my income with my 20-something snow globes and I was easily making $400,000 a house per hour. Also, I had learned the spin to win trick and earned over 14,000 free spins and thousands in dollars (in addition to all my snow globes).

The downside? My Town 2 got really boring really quick (I became a super town with too much money to spend and nowhere to spend it) and now that all of the kinks are worked out, you can no longer "spin at the right time" to gain tons of dollars and my housing income went from $400,000 per house per hour to maybe $3,000 per house. I quickly spent my 64 million in expansions with the new Getaway version, so I'm now down too in coins as well with less businesses than most players at my level have.

The plus side? The new "collect" puzzle pieces give you something to mysteriously work for and since I no longer have millions in income every hour (more like $400,000 total for housing and businesses) it gives me other things to work for as well - the most expensive community & decorations for the getaway towns now take time to save up to. Also, the vacation towns more appealing to look at. My regular town was starting to look like a starship city from star wars. I don't invest any businesses into my getaways, although they are designed to do so. I just keep them as play towns to set up fun things in. I keep my regular town as my money maker.

I got impatient very quick in the first MyTown2 game and so learning all of the glitches & cheats (mastering spin to win & franchising with wifi off) were my challenges. In this game, I'm really able to set up the towns in a way that I find fun & appealing without having to worry about making money in them.

ONE VERY IMPORTANT TIP TO SHARE THAT I REGRETFULLY LEARNED THE HARD WAY: Do NOT do anything with your money - purchases, etc. - while the new version is downloading. I made this mistake and purchased a $800 (dollars not coins!) Google business and then spent a ton of more bucks upgrading it to a level 10 while the new version was downloading. I didn't realize that the new version would completely REPLACE the old version so when I went to open it up, the thousand plus bucks I had spent on my Google business were gone but my business sadly was not there. It didn't make the upgrade. Shoot! .... I've pondered if I should email them to complain about that so I could get it back and completely act as if I didn't gain that business through glitches anyway, ha!

Anyway, there's my two cents. If anyone discovers new glitches in the Getaways version, feel free to share! I can't say that I wouldn't be tempted! :)

I have been getting business with the wi-fi turned off. that's really the only way I can afford them. I really would like to get MT. Fuji :) it's a lot of work I know, but would you be so kind as to franchise me? My town is samsam42's town and my number is 48369170. Thank you so much.


For that matter Can anyone help me? It will take me a while to get bucks built up, but I will franchise back soon :) 48369170 thank you in advance. :)
I have been getting business with the wi-fi turned off. that's really the only way I can afford them. I really would like to get MT. Fuji :) it's a lot of work I know, but would you be so kind as to franchise me? My town is samsam42's town and my number is 48369170. Thank you so much.
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I have been getting business with the wi-fi turned off. that's really the only way I can afford them. I really would like to get MT. Fuji :) it's a lot of work I know, but would you be so kind as to franchise me? My town is samsam42's town and my number is 48369170. Thank you so much.

Hey this is Barbara. 45096354 I just added u to friends list so starting Friday I can send I gifts and franshize usoon as I can

They have been giving Mt Fuji for free for upgrading to Mt Getaways.You should contact and tell them you didn't get your FREE Mt Fuji. Save your bucks for something else. This link shows you the newsletter I got about it
I just emailed booyah support about the free Mt Fuji and was told

"This was a special giveaway that not all players won, sorry for the confusion!"
Yeaaa finially got my last 2 pieces of land bought in my town now just gota wait 24 hrs if it was not for the specials of half off I would still b buying. AND I ALSO WANT TO THANK EVERY 1 for franshizing I have franshized some back but not all cause I don't have hundred in cash so I gift n cash if I can & if I have gifted u 1 day & not the next its because I go down my friends list so can gift every body I wish they would raise the gift limit more than 5 any way I just wanted to say thanks and this is the only way I can so THANK YOU AGAIN. !!!!!! Barbara formally know as sassylexie 45096354. :)
My town 2

Hi have a question how do u change the name of a business
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Hello and thank-you! I just wanted to tell you how much you helped me tonight. It was after I was done

reading your post and realizing how much I had let this game actually become an idol to me.. I'm not talking about "religion" or the Jesus that everyone says they love.. that wants us all to drive nice cars and have "our best life now".. No, I'm talking about the Jesus Christ of the Bible.. The one that really did live, really did die and rise again to pay the penalty for all the sins that we His beloved have committed, and still continue to commit each and every day.
I would love to be able to reach through and hug you! Maybe you already know Him..the real Him of the New Testament..not the one everyone says they love but really ignore.. :):):)
But if you or any one else on here would like to know more about Him and how much it cost Him.. and "what was in the cup" that He prayed that night in the garden would "pass" from him(Matthew26:39) not just the physical pain but the "wrath of God" please find the sermons online and listen to parts 1&2 called "the depth of the Gospel" by a man named Paul Washer..not just the clips on u-tube that someone has put dramatic music to, but sit down with your Bible and listen to the real sermons.. Find out if you know Him..or if (like in my case) you have only been spending your life thinking you already knew him.
What a peace He gives ..(John 14:27).. a peace that "passes understanding" (Philippians 4:7) a place to rest "in Christ Jesus" .. where although our righteousness is "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6).. it's His righteousness(Christ's) that covers us and gives us access to the Father(1 Timothy 2:5)..
Don't be "terrified" ever again...but find the place that He has prepared for you and every single one of us.. Be.. "in Christ Jesus" :):):) it's a place we can live right here and now! (2 Corinthians 5:17) ..many, many hugs and prayers sent up from south Florida!:):)

Ephesians 2:8 "For by Grace are you saved..through Faith..and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God..not of works lest any man should boast!;););)
Well, now you can guess why I like the's only by His Grace and I'm His Girl! ;)
#####GraceGirl 31405501

Hi just wanted to say Ike yr post
My town 2

I ran out of gifts on my town, so I sent you one from my iPad (ignore that one- I'm still trying to figure out how to sync my town on my iPad and phone, but at least this way I have 10 gifts to give out!)


Hey I added u to friends list all I can do for now is gift u all ready at max limit on business for now but I go down frends list so if I don't gift u every day. It will b at least two xs a day id 45096354
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I have some really high pop business from all over the world. Would appreciate being franchised because I'm short on green bucks:

tim l: 48292315

Thanks :)

Hi just wanted to say Ike yr post

I haven't been on the game in quite awhile.. I sent you over some green bucks I think.. :) just leave a gift on my Grace Bible Church so I can link over and give you 50$ It needs to cost me 500$ for you to get the full 50$ :) that's the max it will let us give now. I will try to check in on here once and awhile..I need to go back and read to get up to speed. You probably know all this! :D Sorry I'm so out of the loop. They used to call me Maid Marion back when this game just started :rolleyes: I do sooo love to be helpful ;) and ..kind ..trusting in Christ fills me with His joy. Happy late Thanksgiving to all of you! :D
##### GraceGirl

### Crickets Chirping ###. Where is everyone at? Must be still Black Friday shopping or this game has finally faded out! Well, Hello to GraceGirl! Thanks for the franchises! You should send invites to all those people from the beginning of this post and have a MyTown 2 reunion! :p:p:):):D:D
Hi, I am new to mytown2. I am raising two daughters and times are tough. This game is a escape for me. i dont have the funds to buy bucks or coins to expand. is there anyone that can help a Dad in need? My Booyah ID is 49362955. Thank you to anyone that helps.
Come visit There are a lot more of the active players over there.

What a funny business name? "Who says Elephants Can't Dance" ID35122953
Thank you the couple of people that have helped! Sardi recommended so i am going over to that website. every gift was Much Appreciatted!
I haven't been on the game in quite awhile.. I sent you over some green bucks I think.. :) just leave a gift on my Grace Bible Church so I can link over and give you 50$ It needs to cost me 500$

for you to get the full 50$ :) that's the max it will let us give now. I will try to check in on here once and awhile..I need to go back and read to get up to speed. You probably know all this! :D Sorry I'm so out of the loop. They used to call me Maid Marion back when this game just started :rolleyes: I do sooo love to be helpful ;) and ..kind ..trusting in Christ fills me with His joy. Happy late Thanksgiving to all of you! :D
##### GraceGirl
Hey back yes got your business and your franchises thank for that on my end it's growing in
First time poster w questions

Hi all,
Just started playing about a month ago. lvl43, 151k pop, 300k coins..3 bucks..
I am wondering if this seems about right for my amount of playing. I have won 3 globes which have helped some with homes. I have purchased 3 stocks towers and converted most business to offices for now.

I am wondering though what the secret is to getting more bucks. Everyone talks about having so much, is it just through franchises or about saving?

Also wondering what the deal with instant builds are? I rarely see them when I could use them then when I had no space (including the temp box thing) and no coins, three pop up in a matter of minutes? Is there some secret with this?

And how do you know if you have been franchised? Does is say this specifically? Do you need to be friends with someone first?

Thanks for the help in advance!
i hve been reading everyone post i just don't get how u guys are making all the money. i was just saving for to buy land had about 5000 and i hit a upgrade and lost it all it didn't even give me the notification like it was surpose to here is my I.D 40782772 i am up to level 70 and i don't have no money i was so mad i started to sale the propertitys that don't make money i am ready to close every thing need help
I need some assistance.....

Just came across this forum and hoping someone can help me. I have been playing this game for a couple of months on and off. I am at level 61 with a population of 1,572,700. The oproblem is i am unable to buy or franchise any new businesses, I am at 40 and get the message i have reached my max businesses. I cant seem to find a way to increase my business count. is there any way to increase the number?:confused:
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