My Town 2 Getaways Version Review
Hi Lexie, I haven't really been on the getaway yet. I did the first day but accidentally deleted it (instead of the old app!!) so am hoping booyah will help me get it back as spent quite a bit. Looks okay though. I don't know how people who are new to mt will be able to afford things though!!... I don't like the fact that the amount of coins I was bringing in for my housing ( I had loads of snowglobes) has completely dropped since the update!! How are u finding it? How do others like it too?
Hi Katie,
I like the concept of the new game, but all of the glitches that worked before with the old version no longer work. For example, I had invested WAY more money into housing than businesses because I was able to stack my income with my 20-something snow globes and I was easily making $400,000 a house per hour. Also, I had learned the spin to win trick and earned over 14,000 free spins and thousands in dollars (in addition to all my snow globes).
The downside? My Town 2 got really boring really quick (I became a super town with too much money to spend and nowhere to spend it) and now that all of the kinks are worked out, you can no longer "spin at the right time" to gain tons of dollars and my housing income went from $400,000 per house per hour to maybe $3,000 per house. I quickly spent my 64 million in expansions with the new Getaway version, so I'm now down too in coins as well with less businesses than most players at my level have.
The plus side? The new "collect" puzzle pieces give you something to mysteriously work for and since I no longer have millions in income every hour (more like $400,000 total for housing and businesses) it gives me other things to work for as well - the most expensive community & decorations for the getaway towns now take time to save up to. Also, the vacation towns more appealing to look at. My regular town was starting to look like a starship city from star wars. I don't invest any businesses into my getaways, although they are designed to do so. I just keep them as play towns to set up fun things in. I keep my regular town as my money maker.
I got impatient very quick in the first MyTown2 game and so learning all of the glitches & cheats (mastering spin to win & franchising with wifi off) were my challenges. In this game, I'm really able to set up the towns in a way that I find fun & appealing without having to worry about making money in them.
ONE VERY IMPORTANT TIP TO SHARE THAT I REGRETFULLY LEARNED THE HARD WAY: Do NOT do anything with your money - purchases, etc. - while the new version is downloading. I made this mistake and purchased a $800 (dollars not coins!) Google business and then spent a ton of more bucks upgrading it to a level 10 while the new version was downloading. I didn't realize that the new version would completely REPLACE the old version so when I went to open it up, the thousand plus bucks I had spent on my Google business were gone but my business sadly was not there. It didn't make the upgrade. Shoot! .... I've pondered if I should email them to complain about that so I could get it back and completely act as if I didn't gain that business through glitches anyway, ha!
Anyway, there's my two cents. If anyone discovers new glitches in the Getaways version, feel free to share! I can't say that I wouldn't be tempted!