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Hi all! I've just franchised from booyahtopia the french laundry restaurant with airplane mode trick. But the business popularity remain to 1 after i build it instead of 24k but i use the build hammer to build it. Previously i franchised the weebo store with no problems.. Anyone has a problem like this?
You can see it visiting my city @ 40746257 ! Pop. gifts really apprecciated. Thanks to all.
Hi all! I've just franchised from booyahtopia the french laundry restaurant with airplane mode trick. But the business popularity remain to 1 after i build it instead of 24k but i use the build hammer to build it. Previously i franchised the weebo store with no problems.. Anyone has a problem like this?
You can see it visiting my city @ 40746257 ! Pop. gifts really apprecciated. Thanks to all.

Yes. I've bought several from booyatopia and it has happened everytime. Not to worry. Just wait a little. It usually takes until about level four then it will shoot right up to the right popularity level. I just looked at your town and its showing popularity at 25000 which is what you want.
Yes. I've bought several from booyatopia and it has happened everytime. Not to worry. Just wait a little. It usually takes until about level four then it will shoot right up to the right popularity level. I just looked at your town and its showing popularity at 25000 which is what you want.

Tnx Sardi! I gifted you back some bucks! I think it's a booyah server sync problem.. So i wait for the right popularity level ( i already see it at 14). I'm just now building from booyahtopia the four seasons hotel.. Tomorrow i will see if i get the same problem.. However tnx a lot! :)
Need some help

Hi,i need some bucks if someone can help me with some franchising ..i played alot this game but never had alot of bucks...
Thanks alot. Id :39106042. I will reply worh gofts if u want and if u tell me what u need. If gifts i really need bucks. Ty.
Can anyone help me with a few bucks via franchising? Your help would be greatly appreciated :)

BooyahID: 36118398
Can anybody franchise my business my booya ID is 46204456

You really need to get some higher popularity businesses. All your businesses are under 50. You won't get very far with franchises or earning income. Get at least a couple over 3000 (read a couple of pages here for info on the airplane mode trick and buying from booyahtopia).
I've tried doing a few franchises for some of you in between changing up one of my businesses. I don't have enough bucks to manage the big popularity franchises. Have no idea how much you actually get for those low buck franchises so but I hope they helped just a little and that you saw some other franchises as well. I'm back to having 36 businesses (the business max) so I can only manage gifts for awhile.
ID: 39886597
Name: Agginville

Could use some extra bucks, if anyone can help out...wana get big ben and notre dame real bad..

Almost all franchises on left are Level 10

Also doea anyone know how to get XP quicker...ive been playing since last october and when the levels froze at 50 and i was constantly leveling up all if my business i missed out in a lot of xp....kinda suks cause my town is at level 61 but i eaisly have more businesses at level then people with higher town levels!!! :(
ID: 39886597
Name: Agginville

Also doea anyone know how to get XP quicker...ive been playing since last october and when the levels froze at 50 and i was constantly leveling up all if my business i missed out in a lot of xp....kinda suks cause my town is at level 61 but i eaisly have more businesses at level then people with higher town levels!!! :(

As far as I know levelling up is the fastest way. Some players have started a new business just to get xp. I've got quite a few of businesses going through level 8 and 9 now so i'm hoping that will give me what I need to finish level 73 get through level 74. 75 is the new top and I've heard that there is a huge jump to get to 75.

I do use check-ins a lot to make my jobs finish faster and some of them give me 20xp. When I'm travelling, I stagger my jobs as 3 min, 15min and 1 hour. Then check in to a half of them. Gives me constantly something to do but it also helps with xp going up. Some players have told me they have 1000 check-ins saved up because they haven't been using them once they finish the goal list - if they all have 20xp then that could be 20000 xp just sitting there. Just don't do this is you' re not playing in your real location (it can cause issues with crashing your business popularity)

We can also send you xp gifts but I'm not sure how much you actually get.
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Thanks Sardi!!!

Btw if anyone is looking for high popular businesses to franchise I have 17 businesses over 5000 and 9 businesses over 10000.

ID: 39886597
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Hi everybody! I'm running out of bucks so i would really appreciate if you guys could start franchising me :) i will gift you every day! Thanks in advance! <3

Town name: AkiBoee's Town
BooyahID: 37617791
WTF...I had the oddest glitch today on MyTown 2. It was around 11:50ish PM and of course I decided to wait until 12AM to collect my DAILY REWARDS which I'm sure all who play MyTown 2 are familiar with. Lately for those rewards I have been receiving 2 bucks and thats it for the day. I must wait a full 24 hours for the same 2 bucks again as my daily reward, simple as that. But oh how that completely changed for the better today. I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else yet but as I went to click that button to collect my rewards today the 'Daily Rewards' box was still active and wouldn't disappear as usual after ONE click. So of course I was puzzled by this glitch and decided to click the same button one more time. And long and behold...I was able to push this button repeatedly and collect bucks without the box disappearing. I was able to collect over 400 bucks before the application decided to restart itself. As a note, all was well when I was pushing the rewards button slowly. Once my finger went into turbo tap mode is when the application decided to reboot itself. So for anyone out there who comes across this odd glitch DO NOT GO ON TURBO MODE. This is a good time for patience to be tested and used.

So with all that said...has anyone come across this glitch before?
Hey every town player this is my second go at my town when I updated my iPhone something went wrong and I lost every thing including contacts & something important to me my photos I was at level 60 on my town I didn't know I needed to know my Id number for my town so I had to start all over which now I'm level 46 so if u r addicted to the game as I am remember yr id or write it down so it can b reloaded again I gift & I do franchise so if u would like to add me its 45096354
Hey guys :)
looking for some bucks, would greatly appreciate if you all could franchise me, ill send gifts and what not back :D
thanks a ton
booyahID: 45975419
Hi all
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. Been busy playing another game, and barely getting on here on MT2.

Been trying to keep up with the franchises to all who have left me gifts. Thank you. Just leave a note here with BOTH your Booyah ID AND your town name and I will try and help with a franchise.

If you don't leave both your ID and name I can't find you because my friends list is HUGE.

I have a problem with MyTown Stock Exchange. It's not giving me the 20% income bonus for Offices. The Mega Mall does give me the 10% on Retails.
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