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Hello to all!...can anyone please help me? I need funds, population, etc my ID No. is 37712754. I will appreciate it very much. Im addicted to this game! Thank you in advance guys!!


BTW my town name is FUNKYTOWN, MANILA 37712754. Help!!

I still dont get the stw trick.....tried many times..i do what mr nice guy said...
And if succeded first time i just spin again or what i do?
Ty for franchise and i apreacite some more for trying stw.....
Id is. 39106042
Ty jason,got 50 bucks. C
They offered those items the (countdown ball, New Year, ( pot of gold Saint Patty day) (the ballon, A spring item), (Snow globe was for Christmas) the dragon den was the first Medevil items. But the are gone! The were once featured items. Make sure u check featured items ever week and holidays because they offer neat items for a limited time. Also I have a business worth 177,000 popluarity points. My ID 32949951


I need money. Will someone franchise me? I have great business. My popluarity is over 800,000. My largest franchise is worth 177,000 points. ID 32949951

Thanks 4 d info bro..
I'll franchise some stuff in ur town 2 help u out..
Help! I had to start over again after reaching level 63. I've been trying to save my bucks so that I can upgrade a business to level 10 so that I can get more bucks gifted to me, but I just accidentally spent all that I had on an upgrade I didn't want. Plus, because I had to start over, nobody has franchised me. Please help me out in anyway you can!

ID# 41252459



Thanks longwood village. Any gift you would like to receive?
Hello my friend. I'm from Poland. I do not speak good English.

I would ask you to support me in game My Town 2. I need your help with franchisese. I need bucks, now i have 3 bucks. I try with STW but i don't win anything good.

My town: patrykowo and my ID: 40630634

Thanks a lot for help my in this game. I'm in love in this game but i need yours help.

Greetings from Poland:)

Friends, tell me how to play STW to win?:)

What works for me:

Spin the wheel, after the first wheel starts spinning hold the same place you used to spin, then let go after the last wheel stops but before the numbers fully display. Keep repeating.
nope. Just trying to give back since so many helped me. Using various tricks I now have 2 billion coins, 40k dollars and am level 70. Just keep checking in here for the latest tricks and take advantage before each one gets fixed.

Bro what is the secret of earning coins? Now that i have learnt the stw trick, i continuously get short on coins.. The way of doing jobs in business and quickly finishing it by paying in bucks is tedious..!
Bro what is the secret of earning coins? Now that i have learnt the stw trick, i continuously get short on coins.. The way of doing jobs in business and quickly finishing it by paying in bucks is tedious..!

Choose your highest earning business, set it to 4 hours. Then, pay 3 bucks to finish the job early and hey presto you get a load of coins. Alternatively, franchise someone else, build it and delete. You get coins when you delete. If you have plenty of bucks now these are good ways I've found of turning them into coins.
Anyone updated yet? Does the glitch on spin to win still work for the update? And do visit and gift my town and i will gift u back

Booyah id 38963710
Here is some info regarding the new update.

I updated and the STW still works! Storage blah. Overall seems like a great update.
Thanks 4 d info bro..
I'll franchise some stuff in ur town 2 help u out..

You rock! You hooked me up! You have franchised multiple business at my town. I have been updating and buying things for my town that would taken me months to buy. Come back anytime! Thank u so very very much! :)

Can someone please help me with my town2. Have been play for some time and it's starting to take lots of coins for land Over 470,000 and going up. boo!! ID 35139106
You rock! You hooked me up! You have franchised multiple business at my town. I have been updating and buying things for my town that would taken me months to buy. Come back anytime! Thank u so very very much! :)

You're welcome bro..!! ;)


ID: 38230330
Hi guys im Aamir.. Incase any1 wants me to franchise their businesses then add me and just mention ur business with highest popularity.. :)
The thing is, you actually dont have to press and hold anything. All you have to do is press once, to start the wheels....then press again right after the last wheel stops....if you time the last "press" correctly(it is really easy when you get hold of it) this will start a new spin, and make the numbers to the left start spinning(under the left "wheel")....and there you go. Everything else is explained in all the other posts in this matter.

Ive made a total of 70.000 free spins and probably around 150.000 bucks this way. Been spinning for a total maybe, a few 3-4 hours. :)

Thanks for your help Mr Keys. Finally got it working but only after upgrading my ipod touch to ios5.

Fleetwood 38935656

I'm new and I need all the help I can get from the business moguls in here.


I'm new and I need all the help I can get from the business moguls in here.


Wish I'd found this forum as early as you. It took an unpopular update for me to find it.

- Work on building your population so you can buy businesses. You can do this with housing, decorations, community items. There are also some wonders that add population.

- When you do buy businesses pick high popularity ones. The businesses you have are low. This will make you attractive for people looking for franchises and also give you coins to buy land and items for your town.

One trick to get high pop businesses for low bucks is to turn airplane mode on your device then franchising businesses from booyah.

Another trick is turn off location services then to change your city location (by deleting then reinstalling the app). This will let you buy them for coins rather than bucks. Good cities to look at are Paris, London, New York and San Francisco Here's a link to high popularity businesses Franchising is better rather than going through the business search.

- Wonders help you increase the value of your coins so you can build them faster. Some players add several stock markets and make all their businesses offices. The eiffel tower is also a good one for increasing the coins you are getting. There are some wonders help with building (The big ben wonder is good for faster building and the pyramid wonder builds the wonders instantly). I personally hold off building and expansions until I get the instant building hammer that pops up. I sometimes see the hammer 2 or 3 times a day)

- take advantage of the weekend specials. From time to time they offer discounts on things like land expansions, double the money earned on jobs. They offer sales on items and limited edition items.

There are some Robin Hoods on this list that will help you out by gifting and franchising. Until you get some higher popularity businesses though you won't get anything when people franchise you.

I sent you a gift. Since you're in the low levels we're limited as to what we can send you. I'm holding off on adding anymore businesses because I'm close to the business/pop max limit.

See if you can master the spin n win trick mention on the last couple of pages. Good way to build bucks.

Another way to get bucks in small increments (usually 1-2 but as many as 8 or 9) is to register on You get bucks for downloading the apps then running them (I delete them once I open them and get the bucks). I only pick the free apps. Booyah used to direct you to this but they removed the link to it but it still works.

Good luck. Hope that helps.
Wish I'd found this forum as early as you. It took an unpopular update for me to find it.

- Work on building your population so you can buy businesses. You can do this with housing, decorations, community items. There are also some wonders that add population.

- When you do buy businesses pick high popularity ones. The businesses you have are low. This will make you attractive for people looking for franchises and also give you coins to buy land and items for your town.

One trick to get high pop businesses for low bucks is to turn airplane mode on your device then franchising businesses from booyah.

Another trick is turn off location services then to change your city location (by deleting then reinstalling the app). This will let you buy them for coins rather than bucks. Good cities to look at are Paris, London, New York and San Francisco Here's a link to high popularity businesses Franchising is better rather than going through the business search.

- Wonders help you increase the value of your coins so you can build them faster. Some players add several stock markets and make all their businesses offices. The eiffel tower is also a good one for increasing the coins you are getting. There are some wonders help with building (The big ben wonder is good for faster building and the pyramid wonder builds the wonders instantly). I personally hold off building and expansions until I get the instant building hammer that pops up. I sometimes see the hammer 2 or 3 times a day)

- take advantage of the weekend specials. From time to time they offer discounts on things like land expansions, double the money earned on jobs. They offer sales on items and limited edition items.

There are some Robin Hoods on this list that will help you out by gifting and franchising. Until you get some higher popularity businesses though you won't get anything when people franchise you.

I sent you a gift. Since you're in the low levels we're limited as to what we can send you. I'm holding off on adding anymore businesses because I'm close to the business/pop max limit.

See if you can master the spin n win trick mention on the last couple of pages. Good way to build bucks.

Another way to get bucks in small increments (usually 1-2 but as many as 8 or 9) is to register on You get bucks for downloading the apps then running them (I delete them once I open them and get the bucks). I only pick the free apps. Booyah used to direct you to this but they removed the link to it but it still works.

Good luck. Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot.
What was tha new game Booyah came out? Something about a railroad? I jus dismissed but it looked cool and I can't find anything about it online. Am I crazy or did anyone else see the advertisement pop up when they opened mytown the other day?

Hi there, if some people could help me with Franchises it would be amazing. Im stuck on low popularity on my buisness :( im close to a mil in population tho, and im lv 54. Tried the STW trick plenty of times, still seems like its fixed for iphone 4s during the latest update?

BooyahID: 36933069. Kuklins Lair.

Thank You!!
What was tha new game Booyah came out? Something about a railroad? I jus dismissed but it looked cool and I can't find anything about it online. Am I crazy or did anyone else see the advertisement pop up when they opened mytown the other day?

It's called My Railway,it's developed by Game Insight LLC. :D
Get some popular business with more than 3000 popularity. That will generally give you 50 bucks when others help to franchise . The more popular your business is, the more coins you get from franchises.
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