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#####Bucks :)

Hey Grace Girl,
What do you mean about "freeze our green buck on our level 10's"? I finally got one of my businesses to level 10, Nintendo World, and I have not received a gift buck yet on this business. Do I have to do something to be able to receive a buck for a gift? I am still getting population gifts on Nintendo World.

Not that I know of.. When people pick that one to gift they get to choose what they give you.. Sometimes people who already have unlimited green bucks (Our dear kindhearted Robinhoods) would prefer population.. :):)
but to us a gift of a green buck is preferable..cause every little bit!;) If I get 2 or three I shut down the app and restart it to freeze my progress.. It has been know to shut down and steal bucks and coins both! :(

Have a good night all.. Or good day.. Heehee..have a good something everybody! Lol! ;)
#####GraceGirl 31405501
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Gordito said:
I am shocked. I lost my complete city . Its gone, only Green field.... I Spent days and months and also Real Money to buy Green bucks. Its just green. I had 1.4 million People, 140 Million Coins and some bucks..... The City Loads only Green, but it Shows still my money, and also my booyah id. I Sent already Mail to booyah, we will See what will happen.
Very sad, what a tragedy.... :(

Hey pal, is your town name "tuwagareal"? Because if so I tried gifting you tonight as I have done several times in the past...only to find an empty city with all plots open but nothing but green field.

Disturbing...still shows the town at Level 50 with like 30k population, but no earnings or popularity.
Wonderland what the heck!! How did you get did you get "The Mothership"?? It looks so cool!! I'm jealous :eek:


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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Hey pal, is your town name "tuwagareal"? Because if so I tried gifting you tonight as I have done several times in the past...only to find an empty city with all plots open but nothing but green field.

Disturbing...still shows the town at Level 50 with like 30k population, but no earnings or popularity.

Yes its me, i sent you sometimes population. On the facebook page of mytown2 are some people the wrote abbout the same problem. I really hope they will be able to fix that problems.
hey guys..i found if u do 3 minutes jobs over and over again when u have time u collect more money and get more xp as well to level up fairly new and have gifts that i send out to random booyah ids so if anyone wants send me a gift and ill return the favor instead of sending it to random ppl who rarely gift me back... my booyah is 35835098 thanks.....and feel free to let me know what u think of my town and how i can improve it....... 35835098:)
Green Bucks for Errands

Are we still getting them?

I was averaging like 1-2 green bucks a day from errands.

I have not earned a single one since the update.

Did they take this away?

Also: on an unrelated note, not only did they add new content, they took content away. Where is the zeppelin guy? I made space for him in my England area, and now he's been removed. Ugh.
Are we still getting them?

I was averaging like 1-2 green bucks a day from errands.

I have not earned a single one since the update.

Did they take this away?

Also: on an unrelated note, not only did they add new content, they took content away. Where is the zeppelin guy? I made space for him in my England area, and now he's been removed. Ugh.

I've been getting bucks. seems no rhyme or reason. I got 2 in a v short time span & didn't get another one while watching the oscars last night...
I just got a buck, some coins, and a check in in one shot! First time for me...

I do not understand the popularity business! :confused: When I go to someone's town, and check the stats, I see that, for example starbucks has a popularity of 155000. :rolleyes:But when I leave the stats, and check on the store itself, it shows a popularty of 24000! :eek:And if I frenchize it, that's the popularty that I get in my stats. That sucks!:mad:

Plus, it seems that any store that I buy keeps losing popularity!:(

Well for the first time ever the popularity of my business went up when I had someone check my stats and then the actual page?!? weird.. I bought the KFC from Brooklyn and I think it is 15570 now..
I have about 10 of my 36 businesses that are low pop places just cause I like them and the rest are bigger NYC ones.. I can never decide if I should dump the low ones and actually care about pop..or if it just fluctuates to much to bother.. :eek:
#####GraceGirl 31405501 :)
Max population reached. MyTown2 has become boring.

anyone worried who is doing this, when booyah upgrades the game, that they suddenly will not having enough population to get more businesses greater than their 36?

I'd love to take out pop. fillers, but am worried I'll have to get "tons" more population to get my 37th business (& up)--

Once I reached over 1mil population, the next increment was 5Mil to get another business. I was over 3mil when the new update came in. Now my population reads as MAX. I can't purchase any new businesses and would have to sell those I have for others. Looks like I would have to buy businesses that are not based in my location to really increase popularity. Land mass is maxed out without the opportunity to expand. Why would I want to spend all this time making a town I like and then have to destroy it to keep playing?

The only reason I check in these days is to distribute gifts to players with who franchise my businesses or send gifts. I wish I could buy more gifts with coins. This would make it more fun and allow me to help other players who are striving to reach the max level.

I wouldn't spend money on the game beyond the $1.99 spent long ago. I wouldn't participate in any more sponsoring offers for bucks because there is nothing more to do that is of much interest. Very disappointing to really get into a game and community and find yourself running into a brick wall.

It amazes me that Booyah won't at the very least add some new land we can buy to expand our towns and create renewed interest in the game. It's like watching a three hour suspense movie and having the film break right before the climax/resolution. Why did I go through all this to have such a let down. I would have much preferred getting space to expand and options to buy more to having gobs of while limos driving around the town or having the Mt Fugi that doesn't work well to collect my coins. What a low value 'upgrade'!

Katie's Dream 32639747
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����������I was just saying I was bored and wished I had the nerve to level my town and start over.. Well I ALMOST just had to... :eek::eek::eek::eek: I turned on my page and I saw a big green field with one little skateboard dude and then suddenly my whole town appeared and he skated! Thinkin I better go take a screenshot just in case... :eek::eek::eek: Whew.. That was enough excitement for me today.. I'm not sure if I'm scared or relieved or both! Shivers...
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Maybe that is the sign I need to go tear up my town and redecorate ..maybe spend my bucks on the Eiffel Tower instead of saving them for Fugi and losing them.. :(:(
Ps.. Where's Big bridge? I haven't seen her posts in either forum??
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Maybe that is the sign I need to go tear up my town and redecorate ..maybe spend my bucks on the Eiffel Tower instead of saving them for Fugi and losing them.. :(:(
Ps.. Where's Big bridge? I haven't seen her posts in either forum??

I'm thinking about doing the same thing after I remove all my SE's. Still not pulling the trigger though. :)

Bridgid told me that she may "disappear" at times because of her wacky work schedule, but she will definitely be back. ;)
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I used to get a buck or two a day running errands. I'd say 1 in 15 errands. Now in the past week or so I'm not getting hardly any bucks so matter how many errands I run.

The only thing that has changed is I now shut down the app and restart it once a day or so. I know someone else said this a few posts back. I think they were right. When I used to stay logged into the game for weeks on end, running errands was quite lucrative!
Woah! Where is the spaceship from?! It's gone now though, but Very cool. I really hope they come out with more land soon...has anyone posed this question to Booyah?
thanks again to are my Santa!!! <3

ID: 30038783
Rock City
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a very big thank you to cAndyland for your franchising my caesars palace, i appreciate very much:D

Yep, the same from me! That was the first 50 bucks for me! :cool:

I wish I could buy one of yours...but unfortunately cannot afford the 7000 price tag! :eek:
cAndy Land - Gifts of Population only pls

Hi All,

If you send me a gift of Population. I will franchise one business of yours (with Bucks of course)... If you are lucky maybe more than one :)

I don't need any other gift except population

Trying to help out all I can.


Hi All,

If you send me a gift of Population. I will franchise one business of yours (with Bucks of course)... If you are lucky maybe more than one :)

I don't need any other gift except population

Trying to help out all I can.



There you are!!! Thanks again!!

Thanks also to Pekman City! :)

ID: 30038783
Rock City
Woah! Where is the spaceship from?! It's gone now though, but Very cool. I really hope they come out with more land soon...has anyone posed this question to Booyah?
thanks again to are my Santa!!! <3

ID: 30038783
Rock City

A couple weeks ago I received reply from Booyah to watch for upcoming update with more land. After last update I contacted again and today received reply stating that adding land should be an absolute priority and that the team will be pressured to add more soon. Booyah is great about repsonse within 24hrs.
Anyone needing land should contact them, maybe if enough of us do they will get us an update. Would like to get mt. Fuji before 3rd but cant without having to sell other purchased items
Id 31939551 pamiam's

As much as I like this game, its starting to annoy me a little. The creator of this game is clearly only in it for the money, and that is not such a bad thing but there has to be a balance between money and them taking care of their customers. But this is turning into a highway robbery. I don't mind spending 1 or 2 bucks here and there on a good game but this company is trying to squeeze every red cent out of their customers.

50 Actual US Dollars for a stupid upgrade, COMON!!!!!


Town Name: Aliville
Booyah ID: 33026100
Population: 117k
Earnings: 3.9 Mil
Popularity: 64,010
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cAndy Land

Thank you cAndy Land.

We really do appreciate the franchises and kindness that you have given to us all :)

Sharazani - 29141376 Dalaran

Hi All,

If you send me a gift of Population. I will franchise one business of yours (with Bucks of course)... If you are lucky maybe more than one :)

I don't need any other gift except population

Trying to help out all I can.


Hi All,

If you send me a gift of Population. I will franchise one business of yours (with Bucks of course)... If you are lucky maybe more than one :)

I don't need any other gift except population

Trying to help out all I can.



Andy has spoken :) where have u been? u haven't posted in a while :)

since u're here i'd like to thank you too :) i really love that u're franchising from me everyday. thanks to you i finally franchised the businesses i wanted so badly. i'm always greedy though :) i got my eye on some other businesses, just waiting for the right time to franchise them :)

anyways, you know you always have one of my gifts everyday. that's the least i can do :)
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