Not that I know of.. When people pick that one to gift they get to choose what they give you.. Sometimes people who already have unlimited green bucks (Our dear kindhearted Robinhoods) would prefer population..
but to us a gift of a green buck is preferable..cause every little bit helps..lol!
If I get 2 or three I shut down the app and restart it to freeze my progress.. It has been know to shut down and steal bucks and coins both!
Have a good night all.. Or good day.. Heehee..have a good something everybody! Lol!
#####GraceGirl 31405501
Hey Grace Girl,
What do you mean about "freeze our green buck on our level 10's"? I finally got one of my businesses to level 10, Nintendo World, and I have not received a gift buck yet on this business. Do I have to do something to be able to receive a buck for a gift? I am still getting population gifts on Nintendo World.
Not that I know of.. When people pick that one to gift they get to choose what they give you.. Sometimes people who already have unlimited green bucks (Our dear kindhearted Robinhoods) would prefer population..
but to us a gift of a green buck is preferable..cause every little bit helps..lol!
Have a good night all.. Or good day.. Heehee..have a good something everybody! Lol!
#####GraceGirl 31405501