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There does seem to be a couple of bugs with this "update".

I feel like the big ? of booyah spying on the forum has been answered. With a big NOOO!!!!!!

I also have a feeling that the future doesn't hold tha ability to purchase more biz do tho the fact that population is at MAX.

Last nite my screen was going sideways but this morning it hasn't happened. I do see it's taking longer to load friends towns. Don't know if it's my connection or the game

I also had the problem of the game shutting of And losing the progress I made in that session. So I guess I'm back to shutting game off every few minutes to save. Especially after receiving bucks

If I am wrong about the spy thing.....MORE LAND PLEASE!!


Bummer - no new levels, or land. But then again, I'm still restarting, so maybe by the time I get to level 50, there will be a real update. Bummer if the rumor is true about popularity now rising. I got my new businesses at ridiculously low popularity.

Has anyone (gracegirl :D) found out if we can still change locations the old / risky way?

The shaking feature is cool, but not all that. Why would anyone stack Mt. Fuji (CandyLand)?

Bugs: After a while, and some shaking, my screen goes off center, and I can't scroll to the top, without it bouncing back up.... And some of the cars start driving sideways. I like the white stretch limo. Did everyone get this? Funny to see it driving sideways. I have to get out of the game, shut it down from memory, and re-open it.

All of a sudden, the Japanese looking lady, that I had hundreds of, from the VIP Apartments is gone! Now the residents I have are from the few different housing types I managed to put in to get some diversity. Strange. My rapid rebuild has made my town kind of empty of people. Maybe it didn't grow organically enough?

Looking forward to more observations. I'm still hooked on this game, and willing to give it a chance. I think Booyah is in over its head, and didn't expect such rapid success. They're probably rethinking a lot of things. Maybe they'll charge a fixed price for the game and stop charging for bucks. I wonder if they charge local businesses for advertising money, as well?

New Johnstown - 33651074[/QUOTE]
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

I am angry beyond belief. Are you kidding me? This is the big update?

- No new levels
- No new land
- An overpriced wonder
- Like 10 new buildings / decorations to buy
- A checklist replacing the girl on the screen
- A little picture on the wonders buy screen showing what category the wonder is for.

F$&@k you Booyah.

I AGREE!!! All this new stuff but no extra land... kind of pointless.

Booyah should of just held back on the update, and release a big update altogether. Aside from my major buildings and businesses, I had to remove my trees/roads/decorations to make room for the new stuff (just to make sure I will be getting the so called "bonus").

I'm sure Booyah is more than aware that land and levels is what many of us are waiting for... I wonder if anyone has emailed them about this?
business model

Booyah needs to rethink the value of their bucks. They are in business to make money of course, but the way they have valued their bucks doesn't allow them to make nearly as much money as they could be making. Mt. Fuji is a perfect example. At the current exchange rate I would have to pay $50 for enough bucks and have a few bucks left over. How many people are really going to do that? If Mt. Fuji were $5 how many would buy it? I'm guessing a large number of people would. They've made the bucks so expensive that a black market for bucks has been created where a few people have exploited the system so they can gift to the many via franchising. The more they try to limit this, the more people are going to try and get around the system. If the bucks were cheap, there would be no black market for them. I have currently spent $0 with Booyah due to their pricing, and I bet most others have spent nothing as well. I will spend a dollar or two every week or so for something cool that adds to my town. I will not ever spend $50 at one time for something, but they could get $50 out of me over the course of a year. With over 2 million people playing the game they could generate a very nice revenue stream and keep people happy.
#####Waving to ALL th Mayors! :)


Bummer - no new levels, or land. But then again, I'm still restarting, so maybe by the time I get to level 50, there will be a real update. Bummer if the rumor is true about popularity now rising. I got my new businesses at ridiculously low popularity.

Has anyone (gracegirl :D) found out if we can still change locations the old / risky way?

The shaking feature is cool, but not all that. Why would anyone stack Mt. Fuji (CandyLand)?

Bugs: After a while, and some shaking, my screen goes off center, and I can't scroll to the top, without it bouncing back up.... And some of the cars start driving sideways. I like the white stretch limo. Did everyone get this? Funny to see it driving sideways. I have to get out of the game, shut it down from memory, and re-open it.

All of a sudden, the Japanese looking lady, that I had hundreds of, from the VIP Apartments is gone! Now the residents I have are from the few different housing types I managed to put in to get some diversity. Strange. My rapid rebuild has made my town kind of empty of people. Maybe it didn't grow organically enough?

Looking forward to more observations. I'm still hooked on this game, and willing to give it a chance. I think Booyah is in over its head, and didn't expect such rapid success. They're probably rethinking a lot of things. Maybe they'll charge a fixed price for the game and stop charging for bucks. I wonder if they charge local businesses for advertising money, as well?

New Johnstown - 33651074
I just saw my town for a minute so I haven't had a chance to go check that out yet.. You know I gotta stop by and see all you MT2 guys! I'm on my way back over there now..ohh man..say it is'nt sooo! How can I be "Maid Marion" (thank you Licat:rolleyes:) if they won't let me give people coins? Going to check it out..fingers crossed! :):)
#####GraceGirl 31405501
Ps.. Still a ton of people franchising all my businesses for coins so maybe that is a good sign!;)
Darn darn darn

Damit. Sorry, I had to say it. Two days ago I saved someones town because I wanted to franchise e apple store in San Francisco, but needed population, the price was over 100,000 but I was cool Witt at. I have population today, and the app,e store is now only bucks, damnit! Haha

I'm desperately trying to get to $200 bucks to buy the Eiffel tower, I hear some talk about people making more bucks, can someone help me understand this? Franchising and gifting?

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Booyah ID - 32785725
Booyah needs to rethink the value of their bucks. They are in business to make money of course, but the way they have valued their bucks doesn't allow them to make nearly as much money as they could be making. Mt. Fuji is a perfect example. At the current exchange rate I would have to pay $50 for enough bucks and have a few bucks left over. How many people are really going to do that? If Mt. Fuji were $5 how many would buy it? I'm guessing a large number of people would. They've made the bucks so expensive that a black market for bucks has been created where a few people have exploited the system so they can gift to the many via franchising. The more they try to limit this, the more people are going to try and get around the system. If the bucks were cheap, there would be no black market for them. I have currently spent $0 with Booyah due to their pricing, and I bet most others have spent nothing as well. I will spend a dollar or two every week or so for something cool that adds to my town. I will not ever spend $50 at one time for something, but they could get $50 out of me over the course of a year. With over 2 million people playing the game they could generate a very nice revenue stream and keep people happy.

You've nailed it so hard!! I think we should all email Booyah about their business model.

In addition, I mean... its great that they are providing updates and releasing new content... but it defeats the purpose because the user has no land to build them... so if Booyah is charging bucks/money for the "vip/limited" items then they won't be making a whole lot because users have no land to purchase/build the new items.

Bummer - no new levels, or land. But then again, I'm still restarting, so maybe by the time I get to level 50, there will be a real update. Bummer if the rumor is true about popularity now rising. I got my new businesses at ridiculously low popularity.

Has anyone (gracegirl :D) found out if we can still change locations the old / risky way?

The shaking feature is cool, but not all that. Why would anyone stack Mt. Fuji (CandyLand)?

Bugs: After a while, and some shaking, my screen goes off center, and I can't scroll to the top, without it bouncing back up.... And some of the cars start driving sideways. I like the white stretch limo. Did everyone get this? Funny to see it driving sideways. I have to get out of the game, shut it down from memory, and re-open it.

All of a sudden, the Japanese looking lady, that I had hundreds of, from the VIP Apartments is gone! Now the residents I have are from the few different housing types I managed to put in to get some diversity. Strange. My rapid rebuild has made my town kind of empty of people. Maybe it didn't grow organically enough?

Looking forward to more observations. I'm still hooked on this game, and willing to give it a chance. I think Booyah is in over its head, and didn't expect such rapid success. They're probably rethinking a lot of things. Maybe they'll charge a fixed price for the game and stop charging for bucks. I wonder if they charge local businesses for advertising money, as well?

New Johnstown - 33651074

Just tried after backing up, and yes, the old trick still work. My town is now in Los Angeles and can franchaise with coins for business there.

My cars are driving side way too... It's crazy. And the limos are too long for some corners and they are driving sideway sometimes too. Other vehicles are going sideway after the shake.

Disappointed, but still having fun...!

I just saw limos driving in my town. Does anyone know why they ae here all of a sudden?

Kingville 33054518
Please read

Everyone, this thread has been moved over to our new home. Please start leaving your comments over there. I can't get my iPad to post the link, so look at the previous page (licat) and you'll see the link.

This forum will be permanently closed in the next week or so. Please start using the new area. You'll find a lot of content there.

Hope to see you there!


I just saw limos driving in my town. Does anyone know why they ae here all of a sudden?

Kingville 33054518

It's because of the update. They come from the VIP items.
#####March 3 & 4th..

Has anyone heard what this Mayor Appreciation Day is all about? Come back March 3 &! Like we aren't (pretty much) on here every single day :D Wonder what that means? Free Bucks would be great.. Or even if they would make my "Where's the tennis courts" peeps pay up a green buck once and awhile.. I wonder if you get cut off after your town gets to a certain value or something.. Maybe I'll just clear the whole thing and fill it with vineyards.. Then my people might be walking sideways instead of the cars..heeheehee! ;);)
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Noooooo!!!!!!!!! I haven't tried yet.... :O

I can do it with no problem. Even reinstall as moved to LA now. Just make sure u tap the 'explore' tab first before going to friends list and franchaise. I can franchaise in coins for business in LA. Before today I was in SF and franchaisimg business there I coins
Old News...

I know this is old news by now, but I am so disappointed about the cost of Mt. Fuji. I don't think that I will ever accumulate 442 bucks, unless I purchase them myself, which I will not be doing. My only hope is that Booyah will be giving away massive amounts of bucks on "Mayor Appreciation" days. Oh well... I will continue to play and wallow.

Where's the Shinto Temple???!! It's supposed to come with Mt. Fuji, before 3/4. Anyone get it yet?

New Johnstown - 33651074
Where's the Shinto Temple???!! It's supposed to come with Mt. Fuji, before 3/4. Anyone get it yet?

New Johnstown - 33651074

Per MT2 Facebook, the Shinto temple is to be credited at a later date...didn't say when though...

hi guys,

i don't know if u noticed this but the pop gift requires level 6 again, not 3.

and u know i've been checking the stats of some businesses like mixer bar.
i noticed that its population went up 10000 and it costs 1000 bucks more than yesterday. so i think our businesses populations are coming up again. that's a good thing :) but i gotta hurry and buy the mixer bar now before it gets pricy again :)

hi guys,

i don't know if u noticed this but the pop gift requires level 6 again, not 3.

and u know i've been checking the stats of some businesses like mixer bar.
i noticed that its population went up 10000 and it costs 1000 bucks more than yesterday. so i think our businesses populations are coming up again. that's a good thing :) but i gotta hurry and buy the mixer bar now before it gets pricy again :)

I noticed that too. Now it is fourth instead of third.. Right.. Wonder if we get more population now or is it still the really low # they dropped it to before..(I can't remember and I always forget to look) :)

My page is pretty much set up now.. It's so funny cause when I started I was just in awe of the official Booyah page.. but I was just over there and I think I like my own better now... Lol! Which makes sense cause it's all the things "I" like.. Duh.. Hahaha! I wish we could make our own little decorations.. My town needs some flower pots :):):)
#####GraceGirl 31405501


Is there any kind of walkthrough or something for this game?
Start on page one of this forum.. Heehee..we all learned by the school of hard knocks.. You could avoid all our! :D:):D:)
oh my god!

what just happened to mixer bar? i wrote that its popularity went up 10k 2 hours ago and it was 72k. now its 2k? unbelievable ! what's going on?
Screen tilted

After repeatedly shaking, I can no longer get to the top of my town. For a while I could stretch the screen and get there, but even that isn't working. I read that if you log out it will correct itself. How the heck do I log out? Thanks. I'm playing on an iPad if that makes a difference.

And of course, thank you cAndy for all that you do.

ID. 31715131
First time posting here, just have a few things to say:

A Chicago person! *squeals* I'll be stalking you and probably franchising your Sears Tower in the future if I don't find someone who has it at a higher level. I visited it for real a couple weeks ago, and I must have it! :D (I'm in Madison, WI)

Also.. omg. I wish I had discovered your city sooner, Gracegirl. I looked all over the towns in Green Bay and other places in Wisconsin HOPING someone would've thought to make Lambeau Field the football field skin. Alas, they didn't. I gave up my search and purchased the football skin for mine JUST A FEW HOURS AGO and then saw that you had a level 10 sitting there eager to be franchised. So I deleted mine and franchised yours for the bonus. I don't have the money to get tons of bucks like others, so it sucks knowing that I could've saved 20 bucks lol. Oh well.

If anyone wants to check out my town, excuse the mess. I have all of my premiums on display (most were franchised), but it's not very organized right now. I'll work on that more once I have more expansions.

Yayyy, finally someone franchised something from me.

And yes I do not have lambeau field, if i ever buy it, i will tear it down...GO BEARS!!!! haha

I am looking at your town and its awesome, you must have paid a ton for all of those lights. Very nice job.
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