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I am angry beyond belief. Are you kidding me? This is the big update?

- No new levels
- No new land
- An overpriced wonder
- Like 10 new buildings / decorations to buy
- A checklist replacing the girl on the screen
- A little picture on the wonders buy screen showing what category the wonder is for.
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Jail breakers can you spare some dollars?

Ohhh I really want Mt Fuji (to go with my Japanese flag).. Jail breakers pulleaaase come donate to my Mt Fuji fund# --arigato !
Thanks GraceGirl for franchising my husbands businesses! He was so excited and said 1 person franchised a ton of them. He didn't expect it at all.

Thanks again to candyland for the franchises! You are beyond generous for helping everyone!

I'm a bit disappointed at how much mount fugi costs. They need to get real with their pricing. It would cost $50 for 600 green bucks. The wonder costs 442 bucks. Get real! Does anyone actually buy them? In the real world $50 can buy you an entire game. It just seems wayyyy out of touch. I might actually pay for them if I saw it as a value, but right now it's more of a scam. I know they need to make money to continue but they are way off base.

I don't remember reading if others get free items. So far I got a clock tower, koi pond, and ice cream truck. What makes this happen or is it completely random?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

This is what I am talking about...let the buck begging begin...disgusting.

"Wait, I get a free new Shinto building if I build Mt. Fuji by 3/4? OMG OMG OMG now I HAVE to build it!!!"

Guys, no, please, don't be mindless robots. You have to be smarter than this.

Booyah wants your time and your money. They don't care about making this a better game, that's pretty clear.

I'm not that sick in the head. And I'm not doing this anymore, I'm done.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

I am angry beyond belief. Are you kidding me? This is the big update?

- No new levels
- No new land
- An overpriced wonder
- Like 10 new buildings / decorations to buy
- A checklist replacing the girl on the screen
- A little picture on the wonders buy screen showing what category the wonder is for.

F$&@k you Booyah.

I agree. I can't believe no new land OR levels :mad::confused:

how LNG has that "new levels coming soon" popup been there?
v disappointed.
(& that pet game sucks, I already deleted it)

I, too, am disappointed with the update content. I was hoping for more levels (I hate seeing all those stars just go to waste) and more land. However, I do like the limo - there's a bunch of them driving all over town - and I've put in all the new housing. I'm sure I'll be remodeling as time goes on. I'm glad, though, that given the lack of new content, I went ahead and put my town pretty much the way I want it (although now I'm concentrating on franchising new restaurants).

One thing that did really irritate me is not only having to pay for Mt. Fuji, but the sheer amount of BUCKS which it costs. I tried the free trial for shaking the device, and I don't like it. I have businesses which finish before others and which I don't want to collect on until everything is ready to go, and by shaking the iPad, it collects all the coins out there. I long ago went back to four-hour jobs, and having to set jobs which finish early to one-hour increments just to keep them all finishing the same (I guess it's because of the lightning bolts when I do check-ins) is a pain in the butt. I won't be buying it.

Thanks again, Andy, for your continued support. I'll be sending you peeps tomorrow with my gift allotment. You don't know what your franchising means to me. It's the one way I'm able to get bucks without buying them with real money or saving up my one buck a day. Even though I frequently get a buck with the errands, you all know how slow it is to amass them.

I've started a thread on the new board for new member introductions. I thought it would help newbies get integrated into the group, as it can be difficult to break into an established family. I'll be "moderating" it, if you will, greeting all the new members, and pointing them in the right direction. If you would all welcome people whom I introduce, I would appreciate it - and I'm sure they will, too. :)

Gee, Barracuda - I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with you. ;)


I agree. I can't believe no new land OR levels :mad::confused:

how LNG has that "new levels coming soon" popup been there?
v disappointed.
(& that pet game sucks, I already deleted it)

I like the pet game. But then again, I'm a sucker for cartoon animals...


OK, just one more thing.

Remember, everyone, this is just a game. Don't get so worked up over it. It's NOT real life. I know we're all disappointed about the "upgrades", but you don't have to buy anything. You didn't buy it to begin with. I see people groveling for bucks so they can buy that latest wonder or whatever. It's just silly. Enjoy playing it for what it is, or find another game which makes you happier. As I've said before, I've made some good friends here. For me, that's the best part of all this.

Just saying.
Just want to say I'm disappointed about the update too, but yes, it's just a game.

Thank you CandyLand for all your help so that for I can buy something new this time. The mt Fiji does look nice. I mean, I hate it that it costs so much, but it's a game and I guess maybe I can be happy and thankful that I've met you all here who's helping each other out. Thanks for all the tips and advice here I have accumulated enough coins to buy the new items.

By the way, can someone look at the business at chocotown (35709847)? All the businesses shows a popularity of 25 and located in MyTown, CA. No matter how many I franchasied from it, the popularity won't go up. Where is MyTown, CA anyway? I'm just a little confused about what's going on with those businesses.

Thank you all, relax, enjoy, and have fun. And if it's no longer fun, I know it's be a sign for me to stop.
Just want to say I'm disappointed about the update too, but yes, it's just a game.

Thank you CandyLand for all your help so that for I can buy something new this time. The mt Fiji does look nice. I mean, I hate it that it costs so much, but it's a game and I guess maybe I can be happy and thankful that I've met you all here who's helping each other out. Thanks for all the tips and advice here I have accumulated enough coins to buy the new items.

By the way, can someone look at the business at chocotown (35709847)? All the businesses shows a popularity of 25 and located in MyTown, CA. No matter how many I franchasied from it, the popularity won't go up. Where is MyTown, CA anyway? I'm just a little confused about what's going on with those businesses.

Thank you all, relax, enjoy, and have fun. And if it's no longer fun, I know it's be a sign for me to stop.

I agree, it's a game and it should be fun--and people should be able to post here without being piled on--what's the difference between asking for help getting a wonder and asking people to franchise their businesses? Understand people are frustrated--just don't think bashing fellow players is productive.

I agree, it's a game and it should be fun--and people should be able to post here without being piled on--what's the difference between asking for help getting a wonder and asking people to franchise their businesses? Understand people are frustrated--just don't think bashing fellow players is productive.

Faulkner, I don't know if you were referring to my comment or not, but I want to make it clear that I wasn't bashing anyone. Everybody here knows my position on the issues, and I won't reiterate them. I'm very thankful when someone franchises one of my businesses, but I would never ask them to do so. It just feels like panhandling to me. But again, it's just a game. My only point is that people should enjoy playing, not freak out if they don't have the bucks to buy something (or pay real money to get some bucks), and lighten up a little. That's all - nothing more and nothing less.
#####Hey.. Free stuff?!?

Did anyone else see a big full size page ad when they logged in about a Mayor's Appreciation day..something about Mayor's getting free stuff.. :):):) sorry if everyone's disappointed about tonight's update.. Maybe this is a consolation prize :eek:
I do like the little houses and the vineyard stuff.. I think I just might move into my little farm area.. homemade! Now all I need is a hammock Heehee! Goodnight All..;) Sleep Well! :)
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Faulkner, I don't know if you were referring to my comment or not, but I want to make it clear that I wasn't bashing anyone. Everybody here knows my position on the issues, and I won't reiterate them. I'm very thankful when someone franchises one of my businesses, but I would never ask them to do so. It just feels like panhandling to me. But again, it's just a game. My only point is that people should enjoy playing, not freak out if they don't have the bucks to buy something (or pay real money to get some bucks), and lighten up a little. That's all - nothing more and nothing less.

I Wasn't referring to you or anyone specifically, I agree with you, I enjoy playing the game and I truly enjoy that there is this place to go and talk about it. If people are mad at Booyah, okay, fine. But let's all be kind to one another here is all I was saying (and as far as I know, you always have been #)
Mt Fuji and the new stuff

Hiya all,

When I saw the updates, I wasnt pleased there was no new levels, let alone land, but there were other things I figured I may as well collect. I had almost enough green bucks for the Mt Fuji, so figured since tomorrow is my birthday, I would support Booyah just this once, so I can get that mountain purely as a birthday gift to myself, since I dont go out and party.

For those of you upset about the lack of update, please dont storm off angry forever!! I agree take a little break, go make some hot cocoa, watch a movie...... Ok yelling and screaming and cursing does make one feel better after you done that. I have done it and I always laugh afterward.

Heres to hoping there is a bigger, and better update for MT2 with increase of land, levels, and everything else we really want! :)


Sharazani 29141376 Dalaran

I Wasn't referring to you or anyone specifically, I agree with you, I enjoy playing the game and I truly enjoy that there is this place to go and talk about it. If people are mad at Booyah, okay, fine. But let's all be kind to one another here is all I was saying (and as far as I know, you always have been ��)

Thank you! And thank you for the gift. One will be coming your way tomorrow. What do you prefer? :). I need your ID number, too.
442 bucks for Mt. Fuji?!! It's taken me almost a month to save 36 bucks and Mt. Fuji just doesn't appear to be worth all that work. :/

Opolis 32357441

Hello ! I think this update fixed problem with popularity 'cause mine pop. number is raising :) (maybe it's just for a while). If somebody is from London here's my ID 30682359. :apple:
PS. If you gift me I'll gift you back
Hi there, I am a starter in MyTown 2. Is there someone who would franchise one of my businesses? I will gift Population in reply. :) Thank you.

My ID is: 29058525 funkytown
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Wow there are so many more posts in here from when I last posted back in the 20s or 30s! So many that I can't really read through all the posts and try and find the answers or reasoning behind the popularity bug I seem to have(and others I might have seen in a few of the posts). Clicking on the stats page and then clicking on the business in the world page and the popularity is different? Any reasoning or answers to this would be appreciated and sorry if it's already been answered..:(
New update

Hi all. This is my first post, but I've been following the board for awhile.

I just got the new update. I was dissappointed to find that Mt. Fuji costs $444 bucks. They are giving us two days of free shaking to try and hook us on it. Pretty slick. There are some pretty cool new items for our towns though, but no extra land to put them.

My town name is cmeister23's town. Booyah id 30602772
New to forum.

Hi all! I've Been playing MT2 for a few months now and just found this forum. I like to search around other towns, check things out, and llook for things to franchise. Check out this town I just found:

ID#:30655280. Talk about some serious $$$! Do you think they uncovered a cheat?

Please visit mine too. I would be happy to exchange gifts with everyone and get some feedback.

ID#: 28818447



Has anyone else noticed you can't franchise businesses with coins any more ( with location service off)?


Bummer - no new levels, or land. But then again, I'm still restarting, so maybe by the time I get to level 50, there will be a real update. Bummer if the rumor is true about popularity now rising. I got my new businesses at ridiculously low popularity.

Has anyone (gracegirl :D) found out if we can still change locations the old / risky way?

The shaking feature is cool, but not all that. Why would anyone stack Mt. Fuji (CandyLand)?

Bugs: After a while, and some shaking, my screen goes off center, and I can't scroll to the top, without it bouncing back up.... And some of the cars start driving sideways. I like the white stretch limo. Did everyone get this? Funny to see it driving sideways. I have to get out of the game, shut it down from memory, and re-open it.

All of a sudden, the Japanese looking lady, that I had hundreds of, from the VIP Apartments is gone! Now the residents I have are from the few different housing types I managed to put in to get some diversity. Strange. My rapid rebuild has made my town kind of empty of people. Maybe it didn't grow organically enough?

Looking forward to more observations. I'm still hooked on this game, and willing to give it a chance. I think Booyah is in over its head, and didn't expect such rapid success. They're probably rethinking a lot of things. Maybe they'll charge a fixed price for the game and stop charging for bucks. I wonder if they charge local businesses for advertising money, as well?

New Johnstown - 33651074
Coins for your time

Did any one notice they changed you coins for time.
It use to be the least time you got the least now is totally different I can get a billion coins for 2 hours but when I set it at night to collect big I only are in the millions... We think it's to get people coming back more. What sucks I see the most i can get is 2.1 billion and I was making much more on my 10 hour stretch. And wow I really need more land

Bummer - no new levels, or land. But then again, I'm still restarting, so maybe by the time I get to level 50, there will be a real update. Bummer if the rumor is true about popularity now rising. I got my new businesses at ridiculously low popularity.

Has anyone (gracegirl :D) found out if we can still change locations the old / risky way?

The shaking feature is cool, but not all that. Why would anyone stack Mt. Fuji (CandyLand)?

Bugs: After a while, and some shaking, my screen goes off center, and I can't scroll to the top, without it bouncing back up.... And some of the cars start driving sideways. I like the white stretch limo. Did everyone get this? Funny to see it driving sideways. I have to get out of the game, shut it down from memory, and re-open it.

All of a sudden, the Japanese looking lady, that I had hundreds of, from the VIP Apartments is gone! Now the residents I have are from the few different housing types I managed to put in to get some diversity. Strange. My rapid rebuild has made my town kind of empty of people. Maybe it didn't grow organically enough?

Looking forward to more observations. I'm still hooked on this game, and willing to give it a chance. I think Booyah is in over its head, and didn't expect such rapid success. They're probably rethinking a lot of things. Maybe they'll charge a fixed price for the game and stop charging for bucks. I wonder if they charge local businesses for advertising money, as well?

New Johnstown - 33651074

my screen was off kelter too, but I totally logged out & now it's ok (though I did have to do it s opulent of times)

what I can't believe is that population is now "maxed". so ALL my gifts (all which were pop. gifts) flew way of the blue stars, useless XP...:(

I am still hooked too. & I ended up buying Fuji. I DO like the shake feature as it helps speed things immensely. plus, years ago, I climbed Fuji IRL. couldn't resist.

in reference to other posts:

also, I noticed I can shake & the coins fly away, but my gifts stay, so I can reciprocate... that's good;)

I am a able to turn off my gps location & buy NYC businesses with coins on my iPhone 4S. though NOT with my first gen iPad 3G. (I'm physically located in DC)
both my iPad & iPhone r linked to the same booyah ID account...
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