Update on New Johnstown:
Rapid progress

, except for.... WAITING.... Remember the days when you couldn't unlock certain items until reaching a star level?.. lol
Waiting for land to clear, buildings with population to build, community things to build, businesses to level up.... Before, I had it under control, but now I'm trying to rush. Again, there is no other way without more greenbacks. If anyone is green buck rich, please franchise me. I'm not desperate, but it would give my cluttered, messy new town, a little breathing room.
On the up side, my stars are actually going somewhere, for a change. Hahahaha. Also, I got all new housing. The few businesses I can find, are better than my first 10. In a day, I've gotten to star level 24, population level 17, and I'm approaching the same income receipts, pretty quickly. Population would be higher if all buildings would build instantly
You all are awesome

I'm already looking forward to the update, because at this rate, I should be back to level 50 in no time!! Woo hoo!!
New Johnstown - 33651074