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Thanks for your many gifts and nice comments about my town. For those of you asking how I got these items, here is my answer: Jailbroken device + time to understand MT2 files + Inspiration to put them all together.

Enjoy Mt Fuji along with all the previously available Wonders.
Leave a gift (population) & vote up my post if u like my Town (ID: 34050422 Wonderland).

LOVE your town design! I especially love the Wonderland globe and the Christmas villiage. :)
Mach0 alpha, APPLE being your only business. Is that our clue. Maybe an Apple spy? :) LOVE the town and all the goodies! Halloween characters are a hoot
Pamiam's town 31939551
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nyteowl: I'm not much help--I can only think of amusement park type attractions or towns; but no specific business name. Maybe if you can find a telephone book?

Hi Licat, I'm responding to your post that was 7 pages(!) ago, but I noticed that you referred me to a "telephone book". Ok, I won't go further into this, but I have to say that I was amused. :)

Thanks for your listing, but overall I was a bit disappointed with the selection of businesses I discovered during my brief trip to Southern California. I was going to add Magic Mountain to my town, but decided not to. The amusement park looked so empty and abandoned when we drove by it.

I don't know how Booyah selects the businesses that are available to buy/franchise in the game. If they have Radio City Music Hall, why not the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood?
Barracuda Bay

I wanted to franchise one of your places that is listed in Hobokin NJ. What location would I type in to get close to it to buy it in coins......New York location?
Fall Time....

I cant WAIT till the fall time arrives in my town 2. Hope to think it would be nice to get maybepumpkins, cornstalks, pumpkin patch with corn mazes, haunted houses with ghosts/bats/witches flying bt our town.. Turkeys running thru the towns running away from the local lol Beautiful mums planted. Oh the possibilities............ I cant wait. I suggested a bunch of stuff to Booyah. Planted the thought already into their head for the fall time.......

I just came into the game the last part of Christmas time.....I think I had snow on the ground for about 1 week then it changed over to green land......

OMGOSH.........I CANT WAIT till CHRISTMAS TIME :cool:to see what decorations they have in store for us, again.......

Gotta work, and gotta go to bed....
Noc to everyone.....Like Gracie girl am Will say prayers for anyone who has a loved one sick in a hospital/nursing home like I do at night.....
See you all tomarrow noc.
Ya all say prayers.
Big Bridge


I was franchised 6 times by "DONRAV's TOWN" 3-4 days ago in ONE DAY..........WOW WOW WOW

I wanto to thank him but I didn't see him listed in the proboards.
His ID # is 29859648.

Great job

Great job so far I sometime wonder what I would do differ if I started over.

Thanks for the franchise and as soon as you get a biz to level 10 I'll beable to give you bucks.

It would be cool as soon as you hit level 50 the "nlcs" wouldnt appear and you go staight on collecting stars AND getting credit Whick leaves an another thought all the mt2 newbies will never know what "mlcs" means

Puppetville. 30059692
Update on New Johnstown:

Rapid progress :D, except for.... WAITING.... Remember the days when you couldn't unlock certain items until reaching a star level?.. lol

Waiting for land to clear, buildings with population to build, community things to build, businesses to level up.... Before, I had it under control, but now I'm trying to rush. Again, there is no other way without more greenbacks. If anyone is green buck rich, please franchise me. I'm not desperate, but it would give my cluttered, messy new town, a little breathing room.

On the up side, my stars are actually going somewhere, for a change. Hahahaha. Also, I got all new housing. The few businesses I can find, are better than my first 10. In a day, I've gotten to star level 24, population level 17, and I'm approaching the same income receipts, pretty quickly. Population would be higher if all buildings would build instantly :(

You all are awesome :D I'm already looking forward to the update, because at this rate, I should be back to level 50 in no time!! Woo hoo!!

New Johnstown - 33651074
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

We all sing the praises of Candyland, but who will praise Jessejames86, aka Lubie Jointy Town?

This man has gifted me every single day for over 2 weeks. That is a true fan!

I also want to call out a few other towns for consistently gifting me:

Gangsta's Paradise
Mike's Princess' Town
Todd Town
Castle in the Sky

There are others, but the ones above really stand out in my mind. You guys rock, and if any of you are reading this, know I am in the deepest appreciation for your continued support of my town and contributions to the forum. You all rock.

Please feel free to PM me about anything.

I keep a complete record of all gifts received to ensure repayment, so I know who is giving the most loving.

Some good people we got here.

Thanks for the shout out, Barracuda! I guess that means I should stop lurking and submit my first post. I have really enjoyed checking in on this thread for all the great info on the game. And just FYI, but yesterday I just got 2 businesses to level 10 (Nebraska furniture mart and holiday lounge) so if anyone wants to throw a bro a buck, it would be much appreciated. My town is in "office" mode as I am trying to clear off my last few plots of land and prepare for the upcoming upgrade. So not so pretty right now, but I do try to make Todd Town aesthetically pleasing. Drop by if you're in the neighborhood!

Todd Town
ID - 33373655
##### One.. :)

Hi! I just franchised ur PF Chang (karate shop) that is located in La Jolla.
I only paid 9 bucks for it, but I'm VERY curious what u got for it (being that it was so little bucks)

I live in DC now, but used to live on SD.
u r the first town I've seen with a premium karate skin... & my youngest takes taekwando. I couldn't resist with the skin I wanted & it being in SD. (since I JUST posted I was going to wait to buy any more :D

I saw that.. They gave me "one" of the nine you spent.. And I feel pretty lucky that they rounded up and even gave me even one.. They seem to give sometimes less than 10% and keep the 90% for whatever reason.. :confused: at least that's my experience trying to give peeps gold coins for land. If they don't have a pretty high popularity NYC town.. it's impossible to help.. I try to do a couple at a time when it helps someone:) nice to meet you.. :):)

And a big.. Hello, let the fun begin to all you Mayors!:rolleyes:;):rolleyes:

#####GraceGirl 31405501 :)
Please help

Can someone please help me out by franchising some on my business I'm really need some bucks. Thank you an advance

Booyah number is 32831944
come Franchise... lots of shops

my booyah ID: 31971277

Hello All,

as you may know this game is location based, and if you live in an area that doesn't have many 'super' popular shops, there is a solution to that. is a trick trick you can do, but only once.

in the location services menu in your iPhone, turn off the option for this game.

next time you start the game, it will ask you to choose a location. you can choose one like New York, where there are many popular shops (remember, the more popular the shop, the more coins you get for each job).

if you have done this and you try to franchise shops in New York, it can either ask you to pay bills or coins. if it asks you for bills, it is because the game assumes you are far from that location. if it asks for coins then you ought to be close.

if you get the bills option, close the game completely (not just click the home button) and restart the game. with this, the problem should be solved and the shop should be available to franchise for coins. it has happened to me many times.

if you want to get back to the shops in your original hometown, you just need to turn on the location services again.

additionally, if you are looking for good shops to franchise in New York, you can visit my town, i have a good collection of very popular shops, and the more people franchise them, the more popular they get.

come visit my town.

location: New York city

some shops (and their popularity) I have are:

Starbucks: 24123
Super fashions: 11692
Key Food supermarket: 8413
La cuccina: 8268
Burger king:9547
Dunkin Donuts: 6979
Four Seasons: 6733
3Z restaurant: 5863

and more...

if you have some popular shops i'll franchise from you.

my booyah ID: 31971277
my booyah ID: 31971277

Hello All,

as you may know this game is location based, and if you live in an area that doesn't have many 'super' popular shops, there is a solution to that. is a trick trick you can do, but only once.

in the location services menu in your iPhone, turn off the option for this game.

next time you start the game, it will ask you to choose a location. you can choose one like New York, where there are many popular shops (remember, the more popular the shop, the more coins you get for each job).

if you have done this and you try to franchise shops in New York, it can either ask you to pay bills or coins. if it asks you for bills, it is because the game assumes you are far from that location. if it asks for coins then you ought to be close.

if you get the bills option, close the game completely (not just click the home button) and restart the game. with this, the problem should be solved and the shop should be available to franchise for coins. it has happened to me many times.

if you want to get back to the shops in your original hometown, you just need to turn on the location services again.

additionally, if you are looking for good shops to franchise in New York, you can visit my town, i have a good collection of very popular shops, and the more people franchise them, the more popular they get.

come visit my town.

location: New York city

some shops (and their popularity) I have are:

Starbucks: 24123
Super fashions: 11692
Key Food supermarket: 8413
La cuccina: 8268
Burger king:9547
Dunkin Donuts: 6979
Four Seasons: 6733
3Z restaurant: 5863

and more...

if you have some popular shops i'll franchise from you.

my booyah ID: 31971277

You can do this more than once, and in fact many players do to become successful.

See here: How to Buy All Businesses for Coins, Not Bucks
First time posting here, just have a few things to say:
Town Name: Aliville
Booyah ID: 33026100
Population: 98k
Earnings: 2.2 Mil
Popularity: 52,861 - This is what I am most proud of :)
A Chicago person! *squeals* I'll be stalking you and probably franchising your Sears Tower in the future if I don't find someone who has it at a higher level. I visited it for real a couple weeks ago, and I must have it! :D (I'm in Madison, WI)

Also.. omg. I wish I had discovered your city sooner, Gracegirl. I looked all over the towns in Green Bay and other places in Wisconsin HOPING someone would've thought to make Lambeau Field the football field skin. Alas, they didn't. I gave up my search and purchased the football skin for mine JUST A FEW HOURS AGO and then saw that you had a level 10 sitting there eager to be franchised. So I deleted mine and franchised yours for the bonus. I don't have the money to get tons of bucks like others, so it sucks knowing that I could've saved 20 bucks lol. Oh well.

If anyone wants to check out my town, excuse the mess. I have all of my premiums on display (most were franchised), but it's not very organized right now. I'll work on that more once I have more expansions.

Awesome town, wonderland! I particularly liked santa's workshop and really dracula's castle. Makes me wish Booyah would reintroduce some of those seasonal wonders, but gets me excited for what they have in store for St. Patty's day. MegaBar!! My question is about Mt. Fuji. For some reason I was under the impression that shaking your device to collect coins was just going to be a new game feature, not a wonder. So is it coins, or bucks that you have to use to purchase Mt. Fuji? It does look cool, and it seems to be a nice feature, but not sure if I'm willing to part with my precious bucks for it.
Awesome town, wonderland! I particularly liked santa's workshop and really dracula's castle. Makes me wish Booyah would reintroduce some of those seasonal wonders, but gets me excited for what they have in store for St. Patty's day. MegaBar!! My question is about Mt. Fuji. For some reason I was under the impression that shaking your device to collect coins was just going to be a new game feature, not a wonder. So is it coins, or bucks that you have to use to purchase Mt. Fuji? It does look cool, and it seems to be a nice feature, but not sure if I'm willing to part with my precious bucks for it.

I bet it will be availabe to purchase with bucks. The only reason I have to buy it is because my town has mostly Seattle businesses so I'm going to act like it is Mount Rainer. :)
Lambeau Field.. :) South Florida and NEwYoRk Cityyyy!

First time posting here, just have a few things to say:

A Chicago person! *squeals* I'll be stalking you and probably franchising your Sears Tower in the future if I don't find someone who has it at a higher level. I visited it for real a couple weeks ago, and I must have it! :D (I'm in Madison, WI)

Also.. omg. I wish I had discovered your city sooner, Gracegirl. I looked all over the towns in Green Bay and other places in Wisconsin HOPING someone would've thought to make Lambeau Field the football field skin. Alas, they didn't. I gave up my search and purchased the football skin for mine JUST A FEW HOURS AGO and then saw that you had a level 10 sitting there eager to be franchised. So I deleted mine and franchised yours for the bonus. I don't have the money to get tons of bucks like others, so it sucks knowing that I could've saved 20 bucks lol. Oh well.

If anyone wants to check out my town, excuse the mess. I have all of my premiums on display (most were franchised), but it's not very organized right now. I'll work on that more once I have more expansions.

Ohhh rats.. I'm sorry that happened.. I actually thought about posting about my Lambeau field.. I thought there must be more "cheeseheads" out there somewhere.. lol! Just pretend when you spent the 20$ it gave you the skin and the upgrade together.. Heehee! I am headed over to my town now.. I always like to see my MT2 peeps first! :):D:):D
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Ohhh rats.. I'm sorry that happened.. I actually thought about posting about my Lambeau field.. I thought there must be more "cheeseheads" out there somewhere.. lol! Just pretend when you spent the 20$ it gave you the skin and the upgrade together.. Heehee! I am headed over to my town now.. I always like to see my MT2 peeps first! :):D:):D

Yep! You'll see a franchise waiting for you. And I'm willing to bet that my bf will take it as well once he has enough popularity for another biz haha. =) Yay for Cheeseheads!
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Bored ( board) tapping Fool......

This is a game........
OMGosh, I sit and think and loOk just where I can fit just 1 more item somewhere....try this move that.....ugh!!!!I sure wish I had 9 more of the VIP mansions.I have 1. I was very diddapointed they don't bring more than $360.00.....just me.
I am trying to get that just 1 more item before the updates. Just squeezed in 74 little spot lights! Don't ask me why......????
I just tapped and counted. Now you can't tell much bt my town. I just got it all nice and neat and I went tap crazy. I will be like Scarlet Ohara. Tomarrow another day....I'll figure out what to do with them pc upgrades. Everyone tryto strat posting on the new my town 2 proboards thread forum page. Ya all have a great day!!!!!
Thank you for the 'heads-up'

...regarding the other sites to visit for tips and tricks. Guess where my weekend will be spent. :D

Thank you to those who franchised my businesses, how totally exciting, I felt like a kid.

I even checked in at work and almost got snapped because even though I have the sound off on my iPad the music kicked in!

Kiwi Land - thanks for your visit. I went to return the favor but clicked out by accident, and now I can't find you.

Can you 'friend' me?

Candy land and K & Y - thanks a lot for those visits. Thank you for taking the time, your generosity is appreciated.

I am saving up for a stock exchange as per advice but also had to pay to expand the land. That gets expensive quick, doesn't it! Faster inflation than Beijing!

Have sold my starter houses and it didn't seem to make much difference to my stats. Tidied up and moved things around getting ready for my expansion. Now it looks like it is a matter of patience - so those visits from others were a real boost.

Thanks again

When I am returning visits and leaving gifts (sorry, I can't Franchise back in exchange, no cash and not enough population, so gifts it is) what would people prefer? Cash, population, etc?
When I am returning visits and leaving gifts (sorry, I can't Franchise back in exchange, no cash and not enough population, so gifts it is) what would people prefer? Cash, population, etc?

I tried to franchise from you but I can only do NY businesses (that I don't already have), but you have none.

As to your question, almost everyone at Level 45-50 will prefer pop or bucks. A smaller or newer town could do with speed and/or extra coins.
##### Use your Mall.. :)

My town is called Chocotown. ID 35709847

I'd love some startup help from you millionaires out there.

Could you come by for a visit and befriend me? My iPad isn't picking up anyone nearby.

Hi there.. I just went and looked at your town and was thinking that until you get your first stock exchange(I think u said u were saving for one?) should remodel All your businesses to a retail skin so they are at least getting the extra 10% from the mall you have.. You don't have to sell them or anything just tap the remodel button and it will let you pick what category you want.. Make them all "retail" until you save enough for your first Stock Exchange (30,000) and then when that builds and goes live..switch them all over to "office" mode..keep buying more stock towers..the more you build the faster you will be able to clear all the land..then you can dump them and start! That’s the quick but ugly! :rolleyes: Some of us tried to keep it looking nice.. and it is possible.. Just sooooooo much more tapping.:eek:. Ugh... Good luck with whatever way you choose.. and welcome aboard! :):):)
#####GraceGirl 31405501 :)
My first visit here

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

We all sing the praises of Candyland, but who will praise Jessejames86, aka Lubie Jointy Town?

This man has gifted me every single day for over 2 weeks. That is a true fan!

I also want to call out a few other towns for consistently gifting me:

Gangsta's Paradise
Mike's Princess' Town
Todd Town
Castle in the Sky

There are others, but the ones above really stand out in my mind. You guys rock, and if any of you are reading this, know I am in the deepest appreciation for your continued support of my town and contributions to the forum. You all rock.

Please feel free to PM me about anything.

I keep a complete record of all gifts received to ensure repayment, so I know who is giving the most loving.

Some good people we got here.

This is my first visit to this forum, but Barracuda Bay's post caught my interest. My town is "Laurenopolis" and I am glad that he appreciated my gifts. I do often wish that you could converse on MT2, not to have an extensive conversation, but to just say "thanks," or ask people to franchise with you. I have franchised someone else's business, but I have not had a business franchised. I am unclear of what happens when someone buys in to your business through a franchise, but I would be interested in finding out.

I originally sought out this type of forum because I was interested to find out when "Mt. Fuji" will be coming out. I really enjoy this game, but find collecting coins to be time consuming and am excited for this feature. It seems that it will be "coming soon," but I am too nosy and impatient.

Very excited to have found this forum.

"Laurenopolis" ID: 28796753
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

readergirl said:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

We all sing the praises of Candyland, but who will praise Jessejames86, aka Lubie Jointy Town?

This man has gifted me every single day for over 2 weeks. That is a true fan!

I also want to call out a few other towns for consistently gifting me:

Gangsta's Paradise
Mike's Princess' Town
Todd Town
Castle in the Sky

There are others, but the ones above really stand out in my mind. You guys rock, and if any of you are reading this, know I am in the deepest appreciation for your continued support of my town and contributions to the forum. You all rock.

Please feel free to PM me about anything.

I keep a complete record of all gifts received to ensure repayment, so I know who is giving the most loving.

Some good people we got here.

This is my first visit to this forum, but Barracuda Bay's post caught my interest. My town is "Laurenopolis" and I am glad that he appreciated my gifts. I do often wish that you could converse on MT2, not to have an extensive conversation, but to just say "thanks," or ask people to franchise with you. I have franchised someone else's business, but I have not had a business franchised. I am unclear of what happens when someone buys in to your business through a franchise, but I would be interested in finding out.

I originally sought out this type of forum because I was interested to find out when "Mt. Fuji" will be coming out. I really enjoy this game, but find collecting coins to be time consuming and am excited for this feature. It seems that it will be "coming soon," but I am too nosy and impatient.

Very excited to have found this forum.

"Laurenopolis" ID: 28796753

Hey Lauren, it is a true pleasure to meet you and let me be the first to welcome you to the forum. I have added you to the forum membership directory (found under my sig), which lists the approximate 150 posters of the community by user name, town name, and Booyah ID. Now you can identity and reach out to us with ease!

So that you know, there are two forums we use: this thread here at MacRumors, and the new ProBoards run by Solsville.

Yes, I did and do appreciate your gifts. Even though they are small, with each person limited to 5, you really have to be selective. That you have chosen me to be such a frequent recipient means a lot!!!

If you need any advice, we are here for you.
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