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The Aroha

Thank you for your kind gift.

Please, if you come by, especially if you leave me something, please 'friend' me. I haven't figured out how to find you by your town name yet.
Calulating Popularity

Hey Guys

I have been playing for a week, and love the game.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a business more popular? Because I live in a small city in Ireland, there are only a few playing the game around me, and most of the businesses have little popularity. (although I am off to London soon and can't wait to see whats available there!)

I have noticed a few things:

1) Checking into businesses usually boasts the popularity.

2) Having a business franchised increases popularity.

3) When you franchise a business, the orignal business increases in popularity by 20. If you then delete your business, and refranchise again, that business will increase by another 20. So one way I have been increasing my popularity is by refrachising over and over until I am happy with the popularity level.

But there must be an easier way? How do you go about improving popularity of a business you own? Would love to know the process so I can work on it!!

FYI my town details are:
BooyahID: 35536501
Town Name: New Limerick

Thanks in advance!
I've been anticipating for the new update... but doesn't seem like it will be released this weekend... unless they've delayed it for another day or two... In desperate need of more land!! :(
####High Popularity...?

I have noticed a huge increase in the number of people franchising my stores (for gold coins).. So I'm trying to decide if I should just keep the stores around to keep my popularity up (i thought someone said that helps) or scale back to 15 or so since I already have unlimited coins..
..hit me up with a green buck if you can or have any extras.. I seem to spend those as fast as I get them..and Booyah seems to be making sure that's not to! ;):rolleyes:;):rolleyes:
Thanks guys :):):) p.s. it's ..fRiDaY!!! WhOoP wHoOp!!
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I've been anticipating for the new update... but doesn't seem like it will be released this weekend... unless they've delayed it for another day or two... In desperate need of more land!! :(

My guess is that the update happens this Monday.

As to GraceGirl's comment, yeah, there have been a major upsurge of coin franchises lately on my end as well. Not sure why exactly, but I would like to see how high the income bonuses can go! :)
#####Everbody's gettin coins :)

My guess is that the update happens this Monday.

As to GraceGirl's comment, yeah, there have been a major upsurge of coin franchises lately on my end as well. Not sure why exactly, but I would like to see how high the income bonuses can go! :)

I was kinda thinkin it is because everyone is reading how to get unending coins and move around their location..:) heeheehee! I can't move around to different cities cause I'm on an iPad first gen.. But I can do the NYC thing so that helped big time:D:D:D

@ Licat.. don't you have plenty of gold coins too? I thought you did the stock exchange thing with the rest of us :):) Let me know if you need some..I've been helping people get coins a long time :) it's much harder now with the popularity so low though cause Booyah keeps 90% of my coins and only gives them 10%.. :(
#####GraceGirl 31405501
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

GraceGirl said:
My guess is that the update happens this Monday.

As to GraceGirl's comment, yeah, there have been a major upsurge of coin franchises lately on my end as well. Not sure why exactly, but I would like to see how high the income bonuses can go! :)

I was kinda thinkin it is because everyone is reading how to get unending coins and move around their location..:) heeheehee! I can't move around to different cities cause I'm on an iPad first gen.. But I can do the NYC thing so that helped big time:D:D:D

@ Licat.. don't you have plenty of gold coins too? I thought you did the stock exchange thing with the rest of us :):) Let me know if you need some..I've been helping people get coins a long time :) it's much harder now with the popularity so low though cause Booyah keeps 90% of my coins and only gives them 10%.. :(

I am pretty sure with a coin franchise you are still getting 25%. The coin numbers I am getting on the really good properties are way too high to be merely 10%, factoring in the decreasing popularity.
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To GraceGirl

I can't move around to different cities cause I'm on an iPad first gen.. But I can do the NYC thing so that helped big time:D:D:D

Hello GraceGirl,

What do you mean by the "NYC thing"? I am on first gen Ipad, and I would love to purchase some businesses in NYC. How did you make it work?


ID: 29753536
City of Water
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When I'm giving them..

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

I am pretty sure with a coin franchise you are still getting 25%. The coin numbers I am getting on the really good properties are way too high to be merely 10%, factoring in the decreasing popularity.

Do you mean how much we get? Cause truthfully I don't even look at that now that I don't need coins.. :) I mean when I am trying to give someone coins..their business has to be high for it to even help now..
You know the decreased value booyah gives you back when you turn around to delete it.. the people your helping make less than that number..:( it could def be 25% it just seems so little when your giving the full amount trying to help.. Like how they took the hundreds of green bucks down to 50$ :( from back in the good ole!! Heehee:):) I get it though..they want to make money on the game.. and I've for sure spent it.. Haha.. But thank goodness for the Robinhoods! ;)


Hello GraceGirl,

What do you mean by the "NYC thing"? I am on first gen Ipad, and I would love to purchase some businesses in NYC. How did you make it work?


ID: 29753536
City of Water

Read back in the first few pages of this thread ..or they might have the "how to" over in the other pro boards forum.. It's not hard ..but you only get one shot.. So choose wisely.. Heehee! :):) I'm glad I picked NYC.. I turned off the MT2 location setting and it let me pick one.. whenever I turn the location settings on.. It picks up my "real" location :) hope that helps.. nice to meet you :):)
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Booyah would probably be able to make more money if their $:bucks ratio wasn't so ridiculous...

$20 for 1000 bucks seems reasonable... but it is like $99 for only 1600 bucks is outrageous! At that price, I can get a full year subscription for WoW and also a free copy of Diablo 3 when it comes out...
2 questions

Hi fellow my towners,

Thanks all for the great tips! I was wondering, how do you gain popularity with your businesses? I have not noticed my most popular businesses budging at all no matter what I do. Is it all dependent on someone else franchising your business? Also, I noticed one of my businesses ( that I franchised from someone else) reads correctly on my check in screen and normal screen, but when the check in box opens it lists a different name for the business. Anyone have an idea of why that is? It happens to be my most popular business so I was wondering if it might have a bearing on the popularity? #
GraceGirl - Hey there!

GraceGirl: Yes, I'm doing fine with my Midus hoard of coins.LOL! Many thanks for your generous and kind offer to help me, but I'm fine.
You are one of the most generous persons (there are others too) who have helped so many persons, me included.
I was just throwing out the idea that there are lots of newbies who are starting out their towns that now need help.

As for Robin Hoods--you're Maid Marion.:)

I was kinda thinkin it is because everyone is reading how to get unending coins and move around their location..:) heeheehee! I can't move around to different cities cause I'm on an iPad first gen.. But I can do the NYC thing so that helped big time:D:D:D

@ Licat.. don't you have plenty of gold coins too? I thought you did the stock exchange thing with the rest of us :):) Let me know if you need some..I've been helping people get coins a long time :) it's much harder now with the popularity so low though cause Booyah keeps 90% of my coins and only gives them 10%.. :(
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Faulkner - Increasing a Business' Popularity

Faulkner -

In response to your second question about seeing different names for a business; it has been observed that the Booyah search engine is a bit quirky. There are multiples of the same exact business but with different names, cost, and popularity; the higher the purchase/franchise price, the higher the popularity; and each can be purchased as a stand alone business. For this reason one must be very careful to choose the correct business when buying or franchising. One could potentially choose the low popularity business instead of the better/best one. One example is Swensen's Ice Cream in San Francisco: The search engine shows 1. Swensen's, 2. Swensen's Ice Cream, 3. Swensens Ice Cream.

Hi fellow my towners,

Thanks all for the great tips! I was wondering, how do you gain popularity with your businesses? I have not noticed my most popular businesses budging at all no matter what I do. Is it all dependent on someone else franchising your business? Also, I noticed one of my businesses ( that I franchised from someone else) reads correctly on my check in screen and normal screen, but when the check in box opens it lists a different name for the business. Anyone have an idea of why that is? It happens to be my most popular business so I was wondering if it might have a bearing on the popularity? ��
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Gracie girl.......2 questions......

I was kinda thinkin it is because everyone is reading how to get unending coins and move around their location..:) heeheehee! I can't move around to different cities cause I'm on an iPad first gen.. But I can do the NYC thing so that helped big time:D:D:D

@ Licat.. don't you have plenty of gold coins too? I thought you did the stock exchange thing with the rest of us :):) Let me know if you need some..I've been helping people get coins a long time :) it's much harder now with the popularity so low though cause Booyah keeps 90% of my coins and only gives them 10%.. :(
#####GraceGirl 31405501

3 questions......... I lied....:)

1-what do you call an unlimited Amt of coins? I am still hoarding them
2- where u locatedat? Still in new York?
3-can you explain the last couple of sentences in your last post
Ref # 2039 posting....booyah keeps do ya figure that out? Give me something to study on and tool with while waiting for timers. Would you like population? Thanks
Coins How Many is Good Enough?

I'm curious to know what people think is a good number of coins to have on hand too.
I still haven't remodeled my town to what the businesses should be. Instead, I kept all my SEs and am still collecting coins. I'm primarily doing the 30 min and 2 hour jobs. The 3 minute jobs were cutting wa-a-ay too much into Real Life.:eek::rolleyes:

3 questions......... I lied....:)

1-what do you call an unlimited Amt of coins? I am still hoarding them
2- where u locatedat? Still in new York?
3-can you explain the last couple of sentences in your last post
Ref # 2039 posting....booyah keeps do ya figure that out? Give me something to study on and tool with while waiting for timers. Would you like population? Thanks
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1. So many of you guys are so awesome. Without CandyLand, again, I would have had to wait AGES for my new town, but he always seemed to come through in a pinch, to afford me a "finish now". Then there's Aviville, K&Y, licat, bigbridge, Dalaran/Sharazani, lovepuppet, castle in the sky, enixtown, grace girl, lubie jointy..... I could go on forever. I can't even keep track. Thank you all so much.

2. Check out New Johnstown now - 33651074. Still on level 36 (hahahaha), but I've almost got my original town back, and then some.

3. I'm making BANK, with coins and stock exchanges, so I am happy to report that you guys who have been franchising, really helped me get there, but i'm getting pretty coin rich, so you don't need to keep franchising in coins. Bucks, yes :D.

4. Still need green bucks, and believe it, or not, check ins (come with stars), and population would be better. I'm trying to get a business to level 10, so gifts of bucks can be received. I will let you know, and itt will be obvious, which one it is :D

5. Some of you are still gifting my nephews!! Thank you!! They're not allowed to play that often, but you should hear their excitement when they tell me they got another gift from a random stranger - enixtown, aviville.... Thank you.

6. This time I rebuilt my housing with ALL VIP Apartments.... Then I observed, that I only had a lot of one little character, but my town wasn't diverse or busy. I built more businesses, but that didn't help.... So I got some new housing types, and behold, all the little people are coming back.. Does anyone know if the people/cars stay, if you remove the housing type?

7. Please let me know if you need anything, or if I've forgotten you or mention you. For the last couple of days, I've been having a hard time keeping track, but if I need to prioritize you, please let me know!! I'm back to trying to level up, and preparing for the update.

Happy Friday!!!

New Johnstown - 33651074


Oh, and I had a great Idea. I think it would be really cool if we picked 2 people from the list, every day, and WE ALL send them the gift of their choice, that day. We can go in alphabetical order of the town name, or the posting name. We could pick more, but I'm sure we all have a couple of personal gift obligations each day. Newbies, can be added to a new list, to put at the end, or incorporated to the existing list (whatever).... What do you guys think? Imagine if you got 119 bucks or population gifts in one day! That's how many people are on the list.

We'd get through the list faster if we did 3 per day. And if anyone wants to opt out, they can....

Just a thought, that would really be fun for a day, for each one of us, and an easier way to know that we are reciprocating to everyone in some way.

Thoughts? :confused:

New Johnstown - 33651074
jbmiami2012: Town Characters - Remain or Not?

jbmiami2012: You're right, your town is better and than before! Awesomeness!

As far as I can tell, unfortunately, they don't stay--it's like selling their homes and evicting them--they're gone. ;) And as you've discovered, by having a variety of housing, you get different tenants. lol!

When starting out, because I was following the goals, I had different housing and then eliminated them. Now I'm buying some back just to get back the different characters.

Happy Friday to you too!


6. This time I rebuilt my housing with ALL VIP Apartments.... Then I observed, that I only had a lot of one little character, but my town wasn't diverse or busy. I built more businesses, but that didn't help.... So I got some new housing types, and behold, all the little people are coming back.. Does anyone know if the people/cars stay, if you remove the housing type?

Happy Friday!!!

New Johnstown - 33651074
I just got the new update. I'm a bit upset that the shake to collect feature is so much bucks! And I dnt have that much sucks :mad:

What do you guys think? I thought it would be a free or somewhat cheaper feature.

Check out my town: 29015804
If u want to know what items (housing, community b or wonders) trigger the apparation of a particular vehicle or person, check my post "MyTown2 faq".

The update is out in the app store! Downloading now!!

I don't see more level or more land though...disappointed!
The update is out in the app store! Downloading now!!

I don't see more level or more land though...disappointed!

oops i just saw the update here and did it. waiting for the game to open now, so exciteddddd :)

btw thanks a lot to all of u guys who sent me gifts, i'm keeping a list of the names and try to complete that list. if i hadn't sent a gift back, know that u're on the list and u'll get your gift :)

and last but not least, thank you andy :) love u as always :) u'll always get my pop gift everyday :)
Awww.. Thanks :)

GraceGirl: Yes, I'm doing fine with my Midus hoard of coins.LOL! Many thanks for your generous and kind offer to help me, but I'm fine.
You are one of the most generous persons (there are others too) who have helped so many persons, me included.
I was just throwing out the idea that there are lots of newbies who are starting out their towns that now need help.

As for Robin Hoods--you're Maid Marion.:)

ohh thanks..that's so neat.. I never thought of! It works out to cause that way we can save the "green tights" for the peeps with the "green bucks" ;) :p;) heehee! Off to check out the update! :eek:
#####GraceGirl 31405501 :)
Yippee!!! Already bought all the new stuff except Mt. Fuji..this shake to collect is nice but without land expansion I don't have room.
Business popularity is still dropping like flies when I look around...sometimes by half in the span of a week. Strange!

Come visit me, almost out of land...might have to start getting rid of stuff :(

ID: 30038783
Rock City

3 questions......... I lied....:)

1-what do you call an unlimited Amt of coins? I am still hoarding them
2- where u locatedat? Still in new York?
3-can you explain the last couple of sentences in your last post
Ref # 2039 posting....booyah keeps do ya figure that out? Give me something to study on and tool with while waiting for timers. Would you like population? Thanks

Well, I just think that once your up in the BILLIONS.. It turns into the national debt and you can't wrap your mind around! If I could possibly spend down to one million..I bet MT3 will have come and gone too.. :D:D
Yeppers..New York and South Florida :):):)
I franchised grace guy to give him bucks once and it's truly pitiful how much he got.. Same with coins.. Ugh!
:D:D Time for another big shout out to the true Robinhoods! The ones "sharing" the green bucks.. Not "wearing" the green tights ..heehee! ;);) lol!!
#####GraceGirl 31405501
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