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I must be dumb. HELP!

I need much needed help:confused. I don't wish to spend tons on playing this game, my time 2. However, I can't seem to get a healthy amount of cash or coins. In order to build businesses, you have to have enough population and then trying to purchase more land is problematic for me. I don't know how you or anyone else is building all these buildings and buying land without spending their own money.

If there is some way you know of increasing the cash as well as being able to buy buildings and land, please, please let me know.

My Booyah ID: 36033532


PS: Can you franchise some of my businesses.
I must be the dumbest person. Help!

Hi, in the beginning, i purchased a number of stock exchanges, remodelled all my businesses to offices. every time you then collect from any of your offices, the amount of money is considerably higher than it was beforehand. Try changing your 19 businesses into offices and buy stock exchanges, as many as you want or can afford, and watch your income spiral out of control. When i built up around 80 million coins, i then sold all the stock exchages and remodelled my businesses to what i preferred. Hope this helps on your quest for crazy money!


For every franchise, i recieve 50 bucks, so thats 150 bucks in total.
I know that not long ago, any franchised business recieved a shed load of bucks but obviously booyah noticed this and put a limit on it. So now the limit is 50 bucks per franchise. Cheers shlampys.
I need much needed help:confused. I don't wish to spend tons on playing this game, my time 2. However, I can't seem to get a healthy amount of cash or coins. In order to build businesses, you have to have enough population and then trying to purchase more land is problematic for me. I don't know how you or anyone else is building all these buildings and buying land without spending their own money.

If there is some way you know of increasing the cash as well as being able to buy buildings and land, please, please let me know.

My Booyah ID: 36033532


PS: Can you franchise some of my businesses.
If anyone could be so kind to franchise a business of mine that would be great. In need of some bucks. In return I will gift population :)

ID: 35993290

Wonka's World
I need much needed help:confused. I don't wish to spend tons on playing this game, my time 2. However, I can't seem to get a healthy amount of cash or coins. In order to build businesses, you have to have enough population and then trying to purchase more land is problematic for me. I don't know how you or anyone else is building all these buildings and buying land without spending their own money.

If there is some way you know of increasing the cash as well as being able to buy buildings and land, please, please let me know.

My Booyah ID: 36033532


PS: Can you franchise some of my businesses.

I'll try giving you a little advice Maria and hope this helps.

For me, in the beginning, i found the game was quite slow. Trying to make coins and bucks was a struggle. That was until i read on this site about buying stock exchanges and remodeling my businesses to offices. Only then did my coin count begin to rise. As soon as i made another 30,000 coins, i'd buy another stock exchange and so on. Your town may not look pretty during this period of transition, but it does help in building up a nice income, income that i then used to expand another bit of land. expanding land was real slow for me for with no bucks, not even 5 to finish it sooner, i had to wait the full 24 hours until that piece of land cleared, and the next, and next, until i cleared the full map. After this, my coins just kept building up thanks to my 40 or so stock exchanges. That allowed me to buy everything there was to buy with coins. Once i'd built up a small fortune of around 80 million coins, i sold all the stock exchanges and freed up a lot more space. Only then did my town start to take shape.
Now, as for bucks, thats a lot more complicated. Without a jailbroken device, or a long line of people constantly franchising from you, earning bucks is a mission. Even now, every time i login to my town, my eyes scan the screen looking for that golden handshake icon!, and its just great when you see one, knowing that someone has handed some of their bucks straight to you.
Don't get me wrong, making bucks, or not making bucks for that matter, is frustrating to say the least. But, me personally, the game wouldn't be worth playing if i had infinite bucks. There are some great guys on here who make the game enjoyable to me, by franchising and giving away bucks. If it were not for them, i wouldn't play. The Barracudas, CAndylands, Shlampys to name but a few, are what makes it tick.
So Maria, sorry if iv'e been waffling on a bit, but good luck, and times might be slow at first, but i'm sure your pockets will be full with cash in the not too distant future.

Geordieland:rolleyes: ID: 35677417
I am really wanting to get Mt. Fuji I only have like 190 bucks currently and wondering if anyone would be so kind and franchise some of my businesses! I have about 6 that are around 30k to 60k in population and my total pop is above 1.1 mil! Any help would be much appreciated!

My ID is 35696869
Town name is Maddox74

Thanks chilicharlestonchew for franchising me I got mt fuji now! If you want to continue to help so I can get a few more things that would be awesome. If not it's cool! Thanks for everything!!
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I'll try giving you a little advice Maria and hope this helps.

For me, in the beginning, i found the game was quite slow. Trying to make coins and bucks was a struggle. That was until i read on this site about buying stock exchanges and remodeling my businesses to offices. Only then did my coin count begin to rise. As soon as i made another 30,000 coins, i'd buy another stock exchange and so on. Your town may not look pretty during this period of transition, but it does help in building up a nice income, income that i then used to expand another bit of land. expanding land was real slow for me for with no bucks, not even 5 to finish it sooner, i had to wait the full 24 hours until that piece of land cleared, and the next, and next, until i cleared the full map. After this, my coins just kept building up thanks to my 40 or so stock exchanges. That allowed me to buy everything there was to buy with coins. Once i'd built up a small fortune of around 80 million coins, i sold all the stock exchanges and freed up a lot more space. Only then did my town start to take shape.
Now, as for bucks, thats a lot more complicated. Without a jailbroken device, or a long line of people constantly franchising from you, earning bucks is a mission. Even now, every time i login to my town, my eyes scan the screen looking for that golden handshake icon!, and its just great when you see one, knowing that someone has handed some of their bucks straight to you.
Don't get me wrong, making bucks, or not making bucks for that matter, is frustrating to say the least. But, me personally, the game wouldn't be worth playing if i had infinite bucks. There are some great guys on here who make the game enjoyable to me, by franchising and giving away bucks. If it were not for them, i wouldn't play. The Barracudas, CAndylands, Shlampys to name but a few, are what makes it tick.
So Maria, sorry if iv'e been waffling on a bit, but good luck, and times might be slow at first, but i'm sure your pockets will be full with cash in the not too distant future.

Geordieland:rolleyes: ID: 35677417


Thank you so much for your honestly as well as your helpful technique. I will try it . Also, can you franchise with me, if possible. I certainly appreciate.
You are one of my friends on the game, and I'm always sending you a gift when I can.

My Booyah ID: 36033532

Thanks again!
My Town 2 game!


This is a really fun game, but you definitely need patience . . . unless you
wish to speed up things a bit and pay, which non of us wishes to do.

So, I am begging for My Town 2 gamers, to visit my town and franchise with me to help me build my cash as well as my population.

My Booyah ID: 36033532
DivineDiva Town

Thanks in advice for the help. I will definitely send you gifts.:cool:
DivineDivaTown: I took a quick look at your town. If you really want to build up your coins, you'll have to commit to the offices+stockexchange strategy. This means: Burger King --> office, Bally Total Fitness--> office, and so on.

Your town will not look very good, but it's just a temporary change. For increasing your population, buy subways if you can (don't remember what level they unlock). They take up little space and offer a good population bump.


By the way, did you know that Booyah has a Facebook page for My Town 2? They seem to post announcement and things there. It's......... facebook dot com / mytown2 :)


29438128 - Nyteowl City

:):p:D:rolleyes: Hi guys.. I haven't been here in a long time but it looks like the same stuff is happening to all of us mayors everywhere :) Just wanted to invite anyone who wants to stop by my town. I have been level 50 forever and businesses from all over the world so you might find something you can get for coins :rolleyes:
If you happen to have lots of greenbucks I would love some help in that area for sure! ;):);):) GraceGirl 31405501

Ps.. If you do leave a gift would you pick one of my level 10's and choose the greenbuck.. Even one helps me more than any of the other choices. I never seem to win bucks at that new spin thing..ugh! Thanx!
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DivineDivaTown: I took a quick look at your town. If you really want to build up your coins, you'll have to commit to the offices+stockexchange strategy. This means: Burger King --> office, Bally Total Fitness--> office, and so on.

Your town will not look very good, but it's just a temporary change. For increasing your population, buy subways if you can (don't remember what level they unlock). They take up little space and offer a good population bump.


By the way, did you know that Booyah has a Facebook page for My Town 2? They seem to post announcement and things there. It's......... facebook dot com / mytown2 :)


29438128 - Nyteowl City
Thank you so much for checking out my town and giving me some solid advice. However, I do have one question, how do I purchase businesses, when you have to keep increasing your population. Everytime I purchase or franchise a business, the population requirement goes up, and I can't purchase anything until I increase my population. I love this game, but it drives me MAD at the same time. I look at other's towns and I just get do sad and envious too - lol.
Do you know of any tips in this area on how to increase my population so I can build my town.

Thank you so much for checking out my town and giving me some solid advice. However, I do have one question, how do I purchase businesses, when you have to keep increasing your population. Everytime I purchase or franchise a business, the population requirement goes up, and I can't purchase anything until I increase my population. I love this game, but it drives me MAD at the same time. I look at other's towns and I just get do sad and envious too - lol.
Do you know of any tips in this area on how to increase my population so I can build my town.


That's true. You have to build up your population to continue purchasing new businesses. The subway (open the store and look in the Community items) gives you population while taking up a small footprint in your town. The homes you have in your town each give you a very small amount of population. So, what you have in building up your wealth is a town full of Office-type businesses, Stock Exchanges, and subways. Be warned though that your town will look horrible. One other tip, as you gain more coins, you'll want to have businesses with higher popularity. This, in turn, will net you greater coin income over time.

I hope this helps. :)

By the way, did you get a chance to see the My Town 2 facebook page today? It might point you to a good resource of helpful tips and tricks.
Wow. There's really a lot of good tips and tricks in this thread. I thought I had been doing pretty good, but I haven't been able to get many bucks. I had kind of resigned to thought that I just wouldn't be able to buy stuff like Mount Fuji. (I don't plan on spending any real money on this game.) I had been doing pretty good getting coins (I thought it was pretty good, anyway.), but I just switched all my businesses over to offices, and bought myself a few Stock Exchanges. I'll see how that goes.

Is there anyone around that could help me with franchising, though? I would be very appreciative, and obviously, I'd throw some gifts your way.

My Booyah ID is: 35199990
That's true. You have to build up your population to continue purchasing new businesses. The subway (open the store and look in the Community items) gives you population while taking up a small footprint in your town. The homes you have in your town each give you a very small amount of population. So, what you have in building up your wealth is a town full of Office-type businesses, Stock Exchanges, and subways. Be warned though that your town will look horrible. One other tip, as you gain more coins, you'll want to have businesses with higher popularity. This, in turn, will net you greater coin income over time.

I hope this helps. :)

By the way, did you get a chance to see the My Town 2 facebook page today? It might point you to a good resource of helpful tips and tricks.

Thanks so much for all your advice. So, if I change all my businesses to offices, buy more stock exchanges, I should see some faster results. However, when they tell me to build something in my town, I guess I should ignore it for the moment? Right?
Playing My Town 2 on iPad

Hi Everyone,

In reading the majority of threads regarding this game, I notice that most players are playing this game either on their iPhones or iPod's and I was wondering if there is anyone else playing this game on their iPad.

Also, wanted to know if the helpful tips applied to me, since I am playing this game on my iPad?

Booyah ID: 36033532
Divinediva Town

I have been playing mytown for a couple months. I have a ton of coins but having trouble with gaining bucks. If anyone could franchise my bussinesses I'll send back a gift to your town.

My town ID is 35745386 (flukester's town)

Hi Everyone,

In reading the majority of threads regarding this game, I notice that most players are playing this game either on their iPhones or iPod's and I was wondering if there is anyone else playing this game on their iPad.

Also, wanted to know if the helpful tips applied to me, since I am playing this game on my iPad?

Booyah ID: 36033532
Divinediva Town

Hi Maria,
I'm also on an iPad so don't worry, all hints, tips and tricks apply to all devices.
Need HELP!!!

I just played my town 2 for few a couple weeks I want to buy mount fuji but I don't have enough bucks to buy it , please help me to buy it . I need also someone to franchise me please . My BooyahID: 36786368 I cant see the number of earnings and population is this for all or just me :S
Change your devices location settings..

Has everyone had a chance to read back in the the beginning of this thread about on how to go into "settings" and turn "off" your "location setting" to trick your device into thinking your in New York City(or Paris or wherever)? :eek::eek::eek: It's not hard and it's incredible how many high popularity stores there are up there (NYC)!:eek::eek::eek: Once you do that.. you can "franchise" them all for coins instead of greenbucks! :):D:) I have a ton of New York stores and I only used gold coins to buy them.. :):):D:rolleyes::cool: then you can save your green bucks to buy Mt Fugi and the fun wonders and stuff ;););)
:apple::apple::apple:GraceGirl 31405501
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what a fool I am to spend 80 green bucks to upgrade my building from 9th to 10th level accidentally, which I have been saving one by one for weeks... :(
you should not play when you are sleepy!!!
Franchised but cannot find?

Someone franchised me, but when I went to their town to thank them I could not find my business they franchised. How can that be?

Another thing... I have been stuck on level 50 and had maxed out on business purchases so I decided to sell off a bunch of the ugly hotels to make room for something new... I was board and wanted a change. I accidently sold one of my businesses while going thumb happy. My maxed business/population took a nose dive and I had to get my population back up to repurchase that last maxed business.... Total pain...

So looking at other towns that are maxed out and they have also sold off hotels and subways, I am wondering, how can they be franchising and keeping their populations/max businesses? I'm confused! How can someone
franchise one of my businesses and it not show on their board?
What is that other forum?

I heard there is a player-run forum with other MT2 enthusiasts like us that spun off from this thread. It's not run by Booyah, but is endorsed by Booyah. I saw it on MT2 Facebook page.

They have the answers we're looking for in that forum.

I think it's:
Someone franchised me, but when I went to their town to thank them I could not find my business they franchised. How can that be?

Another thing... I have been stuck on level 50 and had maxed out on business purchases so I decided to sell off a bunch of the ugly hotels to make room for something new... I was board and wanted a change. I accidently sold one of my businesses while going thumb happy. My maxed business/population took a nose dive and I had to get my population back up to repurchase that last maxed business.... Total pain...

So looking at other towns that are maxed out and they have also sold off hotels and subways, I am wondering, how can they be franchising and keeping their populations/max businesses? I'm confused! How can someone
franchise one of my businesses and it not show on their board?

That's because "Robin Hoods" will delete the towns that they franchise from you almost immediately. The point is to help you, not acquire your business.
Thanks so much for all your advice. So, if I change all my businesses to offices, buy more stock exchanges, I should see some faster results. However, when they tell me to build something in my town, I guess I should ignore it for the moment? Right?

Hi there. Sorry for not responding sooner. I visit this forum only occasionally.

If your goal is to make coins fast (to franchise new businesses and to open up your land), then yes. Buy stock exchanges and change all your businesses to office-type. Also, buy subways to gain population. This is just temporary. You can sell off your subways and stock exchanges later, after you're comfortable with your coin stockpile. You can then change your businesses back to what they are supposed to be.

As you purchase stock exchanges, note the income increases at each time interval for your businesses. You should see a noticeable jump in income as you add stock exchanges. I know that some people have had a massive field of stock exchanges at one point (around 35-40 SEs).

And for now, you don't have to buy any community items that don't yield a nice population increase.
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