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Wow cool. Thank you so much!!!! How can I make you a present?


Hello, thanks, as promised I franchised a couple of your businesses. In 24hrs I'll remove them and franchise again so you receive more bucks :))[/QUOTE]
Can someone please help my dad get some
Bucks. His ID is 36771919. Will gift population.

I have mount Fuji and he's jealous...
I have my town 2. I am on level 50 and have 19 businesses.

I have the stock exchange, the circus, the fashion museum thing, hot springs, and mega mall. I keep seeing stuff about "stacking." What is that? How do you do that? I want to make the most of money fast and it seems like it takes so long to make any money.

If somebody could tell me some hints about this stock exchange stuff that would be great.
I have my town 2. I am on level 50 and have 19 businesses.

I have the stock exchange, the circus, the fashion museum thing, hot springs, and mega mall. I keep seeing stuff about "stacking." What is that? How do you do that? I want to make the most of money fast and it seems like it takes so long to make any money.

If somebody could tell me some hints about this stock exchange stuff that would be great.
Hi, in the beginning, i purchased a number of stock exchanges, remodelled all my businesses to offices. every time you then collect from any of your offices, the amount of money is considerably higher than it was beforehand. Try changing your 19 businesses into offices and buy stock exchanges, as many as you want or can afford, and watch your income spiral out of control. When i built up around 80 million coins, i then sold all the stock exchages and remodelled my businesses to what i preferred. Hope this helps on your quest for crazy money!


Just curious, how many bucks did you get?
For every franchise, i recieve 50 bucks, so thats 150 bucks in total.
I know that not long ago, any franchised business recieved a shed load of bucks but obviously booyah noticed this and put a limit on it. So now the limit is 50 bucks per franchise. Cheers shlampys.
chanel & dior in paris. burberry in london

Hey guys


thanks for the population gifts!
just took another couple of your businesses.

I've got a bucket load of bucks, i mean in the hundred, if not hundred thousand bucks so im more then happy to buy buy buy :) from any1 and every1 :)

hey there would you mind franchising me too ?:D:D:D ID is 35944825 thanks so much!!!!


Just visited your town ooooh love the stores you have, when I save up more coins I'm buying your juicy couture... :D


Does anyone know how I would find the Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Christian Dior in Paris?

I also wouldn't mind Burberry in London..

I tried searching by city, but I rather franchise so I can see the popularity.

hey there! I've got Chanel & Dior in Paris and also a London Burberry! come and visit! :D ID:35944825
franchise please~~~

anyone who wants BUCKS, send me ur Booyah ID. I'll come franchise ur most expensive business. So then you don't have to learn how to change the files on the iphone. Jailbreakin the phone doesn't actually help nemore... they patched it ever since v2 came out...

any chance you could kindly lend a helping hand to my town? :p:D:p:D
please and thankyou! ID: 35944825
Please guys... Help needed. Please franchise for bucks so someone can buy mount Fuji. It's much appreciated.

Major crash on Sunday 3/18/12


I do have a major gripe right now. On sunday the game crashed and took all my bucks leaving me only $3 :eek: (trust me I have emailed booyah regarding this) then some of my businesses were franchised and refranchised thanks Val, CandyGirl and Barracuda (you guys rock!!!!) so I made some of my bucks back. Like everyone else I save those bucks for an important purchase. Then this morning I am collecting and boom I hit the upgrade button mistakenly and lose all the bucks I just regained and the free bucks I was awarded this very morning!


I also lost much on Sunday. All my businesses (20) were reduced to 15 popularity, which means that they don't earn much money anymore. I had some businesses with over 800 popularity. Also some of my "friends" towns disappeared to just a blank square. These were the friends with whom I "gifted" the most. With the cost of land now over $700,000, it will be way to slow to earn enough to buy more land. I have built a small town modeled after the one we live in, so earning cash and bucks has been slow anyway.

I am also level 50 and have watched all the earned stars fly away for no credit. I would probably be level 60 by now if Booyah had kept the game updated.:( :( :(

Does anyone know what happened on Sunday, and how to recover my game?
My Town 2

Town Name: Keogh22
BooyahID : 33038274
Population : 614,331
Popularity : 38,545

I have 31 businesses with 13 of them at level 10. I just downloaded the new update and received 30 free bucks from booyah. The new spin to win wheel is pretty cool. Every day you get 3 free spins for chances to win prizes. The super spin allows increases your chances of winning better prizes. After your 3 free spins though, it costs 6 bucks to spin again.
Town Name: Keogh22
BooyahID : 33038274
Population : 614,331
Popularity : 38,545

I noticed that a couple of my friends towns were completely blank as well. I read that someone emailed My Town 2 support and received wonders, tons of bucks, and butt loads of coins.
Town Name: Keogh22
BooyahID : 33038274
Population : 614,331
Popularity : 38,545

I noticed that a couple of my friends towns were completely blank as well. I read that someone emailed My Town 2 support and received wonders, tons of bucks, and butt loads of coins.

I noticed the same yet I am still receiving gifts from many of them. I wonder if I am missing some communication about this. Most of the towns that are now blank were really power players. Do you suppose it is a boycott of the game due to all the problems?

I have lost money and levels several times but have not received a response from Booyah. With most crashes there are losses.

Sure appreciate all you friends out there who have made the game fun. Thank you all!!!!!
Last edited:
anyone who wants BUCKS, send me ur Booyah ID. I'll come franchise ur most expensive business. So then you don't have to learn how to change the files on the iphone. Jailbreakin the phone doesn't actually help nemore... they patched it ever since v2 came out...

wow cool! can i make use of your nice offer? That would be great!

Thanks a lot!

ID: 33406728

Heya - um... When I go to your town... its empty - nothing but green grass...
Strange - no? :confused:

Edit: Nevermind - seems its my phone being stupid....

Blanc Rosette > Paris
BooyahID > 33432890

Please try to come back!!! ��


I tried explaining the cash cost earlier but I have only spent one $25 app card to get bucks but I'm now sitting on 18k bucks just from getting franchised. businesses from other cities are the ones that cost bucks no matter what the popularity is. if it is from your current location then it will always cost coins to franchise. for example if you are in new York you could franchise any of my businesses for coins, some of them would cost a ton of coins though. the cost is equal to the popularity stats so my Starbucks would cost you over 1 million coins and if your location is new York you could buy it for coins and not bucks. this is the reason why changing locations is important. when I wanted mixer bar I moved to Paris so I could purchase with coins rather than bucks.
Booyah ID: 31796363


Also keep in mind that buying a business from the store that's "hot" will always be cash bucks so franchising is the only real way to get the good businesses. also when you franchise your business starts with a bonus just for having a franchise before you buy it from somebody's town look at the stats it'll range from +5% to +50%
I am now ranked #4 on the gamecenter leaderboard!!!!!

Please share the wealth if you want. I have some popular businesses you could franchise. 29645292. Pleasantville


any chance you could kindly lend a helping hand to my town? :p:D:p:D
please and thankyou! ID: 35944825

It would be so appreciated if you could throw some bucks my way!!!


any chance you could kindly lend a helping hand to my town? :p:D:p:D
please and thankyou! ID: 35944825

It would be very much appreciated to have some bucks!!!


any chance you could kindly lend a helping hand to my town? :p:D:p:D
please and thankyou! ID: 35944825

Hey guys


thanks for the population gifts!
just took another couple of your businesses.

I've got a bucket load of bucks, i mean in the hundred, if not hundred thousand bucks so im more then happy to buy buy buy :) from any1 and every1 :)

Bucks would be much appreciated in Pleasantville!! 29645292


Hey guys


thanks for the population gifts!
just took another couple of your businesses.

I've got a bucket load of bucks, i mean in the hundred, if not hundred thousand bucks so im more then happy to buy buy buy :) from any1 and every1 :)

Please franchise from Pleasantville!!! 29645292
Sorry didn't mean to reply so many times;)
Hey guys


thanks for the population gifts!
just took another couple of your businesses.

I've got a bucket load of bucks, i mean in the hundred, if not hundred thousand bucks so im more then happy to buy buy buy :) from any1 and every1 :)

Hey if any one can franchise my business I will gift whatever you like
My ID is 36903677 Margaritaville

Would be greatly appreciated!!

I am new to this game. I have gifted other towns. My questions are, does that person know that I sent them a gift? Do they reciprocate? Am I notified that they sent me a gift? Any tips on earning money faster without purchasing?

Thanks in advance.
Franchise my Business'

I'm at a level 50 looking help others while helping my self
I have 8 business with a 500+ population with the largest at 9252.

Booyah Id: 31385719
Town: Hockeytownusa
I am new to this game. I have gifted other towns. My questions are, does that person know that I sent them a gift? Do they reciprocate? Am I notified that they sent me a gift? Any tips on earning money faster without purchasing?

Thanks in advance.

1. Yes, but only for a short moment. When the recipient taps on the gift box, he/she will have the opportunity to visit the sender's town.

2. No one is required to gift back, so I wouldn't hold any such expectations. Also, since you only get 5 gifts to send per day, it's more likely that the recipient simply can't reciprocate on all gifts received.

3. If someone gifted a business in your town, you will see a little gift box on it. Tap on it to see what the gift is and who sent it to you.

4. Bucks are the premium currency. The kind that Booyah wants the players to buy with real money. The fastest way to earn bucks is to buy them at the ridiculous rates Booyah charges. The second fastest way is to have a business of yours franchised by another player. Unfortunately, your business has to be franchised in bucks for you to receive bucks.

Good luck!
Pot O Gold

What I wish and want is...
1 person franchise one of my business'
then I'll be able to buy my dreams' "pot of gold".
Thanks in advance.
I need only 100 bucks more for the fuji;)
Please franchise some of my businesses.

Thanks for Franchising Candy Land;)

ID: 30983961
Name: ihlenfeld
franchise me.


franchise me , i have the best london businesses so far.

here's my id 30682359 :apple:

Hello, thanks, as promised I franchised a couple of your businesses. In 24hrs I'll remove them and franchise again so you receive more bucks :))[/QUOTE]

Hey man,

thanks once again for your help! Would you mind to franchise again?
That would be so cool!

Thanks to cAndy Land, Ghettos city, fafacity, and Pekman City for franchising some of my business.

Please keep coming, bucks are really hard to get.

ID 32149047
Entertainment Town
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