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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 5, 2003

After looking up info on Apple's site and reading a few lengthy reviews, it's pretty clear that: not only don't I *need* Lion, I really don't *want* it either.

There's absolutely nothing that I need, and really nothing that I would even consider a "oh that would be somewhat useful".

While I know that most of you will find something useful in there, I, for the first time since System 4 (yes yes, System 4 on my Mac Plus), will not upgrade to the latest OS...

I find that fact frightening.

I definitely don't want it. Snow Leopard is exactly what I need. About the only thing that would make me install Lion is if it supported Blu-ray playback of commercial movies, and since that didn't happen, Apple will have to carry on without me.
Lion needs a few updates before I consider it. SL is doing just fine for me. What I don't like is apple updating iTunes to 64 bit but ONLY if you update to Lion. BS. SL is supposed to be 64 bit so should be able to handle it. I already started back toward windows with win7 in the event apple gets real stupid trying to force consumers towards what they think we should use. Hope I'm wrong but seems we are being pushed to iOS.
Lion needs a few updates before I consider it. SL is doing just fine for me. What I don't like is apple updating iTunes to 64 bit but ONLY if you update to Lion. BS. SL is supposed to be 64 bit so should be able to handle it. I already started back toward windows with win7 in the event apple gets real stupid trying to force consumers towards what they think we should use. Hope I'm wrong but seems we are being pushed to iOS.

It's probably because the QuickTime API is not 64 bit on Snow Leopard. On Lion, QuickTime was replaced with AVFoundation which is 64 bit.

(Final Cut Pro was shoehorned by this same issue. FCPX cheats by including AVFoundation on Snow Leopard.)
Is AVfoundation why my laptop runs a good 10ºC hotter now?:rolleyes:
Really my only Lion complaint. Just kidding I have plenty...
I originally had the mindset of you guys that I didn't need it and wasn't going to upgrade, at least not yet.

Well, I upgraded and so far so good. I thought Lion would use more resources but it uses less.

If you guys aren't in a rush to upgrade, I would wait a bit until a few kinks are worked out. They aren't major, but definitely not as solid as SL. Don't get me wrong though, it's perfectly fine for day to day use.

To be honest, I turned off a few Lion features such as Resume and "natural" scrolling. I've been using a computer for too long where I save my files before closing a program. I don't like it coming back up when I restart the program. I've also been used to scrolling the "unnatural" way so I turned off "natural" scrolling.

I'm still getting used to the gestures on Lion, but I still screw up with what I want to do.

My favorite feature of Lion is the new implementation of Spaces. I never used Spaces before, but now I do. It's really easy to use and navigate (switch between spaces with swipe on trackpad) The main thing I love is that normally, when doing research, I have a browser and notepad document open next to each other. Now I just maximize them both in their own "space" and I can easily navigate through both of them via swiping my finger.
Waiting for now. Going from a rock solid *.8 to a *.0 can be rough.

I do plan on upgrading eventually though. I don't want to be left in the dust.
Waiting on a refreshed Mac Pro instead, which I will downgrade to SL.

Pro audio.
As a casual user I am ore than happy with the Lion installation and features.

Only two applications stumbled (Cisco Connect front end for my router and Home Accountz) but the real thing that pushed me to get Lion early was the affect it has on World of Warcraft when played under OSX on a mid to high spec Mac. It fixes the majority of issues that caused the "Mac Camera Stutter" bug and allows us to play on much higher graphics settings than 10.6.8.

Mac Pro owners with 5870 cards were limited to moderate settings because of texture caching and stutter when turning but 10.7 has updated some key component of OpenGL and it has effectively unleashed the game to play at the appropriate level for your graphics card now.

EDIT : my source for this information is the official Mac Camera Stutter sticky thread on the US WoW Mac Technical forum.

Thanks for the replies. But I would go further than most of you guys: it's not a question of stability or maturity... I just don't see the use for nearly all the "features".

Here are the main features according to Apple:

-Multi-touch gestures: I'm using a MP with a non-apple mouse = 0 benefit for me.
-Full Screen apps: gain 15 pixels on the top of your screen = 0 benefit.
-Mission Control: lose the "Show all windows" and "Show desktop" abilities of Exposé = actual loss for me. (Apparently you can't configure them back like 10.6.)
-Mac App Store: WTF??? That's a feature??? Give me a break!
-Launchpad: stacks did the same thing, and in any case I launch all my apps using hotkeys = 0 benefit for me.
-Resume: creating unneeded mess from past session when I open an app?: actual loss.
-Auto-Save + Version: I've had the CMD-S habit since about 20 years now + heaps of invisible files on my SSD? = actual loss without any needed benefit.
-Air Drop: could be useful to some, not for most ppl with Mac Pros...
-Mail: it worked flawlessly for me before = 0 benefit for me.

So, so, so... Why the heck should I upgrade, even when it goes rock solid at 10.7.3?

lion not for me

Lack of Rosetta is the deal breaker. Apple spent 12+ years telling people PowerPC was the greatest thing ever and getting us to invest heavily in PowerPC software and now they drop all support!

I have too many PPC apps that run just fine under SL. I did a quick tally and figured it would cost well north of $1000 to buy new versions and in a couple of cases no non-PPC version even exists or I can't find a suitable alternative. It makes no economic sense to spend that kind of cash just to run Lion.
Lack of Rosetta is the deal breaker. Apple spent 12+ years telling people PowerPC was the greatest thing ever and getting us to invest heavily in PowerPC software and now they drop all support!

I have too many PPC apps that run just fine under SL. I did a quick tally and figured it would cost well north of $1000 to buy new versions and in a couple of cases no non-PPC version even exists or I can't find a suitable alternative. It makes no economic sense to spend that kind of cash just to run Lion.

PPC apps are 'dead' to Apple. Lion is Apple's gentle way of kicking PPC programs/support to the curb. I'm super impressed that Apple is moving on and not hobbling their latest OS with apps from 'the past'.

Lack of Rosetta is the deal breaker. Apple spent 12+ years telling people PowerPC was the greatest thing ever and getting us to invest heavily in PowerPC software and now they drop all support!

I have too many PPC apps that run just fine under SL. I did a quick tally and figured it would cost well north of $1000 to buy new versions and in a couple of cases no non-PPC version even exists or I can't find a suitable alternative. It makes no economic sense to spend that kind of cash just to run Lion.

The dinosaurs didn't see it coming either, but they did eventually go extinct. I sold my PPC machines on eBay when I found out how nicely the Intel machines run... it's time to move on and kiss PPC goodbye.
PPC apps are 'dead' to Apple. Lion is Apple's gentle way of kicking PPC programs/support to the curb. I'm super impressed that Apple is moving on and not hobbling their latest OS with apps from 'the past'.


The problem is of course that actual customers use those programs to do actual work. There's nothing gentle about dropping Rosetta support cold. I'm not putting myself through the same situation again that happened with the OS9 to OS X transition where I ended up having new machines running OS X but still had to do the bulk of my work in or on older OS 8-9 machines because the classic software either would not run or performance was so poor.
Still very happy with Snow Leopard.

I'll upgrade eventually...I may even jump straight to 10.8 (if there is one) but SL is just as fantastic a desktop OS as it was last week.
The problem is of course that actual customers use those programs to do actual work. There's nothing gentle about dropping Rosetta support cold. I'm not putting myself through the same situation again that happened with the OS9 to OS X transition where I ended up having new machines running OS X but still had to do the bulk of my work in or on older OS 8-9 machines because the classic software either would not run or performance was so poor.

I am in the same boat with waiting to upgrade my main work machine to Lion, my macbook is running lion just fine but i rarely do any important work on it...

What i do feel the need to point out is that Rosetta, even though available in SL was not installed as a standard... it only installs when called for.

I remember the first occasion that it asked my to install Rosetta after i had upgraded from Leopard... took me by surprise but i actually ended up just biting the bullet and upgrading any PPC apps to Intel versions (i know thats a pain now and a cost but it has to be done sometime... and some apps simply die... its unfortunate but simply the way things go).

So i wouldn't necessarily say Apple have dropped it cold... most saw this coming a mile off and have accepted it.
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Gee, I'm so happy you can all brag about how you saw the end of Rosetta coming. Of course it was coming.

It doesn't change the fact that I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars replacing software that works well, and it doesn't change the fact that some applications have no new version or Intel equivalent.

Quite simply, for me, the benefits of Lion altogether do not outweigh the single problem of losing Rosetta.

Besides, being an early adopter of new operating systems is generally not a good idea unless you like major bugs. I will go to Lion some day, and I will lose Rosetta, and I will have to pay big bucks to replace software, but that day is not today and probably not even this year. I may skip Lion altogether.
-Mail: it worked flawlessly for me before = 0 benefit for me.

But Mail is much better. It's one of the best elements of Lion. Much improved UI, better search function and much more. Indeed, some users would quite happily have paid $29 to buy Mail as a standalone email client (think Postbox).

In my opinion, having used Lion for a few days, Lion is more of an upgrade than Snow Leopard was over Leopard. I hardly can remember anything new in Snow Leopard, yet it's the same price as Lion.
In my opinion, having used Lion for a few days, Lion is more of an upgrade than Snow Leopard was over Leopard. I hardly can remember anything new in Snow Leopard, yet it's the same price as Lion.

Snow Leopard was always intended to be a small upgrade over Leopard.

I have Lion running on my Macbook Pro. I'm having trouble thinking of why anyone with a desktop will want it. Autosave/Versions is useful, and the memory management seems to be improved...and that's about it.

I think Mission Control is a poor replacement for Spaces and Exposé. it's too cluttered and it doesn't replace All Windows.

not sure if I'll want to upgrade my Mac Pro in the future.
I will of course point out that there are lots of small businesses, contractors, research labs etc that are mac based and still use PPC apps for whom it makes no financial sense to spends hundreds/thousands of dollars on new apps to gain...what exactly by going to Lion?

Apart from spending a small fortune on new software and disrupting their workflow what's the plus here? New eye candy on the screen?
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