Waiting on a refreshed Mac Pro instead, which I will downgrade to SL.
Pro audio.
How? I thought it's not possible to do this if your mac originally had a newer version of osx?
And hey, show all windows still exists too! It's the same key too, btw. Yes, it looks a little different because windows are grouped by app now (but it still shows all the windows open for each app!), and you have access to spaces/fullscreen apps, but that's better in my opinion. Certainly not a loss.
It amazes me the **** people will make up and go to the trouble to post on a forum just to talk themselves out of spending 30 bucks. Me, I'm a graphic designer. I would have spent the 30 bucks just for the new UI candy.![]()
I am forced to go back to Snow Leopard.
My Wacom Intuos pen does not double-click under OS X Lion.
I'll have to wait until Wacom brings out a new Wacom Intuos driver.
Waiting on a refreshed Mac Pro instead, which I will downgrade to SL.
I want to do the same thing although I'm not sure if it's possible.
Older machines need the Snow Leopard discs to get to Lion but the new Lion computers have that Internet Recovery thing. Even if you found a way to install 10.6 would it even be useable?
Guess we'll have to see how it all turns out later on down the road.
Panther (10.3), not Leopard implemented this originally in 2003.Show All Windows, as originally implemented in Leopard, showed windows as they were positioned on the desktop, not by application.
Thanks for the replies. But I would go further than most of you guys: it's not a question of stability or maturity... I just don't see the use for nearly all the "features".
Here are the main features according to Apple:
-Multi-touch gestures: I'm using a MP with a non-apple mouse = 0 benefit for me.
-Full Screen apps: gain 15 pixels on the top of your screen = 0 benefit.
-Mission Control: lose the "Show all windows" and "Show desktop" abilities of Exposé = actual loss for me. (Apparently you can't configure them back like 10.6.)
-Mac App Store: WTF??? That's a feature??? Give me a break!
-Launchpad: stacks did the same thing, and in any case I launch all my apps using hotkeys = 0 benefit for me.
-Resume: creating unneeded mess from past session when I open an app?: actual loss.
-Auto-Save + Version: I've had the CMD-S habit since about 20 years now + heaps of invisible files on my SSD? = actual loss without any needed benefit.
-Air Drop: could be useful to some, not for most ppl with Mac Pros...
-Mail: it worked flawlessly for me before = 0 benefit for me.
So, so, so... Why the heck should I upgrade, even when it goes rock solid at 10.7.3?
but is the OS itself faster and more resource efficient?
I'm not a huge fan of LionI will of course point out that there are lots of small businesses, contractors, research labs etc that are mac based and still use PPC apps for whom it makes no financial sense to spends hundreds/thousands of dollars on new apps to gain...what exactly by going to Lion?
Apart from spending a small fortune on new software and disrupting their workflow what's the plus here? New eye candy on the screen?
Apart from spending a small fortune on new software and disrupting their workflow what's the plus here? New eye candy on the screen?