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Please bear with me, there is a connection here. :)

The digital camera I use, a Canon 20D, is 7 years old now. Unlike machine gun shooters I think (a lot) about the scene before me and what it is I want to capture. Composing in camera means I can print at 16x20 if I so desire, and have. For my typical range of 8x10 or 11x14 it is a wonderful camera. This means I don't have to keep getting cameras with more and more mega pixels.

Of course I came in from film and remember having to save my allowance or after school work wages to buy film, chemicals, etc. While I remember the saying "film is cheap", I also remember we did not just burn film hoping to get "that" image. We planned for it and then worked to capture it.

The Canon 20D continues to do what I want. Do I look at those shiny new models? Sure. Then I look at the price tag and read about the problems people are having with features x, y or z. And there sits my trusty 20D.

The same for my Mac Pro 3,1 (early 2008). It originally belonged to my wife. It became a milestone b'day present. She even paid to bring it to 12GB of memory and some extra drives. It does what I need it to do; it runs Aperture (a Christmas present) very well and does all the other stuff I need.

While I don't earn my $$$ from either the 20D or the Mac Pro, I've taken a mindset that there has to be a compelling reason to upgrade. Going from Tiger to Leopard to Snow Leopard, there were compelling reasons. Just like going from the Canon D30, to the 10D and finally the 20D.

Perhaps its my age or perhaps it is a state of mind. I saw it with my now deceased relatives, they reached a point or a realisation that they simply didn't need "more" or newer. What they had did what they wanted to do. I use both my Mac Pro and Mac mini to earn my daily bread, mostly the mini these days. ...
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^ Ya, the 20D was noted for very good image quality. Pragmatism sure beats broke from constant upgrading, unless there's a real need.
While I like some of the more subtle refinements in Lion, it's a PITA for the Mac Pro, but quite nice for the Laptops.

I will not be upgrading on my Mac Pro and when I buy a new one it will put SL on it (pro audio here)

But in case you want to upgrade to lion and find many aspects too annoying, here is a short list of things to make it more tolerable.

= Changes made to lion =
-don't require password on wake/log in
-turn off new window zooming (defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO)
-turn back on key repeats (defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false)
-Increased keyboard repeat speed
-turn of window animations (defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO)
-Speed up full screen (
**Only works with some apps**

Enable Classic view
hide "favorites "
Don't save attachments to computer

Pref -> When doing a search search,search this folder
Put the HD in the finder bar
Put the home folder in the finder bar
Put the library in the finder bar since it is now a hidden folder by default
Removed "all my files" from the bar

Track pad
Changed direction of scrolling (uninverted it)
Turned on app expose
i was actually very excited about lion...until it was released. all of a sudden it hit me that going from sl which works great to a .0 release was a bit of a risk especially when gestures are useless to an animator. so i wont be upgrading until i upgrade to a new mac then i'll try it out...but i'm holding onto my sl disk
People have already done it on the Mac Mini, by using target disk mode, and SL 10.6.8, see the mini forums as to how they did it. People will find a way. Is Lion Apples Vista?

Thats nice but 10.6 supports the processor architecture that existed already. The mini's are using the Macbook chips. No big whoop to run a more or less "supported" back install. Unless 10.6.9+ or something comes out with backward support for processor and chipsets not even released yet I would not bank on it.
You'll need X79 and Sandy Bridge Xeon support in 10.6. Apple's track record is not so good with supporting OS through major architectural changes. I could be wrong but your Macmini comparison is not the same thing as the Mac Pro transition will be. All I am saying is maybe don't bank on it.
No Rosetta, no Lion for me.

I have to smile at this one. I see where you are coming from.

I bought a Mac Book Pro in 2009, and last March bought a MacPro. Was a full time Windows user from 1987 until I got the Mac Pro. There are a few Windows programs that I use that have no Mac equivalent, hence the use of Boot Camp. I use Pixort and Proshow Producer. I have MS Office for Mac and Windows, as I need Access. Quicken for Mac sucks. Otherwise, all my other software has been moved over to Mac Platform, including CS5 and Lightroom. Love to go 100% Mac, but I don't see that happening. :apple:
Yeak it seems like Lion has been a bit of a Dud so far. There was a lot of hype over every other OSX release, this one kinda just came and went. Maybe I've just been too busy to care, but for the most part it's been like Lion what? I just hope the next MacPro can run Snow Leopard.
I like how all my friends are making such a big deal out of maximizing apps. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore apple fanboy. But windows has had that since the 90's :) Heck i think OS9 had it too. :)
I like how all my friends are making such a big deal out of maximizing apps. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore apple fanboy. But windows has had that since the 90's :) Heck i think OS9 had it too. :)

Heh. It is ironic, but typical Apple. They have told us for 10 years that maximizing windows is poor document-window management. :)
I wish I had never installed lion. Like a fool I installed it on both of my mbp's and mini.
My battery life has been shot to hell, it runs way hotter than before. now when I stream to my atv it keeps locking up. Wow what a waste. I really thinking about reloading sl.
down loading lion as I type. I have many backup hdds just in case it is a bomb. I am downloading it at the speed of 300 to 400 kbs really slow!

my netspeed is rated 15MB/s it will take a long time to download this at 350Kb/s.

Still downloading 25 minutes later it boosted to 1.1 Mb/s

mostly running .9 MB/s still downloading so far over 44 minutes.

having a clone is really needed with this as an internet recovery is going to be long.

at 75 minutes 20 to go.
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