His enthusiasm was horribly forced and it seemed like he trying desperately to convince people just how excited we all should be about the new features of the phone, and to me he came off sounding phony as hell. The thing that people like about Apple is that the product sells itself. Jobs would never have made such an ass of himself at a keynote, he would have been like, "yea this is the new product, here are it's features, and we know you are going to buy it."
His enthusiasm was horribly forced and it seemed like he trying desperately to convince people just how excited we all should be about the new features of the phone, and to me he came off sounding phony as hell. The thing that people like about Apple is that the product sells itself. Jobs would never have made such an ass of himself at a keynote, he would have been like, "yea this is the new product, here are it's features, and we know you are going to buy it."
It did seem forced to me.
The way he was talking about it. It seemed so faked and prepared to me, makes me feel a bit sad.
Would have loved to see J. Ive talk about it. Would love to see him as CEO of Apple though.
Ive would be a horrible CEO. Although I dislike Tim as a speaker/showman, I do believe he is a good CEO and Ive is a good designer. Something tells me that they provide balance to each other. Ive is too caught up in design and Time too much in policy.
I'd pay to have Ive present.
I think Ive shares more the philosophy of Jobs.
Cook is a great business man but he doesn't look the right ceo for Apple imho.
It doesn't matter the iPhone 5 will still sell in record numbers.