Watch presentations by other CEOs. Tim Cook is mid-pack or slightly better. We are just spoiled by Jobs' ability to sound natural and excited about everything they developed.
I think he was trying to hard to be like SJ, he should find his own style, for example dressing down in his jeans etc if he had Steve's polo on he would have been an exact facsimile, does he dress like that all the time i wonder?
Very early on in Apple's history, there was a time when Steve wasn't the world's greatest presenter. Sure, he had charisma, but I've seen videos when he came across as nervous. But Tim has no comparisons to him in his prime, but that's okay, since no one else really does, either. I think Forstall and Schiller do a pretty good job, and I'd love to see Jonny I've actually come out on stage.
But mark my words... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH TIM'S ACCENT, and don't you even suggest it!
Tim doesn't give off that natural sounding voice. I think with more time he will get better, he does do a better job then most people would in those kinds of presentations.
He sounds like an super idiot( double down on secrecy which btw some of you defended him because today's world is almost impossible to do that. Well as a CEO of one of the most powerful company if he didn't realize that then he is an even bigger idiot).
He has no direction( map fiasco. Customer service fiasco and more )
And he has no grasp on where tech and trends are going ( just last year they insist that this new format iPhone is perfect. And now they are about change it. IF they don't apple will lose another 20percent of their stock. )
Sorry, I was talking about apple's hiring mr.Browett.(John).
What a disaster... I am serious.. Mr.Cook is all about making friends and getting them paid big time money. He has no interest nor ability to run apple company. Anyone says otherwise, you are ... oh man..