Last Firmware had at least one bug in it, I got a EFI. dump Notification, if I wanted to send it to Apple, I did and we got new Firmware again after just 1 week.
Can you please also send a bug report to Apple to tell them fix the TRIM issue, add NVMe and USB 3.0 boot into the firmware, also add native driver support for all new Nvidia cards? It seems they only listen to you, I submitted lots of report and they never fix anything in a week. The "to-fix list" of cMP is quite long actually, please ask Apple to fix all of them by next week.
Last but not least, There is at least one more bug in the 5,1 firmware. The 4,1 firmware can work with the Sonnet Tempo SSD PCIe card flawlessly, but the 5,1 firmware may hang the boot manager. Can you ask Apple to fix it as well? Million thanks in advance!
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