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I just got a W8613 and I don't really have any problems. It's slightly noisier than my 1.25 GHz PowerBook, but I think it's all due to the 7200 RPM hard drive (there's some noise from the vibration near where the hard drive is). Other than that I don't hear a high pitch whine and it's no hotter than my PowerBook.
planetgenova said:
I just got a W8613 and I don't really have any problems. It's slightly noisier than my 1.25 GHz PowerBook, but I think it's all due to the 7200 RPM hard drive (there's some noise from the vibration near where the hard drive is). Other than that I don't hear a high pitch whine and it's no hotter than my PowerBook.

Glad to hear the W13's are working fine. Is the bar above your function keys hot? At full brightness after 40 minutes or so?
rusty018 said:
My serial number starts with W8612? What about that? Mine is hot and it whines.

Same serial for my sister's. Just got it Thursday. It's hot in the rear part of the machine. No noises... yet...

I've felt PowerBooks hotters than this MacBook. Never owned a PowerBook-line Mac in our household, so we're testing the waters with this.

So, I've got a Rev A Macbook Pro, 2 gig, and I've been very happy with it. But all of these complaints have given me a case of neurosis, or minor buyers remorse, or something. I really enjoy this machine, but the whine issue can get on my nerves (though I'm usually listening to music, which covers up that problem). It does get warm, but I can't tell if it gets unnaturally warm - my last laptop was an alienware (piece of junk), so it's a bad reference.

Two problems I have outside the norm are: 1. A dark band that goes across the screen, about halfway down. It isn't very noticable unless there's a solid dark background, or if you're looking from a wider viewing angle. I can't tell what it is - it isn't a solid line, but more a consistent blotchy dark band.
2. Sometimes it has trouble coming out of "sleep" mode. I'll open the laptop up, and it will make noises and everything if I click, but the screen won't come back on. I have to close it again a reopen it, and press the latch button to convince it to fully wake up.

What do you all think? I have applecare... should I bring it in and see what they can do, or is it best to brave out the storm and wait until they have even better fixes? This is my first Mac, so I really don't know how their customer support works; only that it is much better than alienware! (I can't believe Dell bought it...) Anyway, thanks in advance for any and all advice!

- Quil

The question:
According to the article Apple is inviting people to return their overtly hot MBP's for updated rev.'s. I have the whine (very slight) and it is incredibly hot (just borderline under a temp in which I think I would be burned)
Ideas? Should I backup everything and head to the Apple Store?
I have W8611...
sounds like W8612 and W8613 are shipping without these problems.
DeSnousa said:
I would be annoyed if I forked out so much for a fault that Apple has accepted and fixed now. They should do a recall or something :confused:
Not a big enough of a problem... such as the ibook g3 logic board was a major problem thus it was recalled.
I have a 10, and I have haven't had/noticed any of these problems. Mine gets hot, but it's not unbearably hot, and with how thin the machine is, and how powerful the processor is, it doesn't surprise me. My screen has never flickered, and I don't think I've ever heard a processor whine. I guess milage varies with these machines.
For those who have posted in this thread thinking that Apple is addressing the problems, do you realize this did not come from Apple, but some no name web site? Are you all that gullable to think Apple actually told this site anything? Did you notice this is not mentioned anywhere else? It's bunk.
wickedG35 said:
Glad to hear the W13's are working fine. Is the bar above your function keys hot? At full brightness after 40 minutes or so?

It's warm, but not uncomfortable to the touch. W8613, ordered a week ago, arrived this morning.
Kingsly said:
According to the article Apple is inviting people to return their overtly hot MBP's for updated rev.'s. I have the whine (very slight) and it is incredibly hot (just borderline under a temp in which I think I would be burned)
Ideas? Should I backup everything and head to the Apple Store?
I have W8611...
sounds like W8612 and W8613 are shipping without these problems.

I think a lot of people who complain about heat coming from their MBP have never owned a laptop before. Laptops get hot. All of them. In strange places sometimes (people think that because it gets hot on one side and not the other, it must be a problem, etc.).

Or if they have owned other laptops and think their MBP is running hotter, it's purely psychological ("People tell me there's a defect in the MBP, mine must be one of them, therefore it feels hotter").

However, I think we can all agree that a laptop that runs so hot that it could burn you by placing you hand on it for longer than a few seconds is a problem. Although, I had a first revision Powerbook G3 (wallstreet) that was really, REALLY hot (burn my skin hot). And that was considered normal at the time.
The top gets realllllllllly hot. much hotter than my PB or iBook. Dont even get me started on the bottom. I have burned myself by grabbing the MBP and resting my fingers on the bottom while carrying it.

Anyone else have a '13? I want more info on weather they fixed the heat issues and whine. Are the fans on all the time?
portent said:
It's called a warranty. You discover a "defect in materials or workmanship" within the first year, they are contractually obligated to fix it.

Of course, Apple is legally allowed to argue with you on if you're really suffering from a defect or whatnot.
I've got an W8610 with the whine and screen flicker but it seems to only get really hot when running off the battery…

What do you guys think, call Apple or go to an Apple store? The store probably won't give me a replacement due to the 7200rpm, right?
Mines a rev D

I've got W8613 SN! Mine gets hotter than my previous PowerBook. A 17" 1.67 G4. I don't have the whine that some have described though.

I've been very happy with mine overall, but the battery life could be better. I'm getting about 3 hrs with the brightness to about 1/3.

But, the great thing is the speed... Man this thing is fast! It even launches Office apps faster than my 17" PB did! Safari pops open so fast it startles me! This is an incredible computer!

I got the 2.16 upgrade along with the 7200 rpm 100 Gig drive and the 2 GB RAM. All the goodies! I may not have needed it, but it makes for a more attactive sellable unit when I upgrade next year! I only wish they had the faster DL/DVD burner.
My Experience So Far

for the record, i have a 2 GHz W8612 serial MacBook Pro. it does get a bit hot on the bottom, just as it says it will in the manual, so it is to be expected. the aluminum draws the heat out from the inside. this design function was intentional. it only gets slightly hotter than my iBook and mainly it only gets really hot when i'm using it and it's plugged in or it's not able to get full ventilation underneath. these are all things that are talked about in the manual. they are not flaws.

it is also a bit noisier than my iBook, but, as someone else posted, it is quieter than virtually every other type of laptop i've used.

overall i've had no problems and this is the fastest machine i've used so far, besides the quad core power mac.
My early version MacBook was working great but went in for a very minor repair and has been mysteriously delayed "waiting for a part". Now I suspect the part is a later rev motherboard! If so, thanks, Apple! They didn't need to do that, I had no complaints. I'll see when it comes back.
Macbook revisions

Mine arrived yesterday, needless to say I spent a lot of time on it last night. Unit is practically silent and seems to work fine. Not sure about the serial no, will check it when I get home.
Kingsly said:
According to the article Apple is inviting people to return their overtly hot MBP's for updated rev.'s. I have the whine (very slight) and it is incredibly hot (just borderline under a temp in which I think I would be burned)
Ideas? Should I backup everything and head to the Apple Store?
I have W8611...
sounds like W8612 and W8613 are shipping without these problems.

Screw backing up, I plan on having them firewire all my ***** to the new MBP. Some people use the MBP for business and you can't toy with that. I expect to be in and out of there in 1 day, not weeks.
what is strange is that my 12" powerbook that i bought in september gets very hot by the power adapter area and randomly through running applications. i called apple to ask them about it because i didn't want to fry anything and they said that it is the aluminum casing that conducts heat and that is why they call it a PORTABLE and not a laptop!

So far Apple hasn't had a public statement.

Who was this website quoting? "Apple" ?

A level 1 or level 2 Applecare rep?

Someone that has the connections to know the truth, or just someone wanting to satisfy the masses?

What is the credibility of the original website posting this info? I had never heard of that website till today and since their article, I have seen this quoted on at least 4 Mac sites.
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