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seancusick said:
To all those complaining about our whining- if Apple can fix it, why wouldn't you? If it is fixable, then it must be a real Hardware problem. I don't understand the logic of, just suck it up. If you pay $2,000+ for a computer that has a fixable problem, why attack people looking for a fix?

i'm sorry but if i put up 2000+ for a new laptop, i expect it to be somewhat in good working condition. Not something that needs to be fixed within 2 weeks of introduction. If i bought one, i'd be whining too.
No problems here

I got one of the first MacBook Pros that came off the line and I honestly haven't had an issue with it. I don't see flickering, whining, or any of the other "problems" that people are seeing. I'm completely satisfied with my purchase. I actually think that, because I put in such an early pre-order, that when I upgraded to the 2.16 GHz Core Duo they decided to ship it early. Hell, I wasn't complaining. I dropped the bucks and I got the good treatment.

It worries me a bit that there are revisions already, though. It's common to change various component providers, etc... though I don't know how common it is to have an update to fix a quality issue. I guess it's moot though-- I don't have the symptoms.

On a brighter note, a friend of mine in charge of purchasing decisions for a small Agency has now purchased 4 new MacBook Pro's (and they're loving them) and is already using xServes, G5 PowerMacs, and G4 PowerBooks. Amazing, considering that in a 10 or 12 person company that roughly 60% are using Macs in a place that also does software development. He used to dislike Macs and now he's recommending and buying them for his company.

My girlfriend works in a talent agency and their entire office are iBooks. It's amazing, but the tides are turning. I never used to see that in businesses who's primary task was not science, law, or graphics.

I also have a lot of friends who have purchased their first mac in the past 3 months due to the Intel transition. Maybe it's a mental thing but I know they all consider it a more solid purchase since they knew the OS was better, the packaged software was better, and the speed was ... is ... the same now.

Bottom line-- the Intel transition is making a *significant* number of people in my circle, both professionally and personally, purchase more Macs than ever. It's now to the point where the PC using people are in the minority and, believe it or not, all I do is show them the hardware and software. I don't even get preachy. They love their ipod, they see Intel on the new Macs, they secretly love OS X, and NOW they buy.
RevMedia said:
Mine is a W8612 and I got it direct from China last wends because of a hard-drive upgrade. Being someone who actually uses their system instead of just buying them to surf the net and look (& sound) pretty I have been INCREDIBLY impress by the improvements of the MBP over the PowerBook. Suck it up and stop the madness!!!

Agreed. It monkey-stomps a G4 PB and, frankly, any PC laptop I have seen. I'm not just blowing smoke, either. I work in the software development business as a designer and people are buying Intel Macs and not looking back.

The MacBook Pro is seriously fast. I definatly feel like I'm using a high-end desktop when I use it.

Mine is W8608*
I can't hear any sound that would bother me, but it does get pretty hot sometimes.
I, too, have the W8608 that I purchased from Amazon. The superdrive needs replacing and it gets too hot to place on your lap. Apple has agreed to replace the superdrive. Is there anything they can do to address the heat? Everything else seems to work just fine.
BRLawyer said:
Sorry, but if you have a problem with your Mac just use your warranty period and ask for a fix/replacement...what else do you need?

This is easy to say but not so pleasant to go through. I had one Rev. A PB that I had to return 5 times to Apple for repairs.

Eventually my AppleCare warranty went out and the PB died at 3.5 years of age.

Each repair involved. Waiting for shipping box. Backing up all of my software. Shipping the PB with my private info on it. Waiting several days. Shipping the unit back. Checking to see if it was fixed.

Then waiting another few weeks to see if the unit failed again. Repeat above procedure 4 more times.

Trust me. It is a lot better to wait for a more mature product. Apple eventually gets the kinks worked out as the product matures. And in this case, people are suffering with rev A.s and most of the software isn't even native yet.
seancusick said:
To all those complaining about our whining- if Apple can fix it, why wouldn't you? If it is fixable, then it must be a real Hardware problem. I don't understand the logic of, just suck it up. If you pay $2,000+ for a computer that has a fixable problem, why attack people looking for a fix?

If they do fix it, it is fine with me. But when I asked them last time, they just said that they don't fix that problem. If they changed their mind about that now then that's ok.
I have a Revision C(W8610) model and it doesn't whine,bitch, get too hot or have problems with the screen.

Maybe a later C model?
Mine has the whining and thats all, (and a faulty pixel) the machine is fast than my dual 2.0 G5 in almost any task (even FCP).
Games like Doom3 runs far better to!
But i will wait to see waht apple is going to do for the whining problem.
Yea is a hot machine, hotter than my 1.5 PB G4.

Good luck!!! and enjoy your MBP
So lemme get this straight

i just got my MBP over spring break earlier in March. It burns like a mofo when I'm running apps I have to use often for school and I'm aware of the emulation but does this mean I can take my MBP to the local apple store and just get another one?
I have to laugh at some of you....

Those who say Im 'happy' with my MBP, and I dont have 'any probs' seem to go on to say other than the 'excessive heat', 'whining noise', 'dodgy screen', 'buzzing', or <insert your ailment>.

You guys spent over $2000 on a laptop which causes you grief. It may be slight grief, but its still grief.

I used to have a Ti 1Gz PPC laptop, but my main machine now is an IBM thinkpad laptop. The IBM machine doesnt whine, is cool to touch, the fan stays off the majority of the time, and the screen is perfect. People who say the heat isnt really an issue... think again. If my thinkpad were too hot to have on a bare set of legs then I would consider it faulty.

You guys are deluding yourselves. You dont have to justify the purchase you know... its okay to admit that you were robbed by Apple on an early 'engineering sample'. I love Apple to bits, but there are simply TOO MANY people saying these early machines have issues to ignore.

If your mac suffers ANY of the above 'issues', then consider it defective. Send it back, complain like hell.. or are you one of these people that spends $2000 and has to convince themselves that the issues are OK simply because Apple is cool and your machine is faster than your old iMac etc ??!
lewchenko said:
If your mac suffers ANY of the above 'issues', then consider it defective. Send it back, complain like hell.. or are you one of these people that spends $2000 and has to convince themselves that the issues are OK simply because Apple is cool and your machine is faster than your old iMac etc ??!

Yea, let's face it: Macs are crap. :eek: :p
I hope these problems won't last. I guess Apple had to reduce the quality a bit to keep the price at that level since the Core Duo is way more expensive than the G4. If I had recieved a uncomfortably hot, whining or flickering, I would return it for another one. These issues would be acceptable for a cheapo 500$ computer, but we're talking about macs here!
Stridder44 said:
Im starting to think the same theory applies with even cars.

I thought that was common knowledge! I was told long ago never buy a car in it's first model year, or the first year of a major redesign.

As far as Apple Rev A's go, I've got a Rev A Aluminum PB, and it taught me my lesson. Unfortunately nothing in this thread surprises me, and I had already councilled friends who were asking to wait for at least one model refresh.

Especially on a change _this_ big.
Aren't all laptops hot? I'd be more inclined to consider heat a defect if I had ever seen a laptop that wasn't hot.
MattG said:
Rev. D???? That's scary. Glad I haven't ordered yet.
I've got a Rev A G5 iMac with AppleCare. They just replaced the motherboard for the third time and it's been what, just a year and a half? If they can't figure out how to fix these capacitors in that time there are sure going to be issues floating around the laptops.

Never mind the two Rev A iMac (Bondi Blue) I had. One blew up and the other turned off to never wake again.

Patience is a virtue. I just never knew where to find her.
Detlev said:
I've got a Rev A G5 iMac with AppleCare. They just replaced the motherboard for the third time and it's been what, just a year and a half? If they can't figure out how to fix these capacitors in that time there are sure going to be issues floating around the laptops.

or the damn buzzing fans, or the dark area of the screen along the top bezel where the inverter cable comes around.
I have the W8612. It whines and is very hot. My friend, owner of a 5G PB has said mine is very hot, and compared to his, I agree.
As I said my MBP arrived today. It does get hot but no hotter then my latest gen iBook. I hear no noise comming from the cpu at all.. and yes my ears are fine...

No problems at all for me :)
2.0 Ghz, 2 Gb, 7200 Rpm !!

When getting some HR HDTV rips over wifi to my hd an playing another from HD the thing does not get to hot.. It does get warm but really not any warmer then my iBook.. and it didn't fire up any loud fans like my iBook used to do..
obeygiant said:
oh yes it does.
it proves that 85% of Apple products when they first come out have problems.
as someone said earlier <welcome to world of revision a>

What do you define as problems ? I know enough guys with rev a who don't find the heat a problem.. some people are just whining about some bitch ass problem because they read someone else found it to hot.. and then they start to think ok mine is warm to.. maybe it is to hot aswell ! yes it find it to hot now I think about it ! indead.. damn apple ! I almost burned my lap !
: P : P : P
SaddY said:
What do you define as problems ? I know enough guys with rev a who don't find the heat a problem.. some people are just whining about some bitch ass problem because they read someone else found it to hot.. and then they start to think ok mine is warm to.. maybe it is to hot aswell ! yes it find it to hot now I think about it ! indead.. damn apple ! I almost burned my lap !
: P : P : P

no no

this is not second hand experience, this is first hand experience.
and i dont have to list the numerous problems with the 1st gen g5 imac,
and other products leading all the way back thru the bronze powerbook.
look it up yourself. :p
Do any of you guys run your MBP with an external monitor and leave the lid closed? I know my MBP gets really hot so I guess I probably shouldn't do this, but I figure if it doesn't sleep only when it's hooked up to an external monitor then it should be okay? What do you guys think? Thanks.
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