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Wouldn't it mean that Samsung is evil by using Apple's patents without license, which they should have known since they were already being sued for using these patents in their older products?

Or does it mean that Samsung is just _stupid_ for doing this?


Of course they can't, since (1) all the LTE patents must be licensed under FRAND terms, and (2) Apple holds a _huge_ number of LTE patents themselves since they purchased Nortel's patent portfolio on which any Samsung LTE phone would be infringing.

And I'm truly fascinated by your logic. So Samsung keeps up with Apple by stealing Apple's IP, and Apple is the one who isn't innovating?

Apple holds i believe 4% of LTE patents.
I don't think a lot of people hate Apple, I typically don't care about branding. But as of late, Apple's behavior as a company shows me they are not really interested in updating their software/hardware in any large way. They are more interested in getting competitors products banned and winning money in lawsuits, over patents that should have not been granted in the first place.

...and evolving their current product line. Face it, they're not going to make anything new for a while, and there's no need to anyway. They need to wait for new technology to come out first.
...and evolving their current product line. Face it, they're not going to make anything new for a while, and there's no need to anyway. They need to wait for new technology to come out first.

What I'm getting at, is they've refused to add a larger/better screen. They've refused to go to a different form factor ( kinda ), they're refused to update iOS in any major way, besides making maps....worse. They really have not done anything snice 2007 imo, then they wonder why the competition who brings out new OS's all the time, all of which have been great since gingerbread imo. Start eating into their sales.

They don't update everything, they don't follow what people want. They sue.

Personally, I think I am gonna keep my personal phone Android, I'll support free and open source before I support a closed source sue happy company.
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What I'm getting at, is they've refused to add a larger/better screen. They've refused to go to a different form factor ( kinda ), they're refused to update iOS in any major way, besides making maps....worse. They really have not done anything snice 2007 imo, then they wonder why the competition who brings out new OS's all the time, all of which have been great since gingerbread imo. Start eating into their sales.

They don't update everything, they don't follow what people want. They sue.

Personally, I think I am gonna keep my personal phone Android, I'll support free and open source before I support a closed source sue happy company.

Because adding a larger screen and maxing out the RAM is totally innovative and new, right? Nobody is making anything really new. The original iPhone was new, and iOS 2 had major new features. The iPad was not really new, but it opened up a new market. The iPhone 4 had a great new design, but there were no new features there and only minor improvements after iOS 2. It just seems like "new" at this point would just be some bad change just for the sake of change. I wouldn't say that Google copied iOS in Android, but Android is nothing new or original. Nor have the Android phone makers been innovating at all, and a few of the designs are clear copies.

Either way, I don't care who is innovating when I choose my phone. I could get a Nexus with a big screen, removeable battery (bad), more power (OK), and open-source OS (I don't go manually hacking my phone, so I don't care), or I could get an iPhone 4 with a smaller screen (Ok for me), built-in battery (more battery life and better looks), and a walled garden OS (I jailbreak for sketchy apps) that syncs nicely with my PC and works with the Apple TV and Airport Express. I went for the iPhone 4. Maybe it's not what you want, but for people like me and most people I know, the iPhone has pretty much everything wanted.

Even if I used an Android phone as my personal device for some reason, I'd still also get an iPhone since iOS apps can get many customers for tech companies. That lame Instagram company sold for $1G, and their success is due to their iOS app.
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Because adding a larger screen and maxing out the RAM is totally innovative and new, right? Nobody is making anything really new. The original iPhone was new, and iOS 2 had major new features. The iPad was not really new, but it opened up a new market. The iPhone 4 had a great new design, but there were no new features there and only minor improvements after iOS 2. It just seems like "new" at this point would just be some bad change just for the sake of change. I wouldn't say that Google copied iOS in Android, but Android is nothing new or original. Nor have the Android phone makers been innovating at all, and a few of the designs are clear copies.

Either way, I don't care who is innovating when I choose my phone. I could get a Nexus with a big screen, removeable battery (bad), more power (OK), and open-source OS (I don't go manually hacking my phone, so I don't care), or I could get an iPhone 4 with a smaller screen (Ok for me), built-in battery (more battery life and better looks), and a walled garden OS (I jailbreak for sketchy apps) that syncs nicely with my PC and works with the Apple TV and Airport Express. I went for the iPhone 4. Maybe it's not what you want, but for people like me and most people I know, the iPhone has pretty much everything wanted. Even if I used an Android phone as my personal device for some reason, I'd still also get an iPhone since iOS apps can get many customers for tech companies.

Well thats obviously your opinion. The iPhone looks dated, has the same front face since 2007. Same back as well but they added glass to it which made it heavier and fragile(some think that means it is well built) and has been slow to add modern features that even lower end Androids have had for years. If your not going to innovate, fine but at least catch up!

When the first iPhone came out, it didnt have simple things like MMS or copy and paste so adding that in iOS 2 your saying they added major features? They messed up by not giving that in the first place. And from what i understand (since i dont use an iPhone anymore) you still cant send attachments with email and i dont think you can multitask yet.

And what does the bolded part mean?
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Because adding a larger screen and maxing out the RAM is totally innovative and new, right?

Lets you run more apps at the same time, makes your phone responsive and opens it up to more Apps.

The original iPhone was new

You mean an over priced pile of ****? It wasn't until the 3G that the iPhone became a real smart phone.

The iPad was not really new, but it opened up a new market.

For your typical consumer, I was using a convertible tablet 8 years before the iPad. I passed on the consumption device.

The iPhone 4 had a great new design, but there were no new features there and only minor improvements after iOS 2. It just seems like "new" at this point would just be some bad change just for the sake of change

I think the iPhone 4 has a terrible feel, I preferred my 3GS as far as " in the hand " feel goes. Well, a bigger and better screen and more battery life, would be a good thing.

I wouldn't say that Google copied iOS in Android, but Android is nothing new or original. Nor have the Android phone makers been innovating at all, and a few of the designs are clear copies.

I agree with you mostly, I don't think stock Android copies iOS at all, or vice versa ( besides the pull down notifications, but meh ), the Samsung touch wiz does get iffy with that I'll admit.

Have you seen ICS or Jelly Bean? Tons of new features and innovation in those OS's. I'm waiting for apple to step it up.

I wouldn't say that Google copied iOS in Android, but Android is nothing new or original. Nor have the Android phone makers been innovating at all, and a few of the designs are clear copies.

I fully agree, there are straight up copies, but I would not put the galaxy S3 in that category. And to be honest, besides multi touch in a phone ( multi touch has existed in consumer accessible products long before the iPhone ), the iOS wasns't anything new compared to PALM, RIM or Windows Mobile. It just looked nicer imo.

Either way, I don't care who is innovating when I choose my phone.
Agreed, I buy the best phone for the job.

I could get a Nexus with a big screen, removeable battery (bad)
How is a removable battery bad? I go out into the field alot, and sometimes I'm out all day, texting, calling and emailing for work ( which alot is done on my work 4S, but then there are times when I have to use my phone due to the iphones dead battery ), having a removable battery is great, I can just swap it out for another battery, and be at 100% again, I do it all the time.

more power (OK), and open-source OS (I don't go manually hacking my phone, so I don't care),
More power is good for software, and an Open Source OS imo is just a good thing, google makes a small amount of money off android, but I like how they give it away for free.

or I could get an iPhone 4 with a smaller screen (Ok for me)

Maybe for you, but not for me, or the market, as large screen phones are exploding in popularity. I think apple should at least have the option of a bigger screen.

built-in battery (more battery life and better looks),

PERSONALLY, with a battery app ( juice ), my Galaxy S3 has been getting better battery life than my iPhone 4S ( both these phones are in my pants at ll times ;0 ). And when it dies, I can just swap it out for another one if I can't find a plug, also my galaxy S3 is thinner ;)

and a walled garden OS

Personally I don't like the idea of that.

Maybe it's not what you want, but for people like me and most people I know, the iPhone has pretty much everything wanted.

It is what I want, I understand the point of the iPhone, and I liked my 3GS, and I like my 4S workphone, but i'll personally go for Android, i think the hardware is better. And I do think most people are going for Android phones, as they are rapidly gaining users.

Even if I used an Android phone as my personal device for some reason, I'd still also get an iPhone since iOS apps can get many customers for tech companies. That lame Instagram company sold for $1G, and their success is due to their iOS app.

Indeed, I carry both with me. And I like the amount of software for iOS, however the hardware is to lackluster for my taste, personal phone anyway.
Because adding a larger screen and maxing out the RAM is totally innovative and new, right? [...] The iPhone 4 had a great new design

You can't state both these things with a straight face. The iPhone 4 was as different from the 3GS as Android handsets are from their previous generation.
You can't state both these things with a straight face. The iPhone 4 was as different from the 3GS as Android handsets are from their previous generation.

You need Kool Aid Logic.

iOS 2, adding " revolutionary features " like MMS!!!! ::eek::eek: 3G:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And Copy and waste:eek::confused::eek::confused: and GPS :D:D:D:apple:;)

Is what really makes the iPhone more innovative than Android, which is really stuck in the 90s. They can't seem to inviolate on the same level as Kool Aid.

( For the slow, I am being 100% sarcastic )
You need Kool Aid Logic.

iOS 2, adding " revolutionary features " like MMS! [...] And Copy and waste

Those are both iPhone OS 3 features. iOS 4 brought background wallpapers and multi-tasking. iPhone OS 2 brought... *drumroll*, the App Store.

iOS updates have mostly been more incremental and "catching up" than innovative and ground breaking.
You need Kool Aid Logic.

iOS 2, adding " revolutionary features " like MMS!!!! ::eek::eek: 3G:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: And Copy and waste:eek::confused::eek::confused: and GPS :D:D:D:apple:;)

Is what really makes the iPhone more innovative than Android, which is really stuck in the 90s. They can't seem to inviolate on the same level as Kool Aid.

( For the slow, I am being 100% sarcastic )

Wait, wasn't that iOS 3?


You can't state both these things with a straight face. The iPhone 4 was as different from the 3GS as Android handsets are from their previous generation.

I didn't claim that Android handsets didn't change enough over time, but I should have mentioned that the Android handsets did change radically. I was just saying that Apple did redesign the iPhone once. I expect Apple's stock to sink temporarily once the fans who think Apple brings huge new innovative designs every year snap out of the Steve Jobs daze. The first 3 iPhones all looked pretty much the same and had the same hardware basically.
Those are both iPhone OS 3 features. iOS 4 brought background wallpapers and multi-tasking. iPhone OS 2 brought... *drumroll*, the App Store.

iOS updates have mostly been more incremental and "catching up" than innovative and ground breaking.

AH ,thanks for the correction, I thought it was iOS2 that brought basic things like...the basic functions of a cell phone to the iPhone.

However, I am not surprised by the iPhone starting to slip, its out dated and over priced for what it is.
Those are both iPhone OS 3 features. iOS 4 brought background wallpapers and multi-tasking. iPhone OS 2 brought... *drumroll*, the App Store.

iOS updates have mostly been more incremental and "catching up" than innovative and ground breaking.

And yet Android still cannot get any of those features right. Sad really.
And yet Android still cannot get any of those features right. Sad really.

Android has had all those features since version 1.0. Not to mention, to this day, their multi-tasking is much more efficient and their wallpapers are animated.

I want animated wallpapers too on my 4S. :(
Android has had all those features since version 1.0. Not to mention, to this day, their multi-tasking is much more efficient and their wallpapers are animated.

I want animated wallpapers too on my 4S. :(

Added to that, pretty sure ( if I can remember enough ), before we went all iOS like at work, we used really high end LG slider phones, not really smart phones per say, but it had live wall papers, and multi tasking, and this was 2006 ;)

To many iSheep think the cellular industry didn't exist before 2007.
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I for one am getting really sick of this ****.


I don't think a lot of people hate Apple, I typically don't care about branding. But as of late, Apple's behavior as a company shows me they are not really interested in updating their software/hardware in any large way. They are more interested in getting competitors products banned and winning money in lawsuits, over patents that should have not been granted in the first place.

Well said sir!
Android has had all those features since version 1.0. Not to mention, to this day, their multi-tasking is much more efficient and their wallpapers are animated.

I want animated wallpapers too on my 4S. :(

The animated wallpapers are a nice touch, definitely. If they didn't contribute to the battery dying, than I'd want them as well. But something tells me those live wallpapers, along with just about everything that goes on within the Android system, kill your phone in a matter of hours. And I'm aware Android has had those features since that time; I used to have the Magic. But what I was trying to state is that despite them being available for so long, they still aren't as fluid or easy to use compared to iOS. Matter of preference I'm sure, but many would agree I think. Apple just does it better, even if they're late to the party.
But something tells me those live wallpapers, along with just about everything that goes on within the Android system, kill your phone in a matter of hours.

The same way my 4S dies within a matter of hours as soon as I so much as look at it ? Using a phone results in the battery losing charge, in other news, the sky is blue. The animated wallpapers suck very little juice. I bet just the shining "Slide to Unlock" animation sucks as much on an iPhone. It's negligible, but it adds a touch of coolness to the phone.

Which brings us to another Android feature I'd like on my 4S sometimes :


iOS 7 feature please !
Icons were just evidences that pointed out Samsung copy Apple design. I think Samsung had intention to copy Apple and Google has warned Samsung. But Samsung took no response. Some of them that were used by Apple to claim in court room were silly such as rectangular with round conner design, icons etc. However, in the big picture, Samsung did have intention to copy Apple and I think when you guys look at a big picture. You can't refuse Samsung's intention. Jury was looking at this perspective to judge this case. You just can't refuse that Samsung did not copy Apple. I just can't say that and we all know. I am not a big fan of Apple.

Oh as someone who uses a lot of Apple products and has a Galaxy S3, Samsung did copy Apple.. their products are great (some of them) but they did copy Apple.
So basically what Apple is saying is that if even one patent is violated on a smartphone, the entire product has to be banned right?

I want the iPhone 5 to be banned along with the Galaxy S3 and the only choice available will be Lumia 910 & 920.


Icons were just evidences that pointed out Samsung copy Apple design. I think Samsung had intention to copy Apple and Google has warned Samsung. But Samsung took no response. Some of them that were used by Apple to claim in court room were silly such as rectangular with round conner design, icons etc. However, in the big picture, Samsung did have intention to copy Apple and I think when you guys look at a big picture. You can't refuse Samsung's intention. Jury was looking at this perspective to judge this case. You just can't refuse that Samsung did not copy Apple. I just can't say that and we all know. I am not a big fan of Apple.

By that logic, Samsung should be given the death penalty and have all products banned and all cash confiscated. That's what the Apple koolaid drinkers think.
So basically what Apple is saying is that if even one patent is violated on a smartphone, the entire product has to be banned right?

The patents that Apple is complaining about are all non-essential patents, that is the infringing features can be removed. So Apple says "we don't want you to use the features that we patented, remove them".
The sad fact is Apple patented the best way to do many things on a phone and is now suing the pants off their competition for imitating some of these things (because there really isn't better ways to approach a lot of the UI).

Any competition that is left standing after Apple is done with them will only be able to produce half-assed versions of the most basic UI. Who wins? Apple.

Oh, and no one can make a square phone with round corners either. :mad:

Apple invented the wheel and has the patent on it. Now, everyone else must turn out a product with something other than round wheels. Who wins? Apple.

I hope everyone is happy with Apple becoming the only game in town, because that's really going to suck and isn't good for anyone in the long run. Using their products is really starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth :mad:
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