Good luck to both of you!
I asked at the end of my second interview what the next steps were and if I would be moving on. I also asked for feedback and what I could do the increase my chances of landing the job. Bold question but the recruiter was pleased by my questions and told me I was moving forward with a 3rd interview. I got my email within 2 days.
At the end of the third interview I asked the manager if they had any reservations about my qualifications that could possibly prevent me from getting hired, yet another bold question. I was rewarded with a vague and noncommittal answer which was, "I'm not worried."
Needless to say, I was! I got a call the next week with the offer. Timelines seem to vary and are completely depend upon the recruiters, managers, and teams. Some individuals received BGC emails before the offer call. As hard as it is stay positive. Don't be afraid to touch base with your recruiter. I don't think that anyone has ever been told on the 3rd interview that they were going to be hired. That would be so nice though.