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Yep I just heard back. Declined :( it sucks cause I really could have used the job. It would've been great to work for Apple too. I was way too nervous and I think it messed me up big time.

Is there a time limit to reapply? I'll try again as soon as I can. Now that I know what to expect, I wouldn't be as nervous during the interviews a second time around.
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If you reapply? Should you make a new profile? Has anyone put that they haven't spoken to a recruiter when they did before?
Profile not complete?

My husband has recently started applying for the At Home positions at Apple, but he got an e-mail from them that his profile is incomplete. He went in to complete it but we didn’t see anything missing (we checked to make sure the resume was uploaded correctly as well). We’re concerned that they might be skipping over him because for some reason they think his profile isn’t complete. Have any of you gotten this e-mail? Does anyone have a phone number or email address for the Apple recruiting people so we can ask them what his profile is lacking?

I got my Official Offer today

March Class here I come. The process was about two weeks from the day I feel out the app to the official vocal of offer, if you take out the weekends and president day. I am supppper excited to start work. March can't get here fast enough. :cool::D;):):apple: oh how I love me some :apple: and the questions that was posted in this forum at the beginning is what's being ask, along with your own personal experience at a call center. Please be patience, I been applying since 2013. All of this came when I move into my new home. New home, New job and new beginning. Advice--I believe in the Laws of Attraction and Vision Boards. I place Apple there and said thank you 3 every day, and now I am hired.
I am new here I have used this site to assist me while going through my application process:
I was recently hired by apple for the AHA position stating in April just looking to connect with people, and lend any help I can.:)
Thank you very much! :)

I am very confident the results will be favorable and I look forward to seeing you in class (if we get same trainer as I assume we would given the start period).

If I do not make it, I wish you the best success with your new employment :D
You are very welcome,
My official date is April 6th ... please let me know if you do make it through, or if I can be of any help
Thanks! So far they've been really wonderful (def not your standard interview experience) even though I'm on the edge of my seat here!
I agree it is nerve wrecking but absolutely worth it .. the recruiter & team manager I spoke with were wonderful
patience is key you will be fine!
I was just contacted for the AHA position by a recruiter (I was rejected for the chat position.) She sent me the link to the application. So maybe I'm not down for the count yet. Here's hoping!
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I was turned down for the apple chat position (even though I have experience). However just got contacted for the phone position. Should I attempt it? Is the phone position good? I feel like an idiot if I give up this opportunity, but I really needed the chat position due to some medical issues. Are people getting easily fired or burned out on the phone position? I know metrics can be really bad and stressful. Any advice, would be great! I need a position that is for life!
@ Kilo & Rarness

I started this process what's seems like months ago. I honestly can't remember the first date I interviewed without going back and looking through emails. Like you said I wouldn't turn it down, you never know you may end up liking phone & you can always work hard and use that as a "springboard" (no pun intended har har har) to switch departments.

I know during one interview I was told normally you had to be in one job function for either 6 months or a year before you could move but because they needed people in chat (I think that's what it was) that you only had to have been in your position for 3 months. Just all depends on business needs.

I ended up needing to provide a W2 for a previous job. I was told everything else came back & was good to go. I'm just hoping it doesn't knock me out of the class/start date that I was originally told. :-(

Another thing I was wondering is of all the people that has either got the official offer and told training was March/April whenever where do you all live? I don't want specifics but just like what area?

Good luck to all that's trying to land a job. For me I am hoping this is a career & place I'll retire from. Again if anyone needs any pointers or help I'll be glad to do what I can & even PM if it's something you don't want to ask in front of everyone. I feel the only stupid question is one not asked!! Here's to hoping everyone gets offer letters today :-D

P.S. Firstly, sorry for the long ranting post. Secondly, if there is acurrent AHA or someone that had the position I have something I'd like to ask in private. It's not about the job it's self per says it's just a general Apple policy. Thanks in advance!

I actually live in GA and I have gotten the official phone offer waiting on my email and the paperwork.
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