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WOOOO HOOO!! Finally heard that background check had passed through HireRight & Apple HR & that I am still ok & on track for my original start date!! I am so pumped!

I truly truly hope everyone else here gets to experience the feeling when you finally get the official word that you are in. Maybe I'm being over dramatic & everyone can think I'm a fruit loop but it truly is awesome! And ill admit it is a long, drawn out, nerve-racking process but soooo worth in the end!

Again good luck & as always anyone can shout at me anytime.

And I almost forgot, iosboi that's same place I am!!
Whoo hooo!!! I'm glad everything worked out for you, I got my official paperwork email today my folder should arrive tomorrow via FedEx .. so after tomorrow I'll most likely be bound by a NDA agreement but I'm more than glad to answer any general questions for anyone!

Again, good luck & well wishes to everyone!
Yep I just heard back. Declined :( it sucks cause I really could have used the job. It would've been great to work for Apple too. I was way too nervous and I think it messed me up big time.

Is there a time limit to reapply? I'll try again as soon as I can. Now that I know what to expect, I wouldn't be as nervous during the interviews a second time around.

I know how you feel i had an interview with them last year and i was so nervous i think that is what stopped me from moving on to the next interview
So, I applied last week and received a call from a recruiter who set me up for a FaceTime interview. I had my interview today and am feeling a bit discouraged and freaked out. It was a short interview and I found the woman, who was very nice, a bit difficult to read. She explained the position, training, hours, etc. After the scenario, which I feel I bombed, she told me I will receive an email in 2-3 days. She did mention a third interview, but am wondering if this is standard procedure. Any advice??
So, I applied last week and received a call from a recruiter who set me up for a FaceTime interview. I had my interview today and am feeling a bit discouraged and freaked out. It was a short interview and I found the woman, who was very nice, a bit difficult to read. She explained the position, training, hours, etc. After the scenario, which I feel I bombed, she told me I will receive an email in 2-3 days. She did mention a third interview, but am wondering if this is standard procedure. Any advice??

I was told I was moving onto the 3 interview. I received an e-mail explaining when the next interview would be and for me to choose a time.


Can someone tell me more about the phone position and what it is like. I have work for some cable companies, just wondering how apple is. You can PM me if you would like.
Passed the 2nd interview yesterday and was told I was moving onto interview 3! These recruiters are very nice. Such a great interview experience!
So, I applied last week and received a call from a recruiter who set me up for a FaceTime interview. I had my interview today and am feeling a bit discouraged and freaked out. It was a short interview and I found the woman, who was very nice, a bit difficult to read. She explained the position, training, hours, etc. After the scenario, which I feel I bombed, she told me I will receive an email in 2-3 days. She did mention a third interview, but am wondering if this is standard procedure. Any advice??

If she mentioned a third interview then that's a good sign. Usually if they say "You should get an email in the next few days if you're moving up in the process." then it wouldn't be.

Good luck! Hope you get that email!

Also good luck to you too Rarness. I hope you get it this time around. I have a few friends in the phone position. They can't say much because of NDA, but they like it so far.

We'll see if I make it this time. Still need to schedule my second interview. Had some phone issues so couldn't contact the recruiter till today.
Got Em.

So i went MIA for awhile after my last interview. i was told it would be 2/3 weeks before a decision was made. and about a week later i received a call stating they were going to proceed with BGC.

I heard the nightmare tales about hireright only to find them rather pleasant to deal with.

checked my report once it was all done and found that there was a major discrepancy in my work dates for one of my prev jobs(paid cash).

This did not effect apples decision to hire me. as i got a call today saying the background cleared and they are proceeding with hiring and i will receive paperwork via fedex and email from apple with more NH paperwork.

for a start date of 04/06/15. and will receive equipment days before my monday start date.

so its been roughly a month and some since i first got the call back about an interview to a completed BGC.



Also, i only had 2 interviews. one with the hiring manager, and another with a team leader.

My guess is some are doing the college program and others direct.

which i assume why some are going through different processes as far as interviews and timeline.

so for those waiting. it will come. just be patient and positive.

i was sure i did not get it from the interviews to the BGC. but all in all. I got the job.

Good Karma sent yalls way
So i went MIA for awhile after my last interview. i was told it would be 2/3 weeks before a decision was made. and about a week later i received a call stating they were going to proceed with BGC.

I heard the nightmare tales about hireright only to find them rather pleasant to deal with.

checked my report once it was all done and found that there was a major discrepancy in my work dates for one of my prev jobs(paid cash).

This did not effect apples decision to hire me. as i got a call today saying the background cleared and they are proceeding with hiring and i will receive paperwork via fedex and email from apple with more NH paperwork.

for a start date of 04/06/15. and will receive equipment days before my monday start date.

so its been roughly a month and some since i first got the call back about an interview to a completed BGC.



Also, i only had 2 interviews. one with the hiring manager, and another with a team leader.

My guess is some are doing the college program and others direct.

which i assume why some are going through different processes as far as interviews and timeline.

so for those waiting. it will come. just be patient and positive.

i was sure i did not get it from the interviews to the BGC. but all in all. I got the job.

Good Karma sent yalls way

Congrats! I start on 4/6 as well received my NH paperwork yesterday
New here. I applied through Kelly on the 19th and just sent in my new hire paperwork tonight. I'm in wave 49 for training (if that means anything). I believe the lady during my phone interview said it's at the end of March but will send more information over within the next 24 hours.
Well, it's been since Tuesday afternoon and I've yet to hear anything. So, I can safely say that I am quite discouraged and not sure whether I'm still in the running or not. It seems by the length of time this is taking, that I'm not.
Well, it's been since Tuesday afternoon and I've yet to hear anything. So, I can safely say that I am quite discouraged and not sure whether I'm still in the running or not. It seems by the length of time this is taking, that I'm not.

Don't give up hope! I cant even get them to call me again. I have tried to apply with kelly connect for a job with apple and they always send me a rejection email i dont know why
Hi all! So I am currently undergoing a background check. Hireright contacts me constantly wanting to verify dates and for me to submit W2s. It's weird cause before submitting my background check, I contacted my employers and verified the start dates they had on file. But when hirerighat contacts me they provide different dates and they are saying these are the dates that the employers provided them. Is this a test? Cause I know from a fact I submitted the right dates. Nonetheless, they exclaim that it will be listed as a disrepancy. What's up with that? Someone provide me some feedback please. Do I havery reason to worry? Will this discrepancy disqualify me (even though it's not true)? Is it safe to say in there or will I still have to just bank on the results of the bgc? Ugh I want this job sooo bad! Job starts in April. Thoughts anyone? I currently work for a company and I am so ready to give notice...maybe even take some time off before the Apple gig. If I get this Apple job, im retiring there!!!


Oh and I should mention that Hireright says that it is going to take 3 to 5 business days to process my bgc. How long did it take you all. Why are they jeering me around? Where are they getting these dates from? I filed with the right dates! I did, I did! Did anyone have that same problem Of knowing you submitted the right dates but hireright says they had different dates that were verified?
I'm not sure if there is a difference going through Kelly services and direct through
Yeah if you go through a staffing agency you will be hired as temp. Most staffing agencies require you work with them for 3 to 6 months before being eligible for direct hire
I see, did not know that. Glad I went direct. Also I wouldn't worry about the dates if they are that off. As long as it is a couple days maybe weeks. Month at most, but in the end the hiring manager makes the decision. In my case I had a major discrepancy that in my report they had to reach out to the requester(apple). And I got an all clear call. So have hope as I was expecting the your bgc did not clear call, or adleast can you explain this. But my other jobs cleared fine. So ultimately they decided to hire me.
Now that is refreshing to know. I still wonder where they are getting these dates from. It's just weird. Cause I verified my dates with the staffing agencies I worked for to be on the safe side. It's just strange. Anyways..hopefully all is well. How long did your bgc take to complete?
I initiated it on the 17th got emails asking for verification for jobs on 19th and 20th. And received the call yesterday that they were proceeding, and got my paperwork via FedEx this morning. You can also check your hireright report once they're done. It has transcripts of what happened and verified or not verified. I believe I applied for the job in January and it took a while for them to get everything going as far as interviews and what not. It may be faster if you go through contracting agency rather than direct, but I believe we are corporate employees once hired. So hooray everyone who's made it.
Indeed. Congrats to all who made it! Whew..once this process is over I'll just stay with the company until retirement. Worth it but def don't want to go through the bgc ever again lol. It's worth it though. Ive been wanting to be with this company since before evdry one knew the name. Just a good company with good ethis for their employees and consumers. I'll keep you all posted about the outcome.
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