Whoo hooo!!! I'm glad everything worked out for you, I got my official paperwork email today my folder should arrive tomorrow via FedEx .. so after tomorrow I'll most likely be bound by a NDA agreement but I'm more than glad to answer any general questions for anyone!WOOOO HOOO!! Finally heard that background check had passed through HireRight & Apple HR & that I am still ok & on track for my original start date!! I am so pumped!
I truly truly hope everyone else here gets to experience the feeling when you finally get the official word that you are in. Maybe I'm being over dramatic & everyone can think I'm a fruit loop but it truly is awesome! And ill admit it is a long, drawn out, nerve-racking process but soooo worth in the end!
Again good luck & as always anyone can shout at me anytime.
And I almost forgot, iosboi that's same place I am!!
Yep I just heard back. Declinedit sucks cause I really could have used the job. It would've been great to work for Apple too. I was way too nervous and I think it messed me up big time.
Is there a time limit to reapply? I'll try again as soon as I can. Now that I know what to expect, I wouldn't be as nervous during the interviews a second time around.
So, I applied last week and received a call from a recruiter who set me up for a FaceTime interview. I had my interview today and am feeling a bit discouraged and freaked out. It was a short interview and I found the woman, who was very nice, a bit difficult to read. She explained the position, training, hours, etc. After the scenario, which I feel I bombed, she told me I will receive an email in 2-3 days. She did mention a third interview, but am wondering if this is standard procedure. Any advice??
I see. Thanks for the info.
So, I applied last week and received a call from a recruiter who set me up for a FaceTime interview. I had my interview today and am feeling a bit discouraged and freaked out. It was a short interview and I found the woman, who was very nice, a bit difficult to read. She explained the position, training, hours, etc. After the scenario, which I feel I bombed, she told me I will receive an email in 2-3 days. She did mention a third interview, but am wondering if this is standard procedure. Any advice??
So i went MIA for awhile after my last interview. i was told it would be 2/3 weeks before a decision was made. and about a week later i received a call stating they were going to proceed with BGC.
I heard the nightmare tales about hireright only to find them rather pleasant to deal with.
checked my report once it was all done and found that there was a major discrepancy in my work dates for one of my prev jobs(paid cash).
This did not effect apples decision to hire me. as i got a call today saying the background cleared and they are proceeding with hiring and i will receive paperwork via fedex and email from apple with more NH paperwork.
for a start date of 04/06/15. and will receive equipment days before my monday start date.
so its been roughly a month and some since i first got the call back about an interview to a completed BGC.
Also, i only had 2 interviews. one with the hiring manager, and another with a team leader.
My guess is some are doing the college program and others direct.
which i assume why some are going through different processes as far as interviews and timeline.
so for those waiting. it will come. just be patient and positive.
i was sure i did not get it from the interviews to the BGC. but all in all. I got the job.
Good Karma sent yalls way
Well, it's been since Tuesday afternoon and I've yet to hear anything. So, I can safely say that I am quite discouraged and not sure whether I'm still in the running or not. It seems by the length of time this is taking, that I'm not.