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New Here...

Hello everyone. I just wanted to come out of lurking and thank you all for the great information provided here.

My timeline:

End of July - applied online
9/10 - added cover letter to profile
9/12 - received questionnaire
9/13 - returned questionnaire
9/17 - phone call with recruiter
9/18 - Skype interview
10/2 - Skype interview with hiring manager
10/2 - Received HireRight email and submitted information to initiate background check

For some reason, HireRight only appears to be verifying my last 3 employers. I received an email from them for my pay stubs from my current employer within 2 hours of submitting the consent form. When I spoke with them today, they stated they are verifying the 3rd one now and would try for the next 3 days.
Applying at other locations

Same thoughts here as well. Still haven't heard anything yet. The thing I am wondering also if it would help if I would apply in multiple locations (but which are not that close to you at all). Am wondering if I should do this.....any food for thought on this subject? Your feed-back is greatly appreciated!


Ok, so I decided to look at what other locations where hiring, and noticed there were a couple, one in Providence and one in Nashville both of which were just posted a few days ago, and both of which are 500 or more miles away from me. I applied for them yesterday, and guess what, I got the first email with questions last night. I replied to the email with answered questions this morning, and got a call back within 30 minutes. The girl I talked to was extremely nice and professional. When I asked if it was ok that I had applied for those other locations, she stated that since I live in a town that is within the 100 mile radius of a city they are recruiting for, then I am eligible for the job. I have my 2nd interview already scheduled for tonight. Wish me luck :)
My Timeline

Here is my current timeline:

9/17 - Applied online and received questionnaire from recruiter/sent back
9/18 - Got first call from recruiter and setup 2nd interview
9/19 - 20 min. Skype Interview with Recruiter (Technical based)
9/20 - Received email to schedule 3rd interview with hiring manager
9/21 - Received Official Apple Application link and sent it in.
9/27 - 15 min. Final Interview with Hiring Manager (some Technical/ more Customer Service)
9/28 - Received Hireright Email and sent in BG Report info
10/3 - BG check completed and now hopefully waiting for Offer Call

Hope this helps out
Another semi-lurker posting

Hi all,

My third interview is today (less than an hour away).

I'm trying not to be nervous (HA!)

I have years of customer service experience and I already work tech support (although 90% Windows, 10% Mac).

I know a lot of you said this last interview is a lot of customer service and not as much technical skills (one person equated it to the interview process of hiring a Wal-Mart Greeter - lol) but still I was up half the night as if trying to study for a test where the questions could be just about anything and I feel sooo unprepared. Not cool.

Soooo ...I'm sleep deprived and a bit anxious (*see "trying not to be nervous above). Any positive vibes/prayers/thoughts appreciated.

If I'm meant to get it, I will, if not .... (fill in the blank).

Either way, this site has been such a valuable resource to me. And it helps to know I'm not going through this alone. I can't thank you all enough.
The only thing on mine was a criminal check and employment

The BG Check consisted of 3 employments, Sex Registry Search, and Court Records/Criminal Check.


Hi all,

My third interview is today (less than an hour away).

I'm trying not to be nervous (HA!)

I have years of customer service experience and I already work tech support (although 90% Windows, 10% Mac).

I know a lot of you said this last interview is a lot of customer service and not as much technical skills (one person equated it to the interview process of hiring a Wal-Mart Greeter - lol) but still I was up half the night as if trying to study for a test where the questions could be just about anything and I feel sooo unprepared. Not cool.

Soooo ...I'm sleep deprived and a bit anxious (*see "trying not to be nervous above). Any positive vibes/prayers/thoughts appreciated.

If I'm meant to get it, I will, if not .... (fill in the blank).

Either way, this site has been such a valuable resource to me. And it helps to know I'm not going through this alone. I can't thank you all enough.

I think every third interview is different.

Mine was about 15 mins and my best friends was 37 mins long.
Hahaha. Here's some people skills that I remember as I consider myself excellent at relating. Treat everyone how you want to be treated. If you don't offer superior service you could lose a customer, the customer is essentially what pays your paycheck. That always straightens me out!

You're actually given a lot of leeway as long as the customer leaves happy. Happy customer>call time.
Oh well

I thought I did well on the (3rd) interview, but at the end of the call, I got the dreaded, "We'll let you know either way."

In all my years of interviewing, I've never had an employer say that and then got the job. When an employer definitely wants you, there is no "either way." It's like a thing HR folks say when they don't want to tell you right then and there that you have zero chance.

The interview was all light conversation, a few technical questions and no role play. Ever have an interview where you felt like you weren't really a candidate for the job right from the start of the interview? That's what this felt like. And it barely lasted 20 minutes.

He also said I'd hear something within two weeks. I don't think any of you waited two weeks for the HireRight email. What came in two weeks is the "sorry, thanks for playing" email, right?

Oh well. Again, much thanks to everyone here for their help and information. :)
Last edited:
Good luck!

Thank you!! Have submitted BG info and now the dreaded wait....

The BG Check consisted of 3 employments, Sex Registry Search, and Court Records/Criminal Check.


I think every third interview is different.

Mine was about 15 mins and my best friends was 37 mins long.

I think you are right about the 3rd interview Koolaid-drinker. Mine was about 45 mins and I would say about 60% technical and 40% customer service roll play. I think the 3rd was the most technical of the (3) interviewers but he seemed to recognize my tech ability pretty quickly. Just glad to have gotten through to the BG check. Now we wait.....:apple:
Thank you!! Have submitted BG info and now the dreaded wait....

I think you are right about the 3rd interview Koolaid-drinker. Mine was about 45 mins and I would say about 60% technical and 40% customer service roll play. I think the 3rd was the most technical of the (3) interviewers but he seemed to recognize my tech ability pretty quickly. Just glad to have gotten through to the BG check. Now we wait.....:apple:

Mine was 14 minutes and 30 seconds, I think they must rely heavily on your resume. I just though the guy blew me off on the third interview, because it was so quick. But I got hired.


Anyone heard of agents getting mostly technical service chat positions? I've heard some agents getting primarily chat positions with very few if any actual phone calls.
Mine was 14 minutes and 30 seconds, I think they must rely heavily on your resume. I just though the guy blew me off on the third interview, because it was so quick. But I got hired.


Anyone heard of agents getting mostly technical service chat positions? I've heard some agents getting primarily chat positions with very few if any actual phone calls.

Mine was less then 15 minutes as well. Some technical mostly just talking about apple. I think if they go longer maybe the manager is trying to bring out your personality if you seem nervous. I was also one of the people that thought "crap only 15 minutes, I'm a goner" then I got my BC email!
"Thank you for pursuing a career opportunity with Apple. I want to personally thank you for investing the time to speak with us. At this time, however, we have chosen to move forward with other candidates.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Apple. We wish you the best in your future endeavors."

This is a helluva birthday present. :(
Long time lurker, 2nd time poster (rats the earlier post on a Dr Horrible's quote), though this thread has been incredibly useful in reassuring my anxiety over the hiring process.

My timeline:
7/26 - Applied for many, many at home positions with 1st Apple ID
8/27 - Applied to newly posted position "At-Home Service Expert" (Sales support)
8/30 - Received email to schedule 1st interview
9/4 - 1st interview, Peter in Texas. Got a "We'll let you know either way."
9/17 - Generated 2nd Apple ID, applied to every at-home position available.
9/18 - Email questionnaire on 2nd ID for AppleCare At-Home position, for the 10/29 class.
9/19 - Despite listing 9/20 as phone interview availability, received phone call from William for 1st interview. Lucky break that it happened on my lunch break, I work with financial information and am not allowed my cell phone inside work.
9/20 - Skype interview with Susan. Broadly technical with a touch of customer service. Received email to schedule follow-on email.
9/28 - Final interview with Lavarr, mildly technical with a stronger focus on customer service. 3 hours later received & replied to HireRight email.
10/4 - Called hire right (Koolaid drinker doesn't have to be the only one ;)). Was informed BC was completed 10/1, and received a copy by email.

So now it's wait and wonder...

For those just starting the process, a good tip was that during my 2nd and 3rd emails I tried to tie my answers in with experiences, such as the time I had to coach an associate on why improving their quality scores was a good idea, or that time I helped a customer with credit card declines by offering our phone translator if the merchant he was dealing with didn't speak english. The hiring manager in particular seemed impressed, since to every question I had at least one anecdote or experience.


Did any of you guys apply the 2nd time? Did you apply through Apple 1st or Kelly?:confused:

The consensus from this forum seems to be that, if at first you don't succeed with Apple, and you don't mind $9/hr, try again with both. Otherwise, Apple is the way to go.
Thank you!! Have submitted BG info and now the dreaded wait....

I think you are right about the 3rd interview Koolaid-drinker. Mine was about 45 mins and I would say about 60% technical and 40% customer service roll play. I think the 3rd was the most technical of the (3) interviewers but he seemed to recognize my tech ability pretty quickly. Just glad to have gotten through to the BG check. Now we wait.....:apple:

If you read through the forum, you will notice that it depends on the TL of how long your interview goes.

Mine was 15 min long and consisted of these questions:

1. Tell me your computer specs.
2. Tell me your most troublesome computer problem that you have troubleshot and what did you do?
3. What bothers you about most people?
4. Tell me about yourself. (really sell yourself to them)
5. What problems do see arising with working from home?
6. Tell me about a time when you received feedback and criticism from a supervisor and how did you handle it / what did you do with the feedback?

I think that was it.


Long time lurker, 2nd time poster (rats the earlier post on a Dr Horrible's quote), though this thread has been incredibly useful in reassuring my anxiety over the hiring process.

My timeline:
7/26 - Applied for many, many at home positions with 1st Apple ID
8/27 - Applied to newly posted position "At-Home Service Expert" (Sales support)
8/30 - Received email to schedule 1st interview
9/4 - 1st interview, Peter in Texas. Got a "We'll let you know either way."
9/17 - Generated 2nd Apple ID, applied to every at-home position available.
9/18 - Email questionnaire on 2nd ID for AppleCare At-Home position, for the 10/29 class.
9/19 - Despite listing 9/20 as phone interview availability, received phone call from William for 1st interview. Lucky break that it happened on my lunch break, I work with financial information and am not allowed my cell phone inside work.
9/20 - Skype interview with Susan. Broadly technical with a touch of customer service. Received email to schedule follow-on email.
9/28 - Final interview with Lavarr, mildly technical with a stronger focus on customer service. 3 hours later received & replied to HireRight email.
10/4 - Called hire right (Koolaid drinker doesn't have to be the only one ;)). Was informed BC was completed 10/1, and received a copy by email.

So now it's wait and wonder...

For those just starting the process, a good tip was that during my 2nd and 3rd emails I tried to tie my answers in with experiences, such as the time I had to coach an associate on why improving their quality scores was a good idea, or that time I helped a customer with credit card declines by offering our phone translator if the merchant he was dealing with didn't speak english. The hiring manager in particular seemed impressed, since to every question I had at least one anecdote or experience.


The consensus from this forum seems to be that, if at first you don't succeed with Apple, and you don't mind $9/hr, try again with both. Otherwise, Apple is the way to go.

Welcome to the wait and sweat it out club!

This is the worst part of the whole process.


I thought I did well on the (3rd) interview, but at the end of the call, I got the dreaded, "We'll let you know either way."

In all my years of interviewing, I've never had an employer say that and then got the job. When an employer definitely wants you, there is no "either way." It's like a thing HR folks say when they don't want to tell you right then and there that you have zero chance.

The interview was all light conversation, a few technical questions and no role play. Ever have an interview where you felt like you weren't really a candidate for the job right from the start of the interview? That's what this felt like. And it barely lasted 20 minutes.

He also said I'd hear something within two weeks. I don't think any of you waited two weeks for the HireRight email. What came in two weeks is the "sorry, thanks for playing" email, right?

Oh well. Again, much thanks to everyone here for their help and information. :)

Did you get the email before or after BG Check?
Updated Q&A email

I know that some posts in the past on this thread have gone over this as well (most notably eckoreko, post #1087), but below are the email/answers I provided to get ahead in the interview process. Another useful research post I used was ChaosxKitten's post # 999 (interview questions), not that I'm advocating reading specific posts, as there are many gems throughout the entire thread. AngryGerbil and VA-Enthusiast also deserve thanks I think, for keeping this thread moving with good advice, though there have been many, many in the history who have made strong contributions. Really, go read the history if you haven't.


I have highlighted my answers in red to distinguish between question and answer. Please let me know if I have not been expansive enough in any of my answers.

I look forward to the possibility of hearing back from you.

<Signature block removed>

If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.

On Sep 18, 2012, at 5:32 PM, William wrote:


Thank you for your interest in the AppleCare At-Home Advisor position!

In order for us to consider you for the role, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions by replying to this email.

Please format your answers so that they can be easily read.

1. If selected, you’ll receive a business-use Mac computer and telephone. You will need to obtain a quiet area, desk and ergonomic chair that meet our requirements, as well as a dedicated phone line and internet service meeting our minimum requirements (2Mb download, 384Kbps up). Monthly costs for phone and internet are reimbursed up to $50 (excluding setup & other fees) Are you able to work from home, and are you willing to attain the equipment necessary for this position?

Yes. I already exceed the internet requirement (Mine is 7 Mbps down, 2 Mbps up), and have a quiet area with desk and chair. My non-voip phone service (not sure if it is POTS or Digital) is not currently hard-wired into that area of the house, but can be run there in an afternoon.

2. Are you able to flex up your hours for busy times up to 40 hours (or more) within the following window: 5:00am-11:30pm CST and at least 8 of these hours per week would be on a weekend?

I am available 24x7x365, including weekends and holidays.
I would like (but do not require) consideration for some volunteer activities on the first and third wednesdays of the month, in the early evening (6pm CST-late).

3. When are you available to start?

Within 2 weeks, time enough to provide notice to my current employer.

4. This position begins with four to five weeks of paid training from your home. The typical schedule is Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST but may change based on business need. You will be tested at the end of each week and will be expected to pass testing in order to continue in the program. Are you available to complete this mandatory training on a provided full-time schedule?

Affirmative. I can make other arrangements for the volunteer activities mentioned in answer 2.

5. Why are you interested in Apple and this position?

My short answer would be that I see this as a fantastic career opportunity, in that it would allow me to excel while working for a company I have admired for many years. I am and have been an Apple addict for many years.

6. Please share with us your salary expectations including what you are making in your current role, were making previously if you are not working, and your target hourly range for this position.

<Salary and Target information removed>

7. What do you know about Apple Care and our products?

AppleCare is the technical support arm of the Apple family, covering extended warranties, phone support, and in-store troubleshooting (genius bar) and repair. Standard for 1 year with all products, it can be extended via purchase of a protection plan (extends 2 years for computers, 1 year for iPods, unsure on iPads and iPhones).
Product side I'm personally familiar with Mac OS (7.5 through X 10.7), both desktop and portable computing (except MacBook Air), and iPods (except touch). I have peripheral experience with iPod touch and iPhone products, though not in any great depth.

8. Are you available for a quick chat today or in the next few days? Calls will generally be made between Monday- Friday, 9.30am to 6.00pm Pacific Standard Time.

I am available all day Thursday and Friday this week during the times listed.

9. Please provide your phone number. If providing more than one number, please advise which is preferred.

<phone information removed>

10. Do you have a Skype or FaceTime account? If you're selected for an official interview, these are preferred. If you don't have a device with a camera, we understand. Please enter your contact info if applicable below.

Skype: <removed>

FaceTime: <removed>

11. Where do you live? Please include city, state and zip code.

Taos NM, 87571

12. Please provide a statement regarding your professional technical support experience.

I am fluent in troubleshooting Mac OS and Apple Hardware. I am able to troubleshoot most consumer Apple software (iLife applications, iWorks, Safari, etc) and some common non-Apple software (Microsoft Office, Adobe products, etc).
I am able to use basic trouble shooting skills to identify the issue and needs of customer in order to find a resolution the first time. I thrive on One call resolutions.

13. What is the definition of Hardware? Software? Would you be able to explain them to someone non-technical?

Hardware is the physical portion of the computer, the portions you can see and hear. Think of the computers hardware like your body.
Software is the bits that tell the hardware how to work. Think of the software like someones mind, reflexes.

14. What is the definition of empathy? Please provide an example of how you've been empathetic to a customer.

Empathy is the ability to relate to someone else's situation.
Example: The customer was calling from Florida in mid-late July with an overdrawn credit card that was past due on payments, trying to get a hotel transaction to go through. FEMA alerts indicate the customers home are was impacted by Tropical storm Debbie. I advised the customer that the card was overdrawn, but due to the nature of the transactions and the recent hardships her and her family had suffered we would honor the transaction. In breaking the news to her I advised her that, while I may not have experienced her situation first-hand, I could understand that she was having a difficult time and that I wanted to do everything I could to ease her troubles.

15. Please include your full name, last, then first.


Please note, replying to this email does not confirm that you have an interview. We will be reviewing your response and contact you if we would like to move forward with you in our hiring process.

Also, please note, if you are contacted, up to 2 attempts will be made to reach you (due to tight time constraints). FYI, "Apple, Inc." will appear as the caller.

Thanks again for your interest! I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Kind regards,


Did you get the email before or after BG Check?

What email?

I just had my interview a few hours ago. I'm normally a very optimistic person, but based on how the interview seemed to go (despite the fact that I feel I did well), I'm expecting a rejection email, and now I'm second-guessing stuff I said during the phone call (aaaack!)

The interviewer asked about being coached, but all he said was "Tell me about the last time you were coached." Well, we're not coached. Ever. And yeah, I work a work-at-home "call center" job. We're sent stats from time to time but we're never coached. Strange, huh? All my studying for this interview and that question completely caught me off guard.

I told the interviewer we're not really coached, and so I had something to offer in the form of an answer, I told him about a time we were "coached" as a group on call process changes and how that really made a positive difference in call flow overall. Good answer, right? Well maybe not.

It wasn't until I came back here and read a few more threads that I realized what he was really asking is how I handle constructive criticism. I wish he would've asked that specifically -- because my answer sure didn't reflect what he was asking, and I would've gladly answered that constructive criticism is actually a good thing, shouldn't be taken personally, and should be seen as a way to help oneself improve.

Soooo ... heads up to anyone else being asked this question.
What email?

I just had my interview a few hours ago. I'm normally a very optimistic person, but based on how the interview seemed to go (despite the fact that I feel I did well), I'm expecting a rejection email, and now I'm second-guessing stuff I said during the phone call (aaaack!)

The interviewer asked about being coached, but all he said was "Tell me about the last time you were coached." Well, we're not coached. Ever. And yeah, I work a work-at-home "call center" job. We're sent stats from time to time but we're never coached. Strange, huh? All my studying for this interview and that question completely caught me off guard.

I told the interviewer we're not really coached, and so I had something to offer in the form of an answer, I told him about a time we were "coached" as a group on call process changes and how that really made a positive difference in call flow overall. Good answer, right? Well maybe not.

It wasn't until I came back here and read a few more threads that I realized what he was really asking is how I handle constructive criticism. I wish he would've asked that specifically -- because my answer sure didn't reflect what he was asking, and I would've gladly answered that constructive criticism is actually a good thing, shouldn't be taken personally, and should be seen as a way to help oneself improve.

Soooo ... heads up to anyone else being asked this question.

What I was asking was for the ppl who the dread letters, was it received before or after the BG Check ?
What I was asking was for the ppl who the dread letters, was it received before or after the BG Check ?

Oh. You quoted me earlier, so I thought you were asking me.

Personally, I'd rather be told during the phone call, "We hate you. Consider yourself a snowball in hell." than to wait and wonder. :cool:
"Thank you for pursuing a career opportunity with Apple. I want to personally thank you for investing the time to speak with us. At this time, however, we have chosen to move forward with other candidates.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Apple. We wish you the best in your future endeavors."

This is a helluva birthday present. :(

Sorry brotha. Dont give up. Apply again. People have done it before and people have been hired.
Day 14 of BGC and still not done because the 1,100 population county I got a speeding ticket in hasn't STILL responded
Day 14 of BGC and still not done because the 1,100 population county I got a speeding ticket in hasn't STILL responded

I would keep calling the court house back until they understand what you are wanting them to respond to. There is no excuse for that.
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