How long did everyone wait before calling hireright? I just submitted my BC consent yesterday.
How long did everyone wait before calling hireright? I just submitted my BC consent yesterday.
Had my 3rd interview on 10/4. Submitted background check the same day. I haven't heard anything since. I was told I would be starting 11/5.
Emailed recruiter yesterday. No response
I called Hireright today and my BG check is 100% complete without any problems.
I have a feeling that if I do get hired, I will be bumped to a later class.
You get the job or still waiting on bc? You might have already mentioned it but I'm on my phone in class so I don't feel like scrolling through it all haha.
Sill waiting. BG check submitted on 10/4. I called Hireright today, and they said my BGC is 100% complete.
Emailed recruiter yesterday, and have yet to receive a response.
Now I'm waiting for good news or bad news. It's the waiting part that sucks.![]()
So has anyone had a very brief 2nd interview!?I was way overly prepared (thanks to this forum) but didn't get asked many tough questions. And the questions he did ask i answered without hesitation. There were Maybe 2 tech and 1 background. Nothing customer service oriented which I was hoping for! Then I was told I would hear back within a week after he gets back with the recruiter?! Anyone else with a similar experience!? Is that the kiss of death!?
So has anyone had a very brief 2nd interview!?I was way overly prepared (thanks to this forum) but didn't get asked many tough questions. And the questions he did ask i answered without hesitation. There were Maybe 2 tech and 1 background. Nothing customer service oriented which I was hoping for! Then I was told I would hear back within a week after he gets back with the recruiter?! Anyone else with a similar experience!? Is that the kiss of death!?
Mine was about a half hour. Did you receive your Hire Right background login after your third interview?
I got responses from my recuiters but have not called hireright yet.
I am excited to hear about most of us getting CPU class too. A buddy works in iOS and he's been trying to get in to the CPU. He's pissed to hear I might be starting out there.
iPhone 4S and 5
Our class of part-timers received their full-time schedules.
25% have a full weekend off. 14% are working Saturday and Sunday. The rest work one weekend day.
I've only had my second interview (today) thus far and was just generally surprised it was so quick.
Mine was just over 20 min, and I thought to be short, but I too was prepared.
I don't want to crush your hopes, and this is just my experience, but at the end of my second interview he explicitly told me he was recommending me and sent me an email immediately following the interview. That email contained a link to the official apple application and a scheduling page for my third interview.
Your process may differ. As we have all learned, you can't quite go off others exactly.
Updated timeline:
9/24 - Applied online
9/26 - Received questionnaire in email which I promptly filled out and sent back
9/27 - Completed 1st interview over phone
9/27 - Received email after phone interview scheduling me for 2nd one on 9/28
9/28 - Did 2nd interview over FaceTime
9/28 - Received email prompting me to fill out more paperwork and schedule my 3rd interview
10/04 - Completed 3rd interview over Skype
10/04 - Received HireRight background check email
10/10 - Called HireRight and spoke with representative who confirmed my background was 100% complete
10/11 - Emailed recruiter asking for a possible update
10/12 - No response from recruiter, however received job offer call.
10/16 - Received job offer email
10/17 - Paperwork scheduled to be delivered with FedEx Overnight
10/18 - Paperwork session scheduled for this date.
Ouch! I guess I would be a 14%er. At least I don't have to stay on until 12:30 AM. The one downside to being part time and working full time is that we don't get all the days off during the special holiday shutdown week that full timers get.
Hiring everyone part time and putting them on full time schedules is a win win for Apple but there are a few downsides for the employees.
You're right about the special shutdown days. Noticed in the email that we're shortchanged.
Mine was just over 20 min, and I thought to be short, but I too was prepared.
I don't want to crush your hopes, and this is just my experience, but at the end of my second interview he explicitly told me he was recommending me and sent me an email immediately following the interview. That email contained a link to the official apple application and a scheduling page for my third interview.
Your process may differ. As we have all learned, you can't quite go off others exactly.
Our manager is looking into it but I really doubt we'll get full time benny's for shutdown week.
What's shutdown week? I was offered full time but paperwork I got today said part time. Im confused
Another day rolls on by.....
I submitted my bgc 10/4. No rejection yet... still hanging on by a thread11/5 doesn't look like it will be happening for me. That was the date I was given back at the end of September.
Tried to call Hireright (just now).. they must be slammed! On hold for 30 minutes, and then forced me to leave a voicemail!
What's shutdown week? I was offered full time but paperwork I got today said part time. Im confused