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Yeah HireRight was unable to verify my most recent "self employment". They returned my info to Apple as all OK/verified except for that. They want ridiculous things like tax statements from a PAID preparer, so if you do your own taxes they will not accept them. I had nothing to give them on their list. This was almost 2 weeks ago now. Nothing from Apple yet... but no rejection letters either. I still am hoping but am starting to give up. :(

I was in the same boat and I told HireRight to just put "no verifiable employment" since the only way to have any record of freelancing is to file a DBA(doing business as) when you first start a self employment gig. The bottom line is that I had no employment history at all and I still got hired.
I think there is no such reason especially when you went through with the interview process with your hiring manager. but could be that many people applied for the same division and from the same area... I dont know how many people gets recruited from one area thats available for AHA but cant imagine too many.

We mapped out everyone in the iOS training groups and while we're all over the map there is a strong preference for Texas it seems... probably because most of AHA is managed out of the Austin campus. Out of the 56 or so students, 4 of us were hired through the Columbus, Oh application process. I don't know how many applied from Ohio and Kentucky at the same time I did (late July) but I know it had to be a lot more than 4.

The iOS support group has already reached its cap and CPU is headed there soon. My guess is that AHA hiring will start to wind down pretty soon, hope you all get on board ASAP.
We mapped out everyone in the iOS training groups and while we're all over the map there is a strong preference for Texas it seems... probably because most of AHA is managed out of the Austin campus. Out of the 56 or so students, 4 of us were hired through the Columbus, Oh application process. I don't know how many applied from Ohio and Kentucky at the same time I did (late July) but I know it had to be a lot more than 4.

The iOS support group has already reached its cap and CPU is headed there soon. My guess is that AHA hiring will start to wind down pretty soon, hope you all get on board ASAP.

I'm from Columbus Oh and applied in late August.
I was in the same boat and I told HireRight to just put "no verifiable employment" since the only way to have any record of freelancing is to file a DBA(doing business as) when you first start a self employment gig. The bottom line is that I had no employment history at all and I still got hired.

What ticked me off was that HR almost seemed angry at me as they were saying I was not self employed properly... geez what a smackdown in this economy where I was doing what I can to keep my house. :/

I'm still holding out hope. I figure if I was going to get rejected I would have as soon as Apple got the BC info back... not 2 weeks after.
We mapped out everyone in the iOS training groups and while we're all over the map there is a strong preference for Texas it seems... probably because most of AHA is managed out of the Austin campus. Out of the 56 or so students, 4 of us were hired through the Columbus, Oh application process. I don't know how many applied from Ohio and Kentucky at the same time I did (late July) but I know it had to be a lot more than 4.

The iOS support group has already reached its cap and CPU is headed there soon. My guess is that AHA hiring will start to wind down pretty soon, hope you all get on board ASAP.

I'm from Tennessee.

Well I applied for the one in Michigan, also the Hiring manager had some technical issues at first he said everything got deleted and I was like Oh my do we have to do all that over again, but anyways I just want to know why or how, what I can do to improve because this job would be a life changing career for me.
Just got my official offer email about 15 minutes ago for the 11/5 class. So took me about 2 days after my job offer call to receive the email.
Well I applied for the one in Michigan, also the Hiring manager had some technical issues at first he said everything got deleted and I was like Oh my do we have to do all that over again, but anyways I just want to know why or how, what I can do to improve because this job would be a life changing career for me.

I would say create a new apple ID and apply again. I applied back in May and was sent a rejection letter. Applied again with new apple ID in August and start 11/5. Be honest up front with them and tell them you've applied in the past, they will know. Good Luck
2 weeks yesterday since final interview and still waiting for the call! My adjudication date was set on the 8th of this month according to my background check interview. blaaaaaaaaaaaaah the wait!
Same boat as me... Must resist urge to call recruiter ;)

I talked to mine yesterday.

Somehow, I was suppose to receive mine yesterday but the paperwork didnt get signed off on Friday.

She got that fixed and told me I should receive it today.


2 weeks yesterday since final interview and still waiting for the call! My adjudication date was set on the 8th of this month according to my background check interview. blaaaaaaaaaaaaah the wait!

wow, I still can't believe you haven't gotten a call yet.

I bet you will be in the next class after me.
Updated timeline:

9/24 - Applied online
9/26 - Received questionnaire in email which I promptly filled out and sent back
9/27 - Completed 1st interview over phone
9/27 - Received email after phone interview scheduling me for 2nd one on 9/28
9/28 - Did 2nd interview over FaceTime
9/28 - Received email prompting me to fill out more paperwork and schedule my 3rd interview
10/04 - Completed 3rd interview over Skype
10/04 - Received HireRight background check email
10/10 - Called HireRight and spoke with representative who confirmed my background was 100% complete
10/11 - Emailed recruiter asking for a possible update
10/12 - No response from recruiter, however received job offer call.
10/16 - Received job offer email
10/17 - Paperwork scheduled to be delivered with FedEx Overnight
10/18 - Paperwork session scheduled for this date.
Had my 3rd interview on 10/4. Submitted background check the same day. I haven't heard anything since. I was told I would be starting 11/5.

Emailed recruiter yesterday. No response

I called Hireright today and my BG check is 100% complete without any problems.

I have a feeling that if I do get hired, I will be bumped to a later class.
Good luck getting weekend time off... you might get one weekend day off but 2... not gonna happen.

Our class of part-timers received their full-time schedules.

25% have a full weekend off. 14% are working Saturday and Sunday. The rest work one weekend day.
From what has been told by most of the people in the forum. If they are interested further they send a background check login through email to you after your second or third interview.

I received mine shortly after my third interview.

Did everyone here have FaceTime interviews? All mine were just phone even though I gave them my FaceTime info.
I received mine shortly after my third interview.

Did everyone here have FaceTime interviews? All mine were just phone even though I gave them my FaceTime info.

My third interview was a FaceTime interview. My second was supposed to be, but ended up being a phone interview. It may be that my FaceTime settings were messed up on my iPad 2, as I changed them just in time for my third interview.

Apeonpatrol, do you use FaceTime on an iPad 2?
Had my 3rd interview on 10/4. Submitted background check the same day. I haven't heard anything since. I was told I would be starting 11/5.

Emailed recruiter yesterday. No response

I called Hireright today and my BG check is 100% complete without any problems.

I have a feeling that if I do get hired, I will be bumped to a later class.

I got responses from my recuiters but have not called hireright yet.

I am excited to hear about most of us getting CPU class too. A buddy works in iOS and he's been trying to get in to the CPU. He's pissed to hear I might be starting out there.

My third interview was a FaceTime interview. My second was supposed to be, but ended up being a phone interview. It may be that my FaceTime settings were messed up on my iPad 2, as I changed them just in time for my third interview.

Apeonpatrol, do you use FaceTime on an iPad 2?

iPhone 4S and 5
I got responses from my recuiters but have not called hireright yet.

I am excited to hear about most of us getting CPU class too. A buddy works in iOS and he's been trying to get in to the CPU. He's pissed to hear I might be starting out there.

iPhone 4S and 5

Hmmm, idk then. Maybe they're just inconsistent.
I called Hire Right today and told them to go ahead and finish the background check without verifying my freelance work. I told them there was simply no way I could give them paperwork with all of the names and the necessities they needed to verify. I did find out that my criminal record is fine, as it should be lol. Also, my other 2 employment dates and employers were verified. So 2/3 were verified with no criminal background. Hope it all works out!
I received mine shortly after my third interview.

Did everyone here have FaceTime interviews? All mine were just phone even though I gave them my FaceTime info.

My second and third interview were supposed to be on FaceTime. Both interviewers called me on the phone instead.
My second and third interview were supposed to be on FaceTime. Both interviewers called me on the phone instead.

You get the job or still waiting on bc? You might have already mentioned it but I'm on my phone in class so I don't feel like scrolling through it all haha.
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