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No email today.

No phone call today. :(

I've e-mailed my contact, the only one I know of who was requesting my background check and also invited me to fill out the full application, twice in the past few weeks and have gotten zero response. Nice applicant customer service there. :/ I really feel unimportant. I know hundreds (or more) are applying for these positions but you would think they would at least acknowledge me.

Someone mentioned CPU is nearing their cap. Maybe they made a last minute change extending part-time offers now. Maybe they made you part-time based on the training class you're scheduled for. There's no mixture of full-time and part-time. It's one or the other. Just grasping at straws here.
What's shutdown week? I was offered full time but paperwork I got today said part time. Im confused

If you haven't even started training yet then it won't matter. Shutdown week is when full time employees get 3 paid days off for thanksgiving and part time employees get 1 1/2 paid days off. Even though everyone that just finished training is working full time, we are all classified as part time. There's a good chance we'll all get kicked down to 20 hours a week after Xmas anyway.
I was supposed to have my email by last Friday then for sure today. I just spoke with my recruiter and she assured me everyone in the 11/5 class should receive tomorrow for sure so we can give our 2 week notice.

So, I guess this means that they've done all of the offer calls for the 11/5 class? My bgc was completed last week, and I'm still waiting.
If you haven't even started training yet then it won't matter. Shutdown week is when full time employees get 3 paid days off for thanksgiving and part time employees get 1 1/2 paid days off. Even though everyone that just finished training is working full time, we are all classified as part time. There's a good chance we'll all get kicked down to 20 hours a week after Xmas anyway.

I would assume according to what I read that they will let you take those off days later on.



I really hope that's not the case! I was told the 11/2 class but it's not looking so good.

I think that they are behind in the classes.

Most people are getting pushed back to the next class.

I was suppose to start 10/29 but am starting 11/5 .


If you haven't even started training yet then it won't matter. Shutdown week is when full time employees get 3 paid days off for thanksgiving and part time employees get 1 1/2 paid days off. Even though everyone that just finished training is working full time, we are all classified as part time. There's a good chance we'll all get kicked down to 20 hours a week after Xmas anyway.

I hope not. I was hired full time, so I am expecting 40 hours a week hopefully.
Another day rolls on by..... :apple:

I submitted my bgc 10/4. No rejection yet... still hanging on by a thread :( 11/5 doesn't look like it will be happening for me. That was the date I was given back at the end of September.

Tried to call Hireright (just now).. they must be slammed! On hold for 30 minutes, and then forced me to leave a voicemail!

Exactly the same for me... have been trying to call HireRight for 2 days and eventually get sent to VM after 30 min. of holding. Had 3rd interview 10/3 and was told would be scheduled for 11/5 class.... and still we wait.
Exactly the same for me... have been trying to call HireRight for 2 days and eventually get sent to VM after 30 min. of holding. Had 3rd interview 10/3 and was told would be scheduled for 11/5 class.... and still we wait.

I hope we don't miss the boat due to slow bgc's! I can not get through to Hireright :(
to whom got the job or got the bc

to whom got the job or got the bc

do you all currently have a job? will you have more chance to get position if you are currently in support environment?
I was for 2yr but got laid off 6mo ago so I am currently unemployed...

wonder the status of the people who got the job of going through with the BC.
I got a 17 inch white iMac, though in most cases you'll get a 22 inch aluminum iMac if your hired from this point on (the advisors with the older imacs will get upgraded ones at the end of April). I still work there but i'm looking for another job at the moment. Its a great job with lots of overtime potential and schedule flexibility but i'm looking for something more IT-oriented and less to do with customer service. call center work can be stressful. The pay is $9.15 /hr which is ok for a part-time student living with parents like myself but even i'm looking for something that pays more.

My one advice during the phone interview is constantly mention how your there to service the customer first and foremost. Apple is huge on customer service. Also mention stuff like first-call resolution, low call handling time, upselling potential (you aren't 'required' to sell Applecare Protection Plans, But they do expect you to mention it on every eligible call) and technology.

pay is based on experience I was offered almost 15.00 per hour
For those already in a class, are part time and full time people in the same class? Are people hired through Kelly in the same class with those of us hired directly through Apple?
For those already in a class, are part time and full time people in the same class? Are people hired through Kelly in the same class with those of us hired directly through Apple?

Kelly is an entity unto itself. There's no mixing of Apple and Kelly employees. With Kelly they do their own training, have their own team leaders, trainers, mentors, Tier 2, scheduling, etc. If you work for Kelly you have absolutely no contact with Apple employees.
Let's hear some of the questions! Anything stump you?

after the second interview did they tell you that you are moving forward?? I was told I would receive an email and I thought my 1st and 2nd interview went awesome??


well I finished my 2nd interview and from the looks of all the other post this could be a long road of waiting to see??? hmmm:eek:...fingers are crossed and I hope for the best!! Good luck all!! 11/26 training class is what I am looking at.:cool:
I sent in my stuff for my BGC last Thursday. They are waiting to verify some freelance work I did. Which of course they will not because there is no paperwork for it. Who here was told of a Nov. 26th starting date? I want to keep tabs on when this training period will start getting hiring calls.

My start date would be that as well if I get past my third interview which is tomorrow.. super nervous what can I expect ?
My start date would be that as well if I get past my third interview which is tomorrow.. super nervous what can I expect ?

In my post earlier today I outlined exactly what you can expect from the third interview. It should only be a couple pages back. Hopefully you will find it helpful!

Found it:

I'll second what kyur4end said. I asked my hiring manager for constructive criticism at the end of my interview, partly bc I wanted to know, and partly bc the interview was a bit shorter than scheduled and I wanted to make sure I didn't totally screw up.

He told me there are certain things that they look for in your answers. I wanna say he said 5 things, but I don't think I remember all of them. Oops. I'll list what I remember.

During your "role play":
1.Express empathy and concern for the customer
2.Reiterate the problem
3.Verbally walk the customer through what they can expect from you ( "I'm going to do...... If we can't get it resolved then.......")
4.ask the customer simple questions first. Keep it basic.
5. Ask probing questions to see what the customer has/hasn't done so you'll know where to go with the troubleshooting.

And as always, super good attitude seems to be key in these interviews.

Sorry this is long, hope it helps!
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interview with a team manager?

has anyone done a 3rd (mine is a 2nd) interview with a "team manager"? I was specifically told it will be with a team manager who will be my future manager.. but Im hearing many people has their 2nd or 3rd with a "hiring manager" in this forum. I am interviewing directly with apple and not going through a vendor (kelly)
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Kelly is an entity unto itself. There's no mixing of Apple and Kelly employees. With Kelly they do their own training, have their own team leaders, trainers, mentors, Tier 2, scheduling, etc. If you work for Kelly you have absolutely no contact with Apple employees.

Thanks for the reply, but Darn! I have a friend hired by Kelly and he has the same training date as I do, so we hoping to be in the same class.

Oh well! At least we are both working!
In my post earlier today I outlined exactly what you can expect from the third interview. It should only be a couple pages back. Hopefully you will find it helpful!

Found it:

I'll second what kyur4end said. I asked my hiring manager for constructive criticism at the end of my interview, partly bc I wanted to know, and partly bc the interview was a bit shorter than scheduled and I wanted to make sure I didn't totally screw up.

He told me there are certain things that they look for in your answers. I wanna say he said 5 things, but I don't think I remember all of them. Oops. I'll list what I remember.

During your "role play":
1.Express empathy and concern for the customer
2.Reiterate the problem
3.Verbally walk the customer through what they can expect from you ( "I'm going to do...... If we can't get it resolved then.......")
4.ask the customer simple questions first. Keep it basic.
5. Ask probing questions to see what the customer has/hasn't done so you'll know where to go with the troubleshooting.

And as always, super good attitude seems to be key in these interviews.

Sorry this is long, hope it helps!

It does and thank you ... I think I did see it.. I was a lurker before I started posting :D.. Hopefully alls goes well Tomorrow .. Thanks again!!!:D
wana ask to those who passed/had the 3rd interview.
did you have to have a lot of knowledge about the product you are applying for? iOS, OSX, iTunes etc...
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