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I would not mention names :apple: is keen on privacy... Just my $0.02 ;)

These are names that have been frequently mentioned in previous posts. But I understand. If you're savvy you can pick them (recruiters/hr) out of Apple's company directory posted on a few websites too ;)[/QUOTE]

Hey to each is own.. I haven't seen it posted here... And I was one of the nerds that started from page one of this discussion:p... Like I said just my two cents .. But I really don't think it would be hard to narrow down who you are when you listed city state names times dates.. That's all I'm saying.. No harm no foul...

On another note you are moving just as quickly as I did... Hope to hear/see you 11/26 :D
These are names that have been frequently mentioned in previous posts. But I understand. If you're savvy you can pick them (recruiters/hr) out of Apple's company directory posted on a few websites too ;)

Hey to each is own.. I haven't seen it posted here... And I was one of the nerds that started from page one of this discussion:p... Like I said just my two cents .. But I really don't think it would be hard to narrow down who you are when you listed city state names times dates.. That's all I'm saying.. No harm no foul...

On another note you are moving just as quickly as I did... Hope to hear/see you 11/26 :D[/QUOTE]

They aren't from my area. Maybe one person from my location has gone through the interview and hiring process which is sad and frustrating. I started "lurking" at the beginning too. I hope we are in the same class!
My update:
Yesterday I received a call from Will and answered a question or two. He set up an interview with Susan for today. Then I received the questionnaire 30 mnutes later which I promptly sent back. I had my interview by phone with Susan 3 hours ago. It went great! I was a little worried because from previous posts Susan seemed to be a second interviewer though it wasn't set up for FaceTime. Susan said I did great and told me to expect an email to set up my FINAL interview by FaceTime and the link for the official paperwork. My interview is on Tuesday afternoon! I was told it was for a part time position which I'm ok with. Anything to work for Apple. I work part time now.

My Timeline:
8/16 applied Allentown, PA > no response
8/19 added other cities
9/18 new ID applied for several cities > no response
10/14 New ID applied for several cities after tweaking my cover letter but when pasting cover letter/resume it went "wonky" which got their attention LOL
10/17 received call from Will, set up phone interview with recruiter and received questionnaire email
10/18 had my phone interview with Susan, received email to set up final FaceTime interview and link for official paperwork
10/23 Scheduled FaceTime interview for the afternoon

Hoping I keep moving forward. I was also told that training would start 11/26.


Hey KLinPA,

How exactly did you "tweak" your cover letter and resume? Just curious as to what keywords you included. I have applied in several cities as well... I have pretty much done exactly what you did. Just wondering what changes you made to your submission that caused them to finally contact you.

Hope you keep progressing! Keep us posted! :eek:


... probably good to also note that I already have an offer in hand from Kelly Services to do the same job... but I have been applying directly to Apple as well and would really prefer to do it through Apple... More $ and Apple benefits. For some reason, my resume and cover letter was sufficient enough to get a call from Kelly Services... just wondering how to tweak it for Apple. --Btw... my training date starts 11/26 too! LOL. I am wondering if Kelly employees train with Apple employees. A lot of the Kelly dates and Apple dates are exactly the same.
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I've been meaning to ask about Kelly for a while. Just where do they fit into the calling pools of Apple support? Are they first line for some products or is everyone in the same pool?

I guess it strikes me as odd that Apple would hire in house for Apple Care support while outsourcing a (seemingly significant) chunk of it. Companies usually are either/or but not both.
I've been meaning to ask about Kelly for a while. Just where do they fit into the calling pools of Apple support? Are they first line for some products or is everyone in the same pool?

I guess it strikes me as odd that Apple would hire in house for Apple Care support while outsourcing a (seemingly significant) chunk of it. Companies usually are either/or but not both.

Yes, I am curious about the same thing. I actually applied on Kelly's site not even knowing the client they were recruiting for. I just saw the work-from-home tech support opportunity and jumped on it. When the recruiter called me and told me it was Apple, I was very excited... But also a little confused as I had already applied for Apple At Home Advisor on their actual website and hadn't gotten a response at all. Strange stuff...
Hi folks,
I applied to this full-time position directly through apple at the end of Sep for 11.26 class.
The process was super smooth. I was promptly getting a reply/updates (within no longer than a day), and I had a 3rd interview last week then suddenly, they stopped replying to me. No updates email, no replies to my messages since the 3rd interview finished.
Anyone have any experience similar to this? and ended up getting a rejection mail...?
My process:
July: applied for the job.
10/10/12 receive email with questions
10/10/12 first interview
10/11/12 second interview
10/11/12 schedule my 3rd interview and filled out the apple application
10/17/12 3rd interview
10/17/12 HireRight email
10/19/12 HireRight email: "please send w-2 for one of the employment verification so we can finish your BC"
10/19/12 sent the papers.
It looks like it took 2 weeks to finish the entire process, including interviews and BC. Maybe less because with the papers they should be done today.
My process:
July: applied for the job.
10/10/12 receive email with questions
10/10/12 first interview
10/11/12 second interview
10/11/12 schedule my 3rd interview and filled out the apple application
10/17/12 3rd interview
10/17/12 HireRight email
10/19/12 HireRight email: "please send w-2 for one of the employment verification so we can finish your BC"
10/19/12 sent the papers.
It looks like it took 2 weeks to finish the entire process, including interviews and BC. Maybe less because with the papers they should be done today.

So it took several months after you applied to receive any communication from Apple?
Finally...a response!

Have you gotten to the background check yet on your first attempt or did you not make it that far?

Well...let's put it this way. I decided to apply at more cities (even if it is far away for me). So I applied for for Dallas and San Antonio in Texas. I did Dallas first (actually yesterday 10/18) and once I send out that application and was busy with sending out San Antonio guess what.....I got the email with the 12 questions which of course I filled out right away and returned the email. After that I finished up San Antonio but haven't heard from there yet. Hopefully I am getting my first Facetime/Skype call soon as I am anxiously waiting for it. Since customerservice for me is a HUGE thing I have a good hope I might have a possibility to get the job. For now just making sure my phone is fully charged and volume up to the max! Don't want to miss the call and also checking my email all the time. What I could see on the forum is that sometimes people get a call really quick (as quick as 30 min. after submitting the questionaire) but with others it took them sometimes up till 7 days till they received their first call. So I am much more positive now and keep checking the board here as that is a great way to stay informed!.Wish me luck! By the way.....anything new on your status?
Hey KLinPA,

How exactly did you "tweak" your cover letter and resume? Just curious as to what keywords you included. I have applied in several cities as well... I have pretty much done exactly what you did. Just wondering what changes you made to your submission that caused them to finally contact you.

Hope you keep progressing! Keep us posted! :eek:


On my cover letter, I added a headline and made it a bit unconventional. I pasted both my resume and cover letter into the boxes in HTML format which didn't come out right. According to them it looked weird LOL. However, it got them to read it ;) which is all I care about.

Good Luck!
So, I got the call today before my brother's wedding.

I officially start in the 11/5 class!

I am so glad to finally be past all the waiting, but it was worth it.

For those of you who have not been called, they called two weeks to the day that I talked to the hiring manager.

So, they are correct when they you will hear something in 2 weeks.

Good luck to all those out there still waiting and I will see my new virtual coworkers at training!

I just replied to your post earlier and then as I was reading further along I saw you received the good news. Congratulations! I wish I was that far yet but for now we keep our hopes up high!
I sent my application with cover letter on September 25 and received the "we got your application..." email. The line that has left me feeling that they aren't even going to consider me is "A recruiter will review your qualifications and contact you if they determine that there is a good match." I have not received any other correspondence from apple, so I believe I do not meet any of their qualifications. I did read in the forum where someone did the application on an internet explorer page, then re-submitted using safari page, then heard back from a recruiter. I may give that a shot. I really want this job!!
Thanks for letting me vent, and congratulations to all who have made it through!

What will help for sure is to apply at multiple locations. I had the same thing as you and yesterday I applied to Dallas, TX (far far away from Kutztown, PA) but a recruiter did respond on it. And by the way....I send it always with Chrome.Good luck.
What will help for sure is to apply at multiple locations. I had the same thing as you and yesterday I applied to Dallas, TX (far far away from Kutztown, PA) but a recruiter did respond on it. And by the way....I send it always with Chrome.Good luck.

Well that's just not fair. LOL. I actually LIVE in Dallas, and I applied a few days ago and heard nothing. Well I just applied for Allentown, PA so maybe that'll work. *smiles*
marcotourusa and shamm508 I believe it was my Texas application that got noticed as well ;) I applied to several cities in the state.
marcotourusa and shamm508 I believe it was my Texas application that got noticed as well ;) I applied to several cities in the state.

That is so awesome to hear as I'm sure you applied for Allentown, PA as well. Looks like we're pretty much "neighbours" here on this forum since I see you are in Bethlehem. waiting for my first call. Hopefully it comes soon and hope that all the other "stages" go just as fast as it happened with you!


Well that's just not fair. LOL. I actually LIVE in Dallas, and I applied a few days ago and heard nothing. Well I just applied for Allentown, PA so maybe that'll work. *smiles*

I hope you will hear from them soon and otherwise keep applying for other far as I know it doesn't really matter as long as you are in range of a city in the list for 100 miles! Worst case scenario for me is that I have to move to Dallas now....LOL. Good thing however about that is not having to deal with all the snow....*SIGH*.
I've been meaning to ask about Kelly for a while. Just where do they fit into the calling pools of Apple support? Are they first line for some products or is everyone in the same pool?

I guess it strikes me as odd that Apple would hire in house for Apple Care support while outsourcing a (seemingly significant) chunk of it. Companies usually are either/or but not both.

I got hired through Apple but found out about the job from Kelly. I've been trying to find out how Kelly fits into the scheme of things but everyone I've run across in training and on the job was hired through Apple. I wish they'd stop outsourcing to Kelly so that our team could get the hours instead but what ya gonna do? I'll ask around when I get off lunch.
I got hired through Apple but found out about the job from Kelly. I've been trying to find out how Kelly fits into the scheme of things but everyone I've run across in training and on the job was hired through Apple. I wish they'd stop outsourcing to Kelly so that our team could get the hours instead but what ya gonna do? I'll ask around when I get off lunch.

From what I've read on here Kelly seems to be making ~$9.75/hr while Apple makes at least $5 more WITH benefits. From a pure business perspective it makes way more sense to pay Kelly to do whatever they are doing. I'm now more curious than ever about how they fit into the grand scheme of things.
From what I've read on here Kelly seems to be making ~$9.75/hr while Apple makes at least $5 more WITH benefits. From a pure business perspective it makes way more sense to pay Kelly to do whatever they are doing. I'm now more curious than ever about how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

Yes. which is why I would prefer to be employed through Apple and not Kelly.
I just called hire Right and my finalized background check was sent over to Apple about 20 minutes ago. I have hire right sending me my background check right now. I am waiting for the email.
From what I've read on here Kelly seems to be making ~$9.75/hr while Apple makes at least $5 more WITH benefits. From a pure business perspective it makes way more sense to pay Kelly to do whatever they are doing. I'm now more curious than ever about how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

Kelly's pay must have gone up. A few months ago they paid $9.00 per hour with a .15 per hour utility bonus. Apple's starting wage depends a lot on what state you're in but it starts at $15 and goes up. Full time bennies even if you're part time.
I hope you will hear from them soon and otherwise keep applying for other far as I know it doesn't really matter as long as you are in range of a city in the list for 100 miles! Worst case scenario for me is that I have to move to Dallas now....LOL. Good thing however about that is not having to deal with all the snow....*SIGH*.

Well how about this...if we both get hired... we can switch locations. You come live at my place in Dallas and I'll go live in yours in PA. LOL.:D
The only reason Kelly's rate went from $9.15 to $9.75 is because Apple recently increased the hourly rate of employees. The highest rate I've seen disclosed is $16.25 for the at-home position. I can only imagine how Kelly is positioning this pay increase to employees. Their email communication is spammy. Many don't even know about the opportunity at Apple.
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Got my paperwork today.

So shiny!

And, it actually states full time 40 hours a week.



Have been watching for full time position to be posted in this area for months but they were all part-time so that is what I ended up applying for and being offered. The hiring manager said full-time positions almost always had to be bid on once you got hired. So I would say you were very lucky to secure a full time position and congrats on getting your 'shiny paperwork'! Looking forward to getting mine :D.

By the way, how long did it take you to get the official 'offer email' after you got the offer call? Recruiter extended offer on Wednesday and said email should arrive no later than Thursday but still haven't received it. Should I worry yet?
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