OK. I have lurked enough. Thanks for all the helpful info that I have
received from everyone. My start date is 12/3 as well...so greetings
fellow 12/3ers!!! And to help the future employees, here is my timeline.
1. Applied 8/31
2. Questionaire answered 9/18
3. Got email for interview on 9/21 with start date of 11/26.
4. Offical Online Application received on 9/25.
5. Final interview on 10/3.
6. Received email on 10/3 for background check.
7. Received email on 10/8 for additional info for background check.
8. Background check completed on 10/24.
9. Offer letter received on 10/31.
10. Start date changed to 12/3.
Also, as a side note...concerning CPU or iOS classes. The hiring manager
told me that everyone is placed in a big pool. Teams that are short on
people(quit, fired, don't work out, etc) are filled first. Then the managers
divide up everyone else to spread the load.
So, I'm not disagreeing with what everyone was told or heard, just sharing
the information I was told.
And for all the other folks coming in and wondering like we all did, read
the forum. Copy and paste questions and study and read. Google info
on configuring email or trouble shooting internet connections. Does not
hurt to have some knowledge, but empathy and compassion for the
customer is the most important.
See yall on 12/3!!!!!!!!!!
Yet another person who received a reply 1-3 days after answering the questionnaire. This has more worried.