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OK. I have lurked enough. Thanks for all the helpful info that I have
received from everyone. My start date is 12/3 as greetings
fellow 12/3ers!!! And to help the future employees, here is my timeline.

1. Applied 8/31
2. Questionaire answered 9/18
3. Got email for interview on 9/21 with start date of 11/26.
4. Offical Online Application received on 9/25.
5. Final interview on 10/3.
6. Received email on 10/3 for background check.
7. Received email on 10/8 for additional info for background check.
8. Background check completed on 10/24.
9. Offer letter received on 10/31.
10. Start date changed to 12/3.

Also, as a side note...concerning CPU or iOS classes. The hiring manager
told me that everyone is placed in a big pool. Teams that are short on
people(quit, fired, don't work out, etc) are filled first. Then the managers
divide up everyone else to spread the load.

So, I'm not disagreeing with what everyone was told or heard, just sharing
the information I was told.

And for all the other folks coming in and wondering like we all did, read
the forum. Copy and paste questions and study and read. Google info
on configuring email or trouble shooting internet connections. Does not
hurt to have some knowledge, but empathy and compassion for the
customer is the most important.

See yall on 12/3!!!!!!!!!!

Yet another person who received a reply 1-3 days after answering the questionnaire. This has more worried. :( Over 10 days seems way too long compared to everyone elses experience.
I was hired out of Texas I believe. A few people on here were previously working for Apple through Kelly. I made my cover letter stand out, not the normal looking blah blah type. It actually twisted the beginning monologue from Star Trek :) You can do a search for cover letters that standout or cover letters that get you noticed. And I figure it was the 50-something job location I applied for.

Can you pm me some advice on your letter cover, websites you used or samples please?
Yet another person who received a reply 1-3 days after answering the questionnaire. This has more worried. :( Over 10 days seems way too long compared to everyone elses experience.

Just remember that they are busy. We have all been pushed back because my original starting day was to be 11/5...then 11/26 and now 12/3. So they are really busy moving people in (and obviously out) the doors. Don't give up faith yet. And always feel free to jazz up the resume a bit more and apply again.
can u tell us what exactly or how did you tweak your cover letter?

Apply different locations really don't matter because they will only hire you in your location

Do anyone have a contact number for them. i already work for apple through a 3rd party call center with a excellent record! they should see that on my resume, so I dont see why i would not be hired. I dont even need the training for CPI, I already been working it for 6 months with a excellent record. i even was awarded awards for my service

The 100 mile radius does not apply anymore per our trainers.
You can apply from anywhere now.
You speak the truth. I have BOXES here calling my name :D

My husband might have to hide mine!! hehe :cool:


Kool-aid, good luck on your 1st test! Is it tomorrow?


Yet another person who received a reply 1-3 days after answering the questionnaire. This has more worried. :( Over 10 days seems way too long compared to everyone elses experience.

Cisco, I think you really should apply to other locations!
My husband might have to hide mine!! hehe :cool:


Kool-aid, good luck on your 1st test! Is it tomorrow?


Cisco, I think you really should apply to other locations!

I think I applied to every position in my state. Should I try out of state? :confused:
I agree!!..

How's training so far koolaid?

It's awesome!

I love it!


For anyone thinking about cover letters, think about how you can make yourself stand out to Apple.

My cover letter from the point of view of my Macbook Pro.
It was creative and what caught the attention of the recruiters.
Lurked a long time, but....

Hello all.

I have lurked here a long time. I applied directly with Apple and didn't get anywhere, so I went to Kelly and got hired. I have been in Kelly's training for less than a week.

The day before Kelly training started, Apple called me for an interview. The first interviewer said he was moving me onto the next step and I would be contacted to schedule the next interview, so I am waiting patiently for that contact.

As I hadn't started training with Kelly yet, I didn't tell the first interviewer that I was in Kelly's AHA training.

My concern is.... now that I've started the Kelly training, I don't want to give up Kelly and then not get an offer from Apple, but I don't want to screw up any chance I have with Apple by already being with Kelly.

So what do you think about this? Am I just screwed, between a rock and a hard place? Should I tell the next interviewer about Kelly or what?

Thanks for any advice.
Hello all.

I have lurked here a long time. I applied directly with Apple and didn't get anywhere, so I went to Kelly and got hired. I have been in Kelly's training for less than a week.

The day before Kelly training started, Apple called me for an interview. The first interviewer said he was moving me onto the next step and I would be contacted to schedule the next interview, so I am waiting patiently for that contact.

As I hadn't started training with Kelly yet, I didn't tell the first interviewer that I was in Kelly's AHA training.

My concern is.... now that I've started the Kelly training, I don't want to give up Kelly and then not get an offer from Apple, but I don't want to screw up any chance I have with Apple by already being with Kelly.

So what do you think about this? Am I just screwed, between a rock and a hard place? Should I tell the next interviewer about Kelly or what?

Thanks for any advice.

Do what you have to do but as I've said a few times in this thread... No way in heck I'd do this job for Kelly's wages, their paltry utility reimbursement and their lack of health care coverage. I've been on the phones for a month (30 days til my $500 Mac discount!) and I'd have to be really, really desperate to do it for $9.75/hr but I've been working in tech for 20 years and would not take any $10 per hour job.

This is a great entry level position but for anyone that's worked in the field for a while, it's a temp income maker at best. Also, I don't see getting more than 20 hours a week (at least in iOS) in the foreseeable future and that's just not enough income for many.... Still better than working for Kelly full time though.
Can you pm me some advice on your letter cover, websites you used or samples please?

I was on several sites. Just google cover letters that get noticed or the best cover letters or unique cover letters. Take pieces from all of them.

Mine had a headline, a statement (Star Trek thing) and a PS line. It used 2 paragraphs that intrigued but didn't give you all the info so it made you want to find out more. It's probably why I had a short phone call/interview before the questionnaire email.
Hello all.

I have lurked here a long time. I applied directly with Apple and didn't get anywhere, so I went to Kelly and got hired. I have been in Kelly's training for less than a week.

The day before Kelly training started, Apple called me for an interview. The first interviewer said he was moving me onto the next step and I would be contacted to schedule the next interview, so I am waiting patiently for that contact.

As I hadn't started training with Kelly yet, I didn't tell the first interviewer that I was in Kelly's AHA training.

My concern is.... now that I've started the Kelly training, I don't want to give up Kelly and then not get an offer from Apple, but I don't want to screw up any chance I have with Apple by already being with Kelly.

So what do you think about this? Am I just screwed, between a rock and a hard place? Should I tell the next interviewer about Kelly or what?

Thanks for any advice.

Hi Mel, I would absolutely let Apple know about Kelly. They will find out anyway during the background check, and I'm sure honesty would be a virtue. Good luck!
Part time

Any one know what hours and days part time people can work? Is it only weekends? Early morning? Late night?

In other words, do part time people work just the hours and days the full time people don't want?
Any one know what hours and days part time people can work? Is it only weekends? Early morning? Late night?

In other words, do part time people work just the hours and days the full time people don't want?

As a part timer, you are obligated to be able to work anytime between 5:30am and 11:30pm. You work three four hour shifts during the week and you work a full eight hour shift on a weekend day. You have no say so as far as which hours or days starting off, so you just need to be available in those parameters.
As a part timer, you are obligated to be able to work anytime between 5:30am and 11:30pm. You work three four hour shifts during the week and you work a full eight hour shift on a weekend day. You have no say so as far as which hours or days starting off, so you just need to be available in those parameters.

That's ok with me, but wondering how far in advance you know what your hours will be for any given week? Or do you find out the day before what your shift will be tomorrow?
That's ok with me, but wondering how far in advance you know what your hours will be for any given week? Or do you find out the day before what your shift will be tomorrow?

You are given a schedule at the end of your training and from what I hear, is set for 90 days. You are given a full and a part time schedule, and if they need you to flex up to full time, the full time schedule would be in effect. Hope this helps! :)
As a part timer, you are obligated to be able to work anytime between 5:30am and 11:30pm. You work three four hour shifts during the week and you work a full eight hour shift on a weekend day. You have no say so as far as which hours or days starting off, so you just need to be available in those parameters.

Man Apple really hangs their part time employees (who aren't college students) out to dry. It will be tough surviving on a 20 hour per week part time income when you have to be available fulltime . That means you won't be able to get another part time job to supplement your income. Whoever described part-time as the trenches wasn't lying lol. Try surviving off $14K per year.
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