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Ok yes at home we are far removed from Cupertino, and any brick and mortar call center apple has. Now I don't work for the company at this point but in every step of the process i have heard about all the opportunities to move up and over to other departments ect. So whats the real deal are there the opportunities there are they over stated or what?.( I don't mean this to sound rude its just frustrating hearing different info):confused:

There are opportunities to move up to tier 2 support which is just the next level higher. There some possible opportunities to eventually try and become a team manager, but every manager I know, it has taken a few years to get there. I'm not even sure how great a position that would be.
You could also move to other queues that are more specialized, like pro apps, or wireless multi media etc. I think these may just be lateral with no benefit, or not much of one in pay. If you want to move to Austin, or Cupertino, I'm sure there are many more options to move up, but as for being at home, you are limited and at the complete mercy of the customer.


I work in iOS and Dec. 26th was a bit crazy but yeah, I think they overstaffed, we're getting 3 - 4 minutes in Avail. rather than the usual 4 seconds. I'm thinking the overstaffing and mandatory OT is their way of doing Christmas bonuses. With the holiday off time pay and OT I racked up 87 hours last week.

While some iPhone calls still come in, the bulk of the calls are iPad mini's and those freaking iPods. God I hate iPod calls, 90% of them are 14 year olds.

Our TIA was as much as 11-12 min during Christmas. We were way overstaffed.
There are opportunities to move up to tier 2 support which is just the next level higher. There some possible opportunities to eventually try and become a team manager, but every manager I know, it has taken a few years to get there. I'm not even sure how great a position that would be.
You could also move to other queues that are more specialized, like pro apps, or wireless multi media etc. I think these may just be lateral with no benefit, or not much of one in pay. If you want to move to Austin, or Cupertino, I'm sure there are many more options to move up, but as for being at home, you are limited and at the complete mercy of the customer.

Thanks every one for the helpful replies. Contact center work is what it is. just have to work hard towards something better.
There are opportunities to move up to tier 2 support which is just the next level higher. There some possible opportunities to eventually try and become a team manager, but every manager I know, it has taken a few years to get there. I'm not even sure how great a position that would be.
You could also move to other queues that are more specialized, like pro apps, or wireless multi media etc. I think these may just be lateral with no benefit, or not much of one in pay. If you want to move to Austin, or Cupertino, I'm sure there are many more options to move up, but as for being at home, you are limited and at the complete mercy of the customer.


Our TIA was as much as 11-12 min during Christmas. We were way overstaffed.

Yep, I agree.

It was very slow sometimes.
Like everyone else said, the job is what you make it.
This is a customer service job have a chance to move up to something bigger later on if you work hard for it and are willing to move.

Not everyone can start out making 40k a year doing tech stuff.
Some of us have to work our way up the ladder.

Ever since day 1, I have tried to hit the ground running, making 95-100 on 2/3 tests i took and being one of the top new hires in CPU.
Nothing in this life is free and in any job, you have to work and prove yourself before you can truly be where you want to be.
There are opportunities to move up to tier 2 support which is just the next level higher. There some possible opportunities to eventually try and become a team manager, but every manager I know, it has taken a few years to get there.

Our team manager was hired one month before I was but she had 10 years of customer service management experience. She's clueless about technology but was hired to manage people, not fix stuff. It appears to be pretty easy to move up to Tier 2 but I'd turn them down if they asked... I just want out of iOS. Your ability to move laterally or vertically is totally dependent on your overall stats. Slackers and people with poor attendance won't go far.

As someone mentioned, being an AHA provides a few opportunities for advancement but that many. If you're by a campus the sky's the limit.
This is a call center job that you work from home. It isn't too difficult, except that you have to be nice to people and use a meaningful "empathetic" statement without sound fake. Mobility for career options?? Not sure only been doing this for 4 months. The employee discount is great, but its only every 3 years lol.
I correctly work for Volt/VMC as Tier 1 iOS Support. I work about 40 hours a week at 10.50 an hour.

Do you guys think it would be wise to try to move over to a Apple At-Home Advisor?

I correctly work for Volt/VMC as Tier 1 iOS Support. I work about 40 hours a week at 10.50 an hour.

Do you guys think it would be wise to try to move over to a Apple At-Home Advisor?


Absolutely. There is no way that I would do this for 10.50 an hour!
I would encourage you to apply. If you can handle the job now at your current pay why not do the exact same job and make 40% more!?Benefits are the best, 401k, vacation pay, etc!
So how exactly does it work at Volt? Do you use the same iLog system as a regular AHA does?
Yes, we use iLog. Does AHA have where someone listens in on your calls once or twice a month and grades you on the call ? We call it a North Star.
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Well the 12/3ers have just completed our first week of nesting. Still having a good time so far. Tons of nervousness that seems to clear up a little with each call. We have an awesome group that started out together and seem to have bonded very well.

Again, for everyone coming on board, best wishes for success and when you do get hired, pay very close attention through training. You'll be flooded with a ton of information, but t will get you past the test and then it will all come together once you start using it on the phones.

Bookmark everything and group them by subject. I promise you will need them for test and on calls.
This is a call center job that you work from home. It isn't too difficult, except that you have to be nice to people and use a meaningful "empathetic" statement without sound fake. Mobility for career options?? Not sure only been doing this for 4 months. The employee discount is great, but its only every 3 years lol.

I hit the 4 month mark as well and no, the job isn't hard but that's one of the problems... it's not a technical challenge, it's a people skills challenge. I have very little patience with people and employ very little empathy on the job but still have very high csats. As I mentioned in an earlier post, most of the people calling in look for technical competence not "fluff" as one of my customers put it.

My manage said I could apply for other openings since I have more than 60 days actual OTJ time and I may do just that. There's a job opening for an iLog Beta tester(or iLag as I call it) that just came in and even though I'm not fond of iLog the job is more in line with my background in software and databases.
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If I were you I would try to get onboard with Apple. Do you take calls for iOS or CPU? If it's iOS then I am sure that you are always on the telephone. I think it is a little strange how there are outside companies employing people to do the same thing Apple employees do for less money. I wonder if Apple will phase out AHA workers at one point in time?
I take only iOS call, but it looks like they're moving us to take also all iPod call( I only take iPod touch calls).
Quick question. I currently work as an Apple Care at-home advisor through Kelly Services. Working directly with Apple of course pays a lot more so my question is do you have to work a certain time period with Kelly before you are even eligible to apply directly with Apple? I ask because when I first started I think I signed an agreement to hold the position for one year.
I'm surprised that an exception isn't made to get you in CPU. I think you would enjoy that much more. Every so often I get a misroute and experience the joys of speaking with an iOS customer and there is a big difference in the caliper of customer.

Also looking on Monster Board, holy cow, what a huge difference in call volume. iOS is usually slammed busy. I bet there's many times when your TIA goes only a few seconds in between calls. That's tough. Stick thru it though because with your previous experience and skills I am sure there is a home for you somewhere deep within Apple.

I came very close to turning in my headset and iMac the other day. I'm at the end of my rope when it comes to dealing with people that have no business using technology. Do you know what it's like dealing with people that can't grasp the idea that and the itunes program are two different things? It makes me crazy. Every time I do a consult with someone from CPU they tell me to try and switch over since I have 20+ years experience in hardware/software and I already made it clear to my manager that my days in iOS are numbered... one way or the other.
When you two both got hired for Volt and Kelly Services did you know specifically ahead of time that you would be taking calls for Apple? Also did you know about working for Apple directly at the time you were trying to get hired for Volt and Kelly?
For me no. I knew I would be taking iPhone calls, but for some reason I thought I would be taking android calls too. Not until I got into training I found out I was going to be an apple representative. I'm kinda happy about that as I don't think I would have applied if I knew beforehand as I would have been to freaked out. I did know about AHA, but it was at the back of my mind at the time and I didn't start thinking about trying to apply until recently.


Do you know what it's like dealing with people that can't grasp the idea that and the itunes program are two different things? It makes me crazy.
God yes. I had a customer who wasn't seeing her iPhone in iTunes. It turned out she had her phone plugged into the wall outlet and not her computer! To me those are the fun calls.
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It's all about perspective

I am in an upcoming training class, but I can relate to those who are frustrated with this type of work. Highly trained technical people usually aren't content with a customer service job. That is what this is.

I worked at home for a cable/internet/phone company. The training was fast, brief and skimming. You had to be able to make it work for you. I did. I'm good at researching and figuring things out on my own, so I did well. The difference is the job paid 45% percent less than this and had NO benefits. None. If you go into this job content that it's a customer service position, you'll probably do alright.

As for difficult/stupid people, they are ALL over. I had a lady take a swing at me when I worked in bookkeeping at a bank because she was overdrawn and we'd charged her fees. 0.o I had a lady yelling at me about her Internet not working, and when I finally calmed her down to analyze the problem - her computer was turned off. Yup. Seriously. It's just all part of being a CSR.

For those who are discontent, I hope something turns up for you to truly utilize the skills you have. I am sure it's frustrating for you.
This is a call center job that you work from home. It isn't too difficult, except that you have to be nice to people and use a meaningful "empathetic" statement without sound fake. Mobility for career options?? Not sure only been doing this for 4 months. The employee discount is great, but its only every 3 years lol.

Is it one of each product every 3 years? I mean can I get an Macbook Air and iPad mini now? What is the discount and what will my Healthcare options be and how much? Training start in a few weeks for me, but I'm really interested in the above. Thanks.
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