The training is ridiculous.
Support, non existent.
Kbase is a joke.
Tests are difficult, and just mind games.
Pay is horrible for all the work you are expected to do.
Screen shot, take notes, listen in class all you want, it won't help you pass.
Best to have lots of computer systems, networking and in-depth working knowledge of iPad, iPhone, etc, in order to fly in this gig.
Total waste of my time, and yours too, possibly.
Have another job lined up as Plan B. Just in case.
Well, from my time so far, I have seen many people on the queues
asking questions and they have all been answered by managers and
teammates. If support didn't exist, nobody would be successful.
The kBase can be challenging. Therefore, learning how to search has
been essential.
If test were not difficult, there would be no way to challenge the
things learned and if we were paying attention. Mind games? Yes
they are, because it is the mind they are working on training.
Pay is horrible? OK, we don't start at 60K a year. Sorry. But we
have awesome benefits, fabulous chances to move up and holiday
pay at double time and a half ain't bad. Compared to being out
of a job, this is gravy.
Screen shots for key points are great for review. Taking notes help
to double remind you of things. The biggest trick to passing the
test is to either remember everything...or know where to look.
I have over 20 years of computer experience. I have built and
rebuilt tons of PCs. I have experience networking. Those things
are great to compare what you know in the PC world to the Mac
world. But all that stuff was useless when it came to understanding
the startup process of the Mac. Or the proper way to transfer a
call. Or the proper way to deal with a customer that has called
back on the same issue several times.
Lots of knowledge on the iPhone, iPad, iMac? Nope. they pay you
to sit in class and learn. Is that so bad?
Total waste of time? You are paid to learn new things and beef up
your resume. Have another job lined up? Always. That's just good
To all the new people waiting to get hired...a job is what you make
it. And getting paid to work in your sweats with the dogs laying on
your feet and a 5 foot commute to work? I'll take a job like that
any day.