Brand Spankin New Here! Hiya's!
Everyone on here has just been amazing is sharing! I have read this thread for probably 15 hrs. gathering information and I really am grateful for so many's contributions.
I was doing my normal application canvass yesterday and came across Kelly and applied thinking I was just going to be submitting a resume and a possible assessment with no idea that it would lead straight into a voice question/answer session. I was SO nervous! I am hoping they take that into consideration?
I am 48 yo and have worked at a Fortune 500 Co. from the age of 18 - 31 in administrative capacity sales and service for industrial boiling/cooling package treatments. I have been a successful tax pro the past 14 years where the majority was while I was married. I have however had gigs where I was an Executive Sales Administrator for a Software Co. selling software/hardware packages to major mfg's and distributors, have worked temporary gigs at Call Centers and, actually my 1st job out of HS was selling Commodore 64's lol ...
I have always admired Steve Jobs and Apple but have never been able to afford one. single. product
I won an iPod once and gave it to my step-daughter at the time. I would really REALLY love to own a Mac since I have managed to go through 5, count them 5 other laptops in the course of 4 years. They're basically disposable to me! Going through all of those, I have MANY hours of self-diagnosis and call center experience ! lol
So, my questions are, how much centered experience do you think they are looking for? Has anyone else gone through the ap/assessment/digital voice question/answer scenario? If so, how long did it take for someone to get back to you after you submitted that? And my age, do you think that would be a deterrent?
I am very healthy, self-driven and motivated and I already manage an 8 acre farm by myself and I heat with wood during the winter! Everything is so physical, that's why I simply LOVE the concept of this position. With the pay as it is set through Apple, I would be loyal til the day I died. I wouldn't care how ticked a customer is/was! Shoot! I have been through it all myself !!! lol ...
Everyone on here has just been amazing is sharing! I have read this thread for probably 15 hrs. gathering information and I really am grateful for so many's contributions.
I was doing my normal application canvass yesterday and came across Kelly and applied thinking I was just going to be submitting a resume and a possible assessment with no idea that it would lead straight into a voice question/answer session. I was SO nervous! I am hoping they take that into consideration?
I am 48 yo and have worked at a Fortune 500 Co. from the age of 18 - 31 in administrative capacity sales and service for industrial boiling/cooling package treatments. I have been a successful tax pro the past 14 years where the majority was while I was married. I have however had gigs where I was an Executive Sales Administrator for a Software Co. selling software/hardware packages to major mfg's and distributors, have worked temporary gigs at Call Centers and, actually my 1st job out of HS was selling Commodore 64's lol ...
I have always admired Steve Jobs and Apple but have never been able to afford one. single. product
So, my questions are, how much centered experience do you think they are looking for? Has anyone else gone through the ap/assessment/digital voice question/answer scenario? If so, how long did it take for someone to get back to you after you submitted that? And my age, do you think that would be a deterrent?
I am very healthy, self-driven and motivated and I already manage an 8 acre farm by myself and I heat with wood during the winter! Everything is so physical, that's why I simply LOVE the concept of this position. With the pay as it is set through Apple, I would be loyal til the day I died. I wouldn't care how ticked a customer is/was! Shoot! I have been through it all myself !!! lol ...