I agree and congratulations to you!!! I was doing my normal canvass of applications Monday and Wednesday and applied with Kelly thinking I was only submitting a resume when the next thing I know, I receive an email to complete an assessment, not necessarily abnormal, but, then, went straight to a digital phone question/answer session! I have to tell you, I was caught off guard and nervous as could be! ... Hopefully, they take this into account?
Has anyone else been directed through these steps? If so, how long did it take for someone to get back to you ? I'm also confused about the amount of tech vs. customer service experience. I prepared taxes throughout the majority of a marriage and worked temporary services and other odd and end jobs during off season because it was our lifestyle that I took care of his kids and the house. I have been an Executive Sales Administrator for Hard and Software sales and service in the past, I have also managed to meltdown 5 laptops in the last 4 years that has entailed alot of self-diagnosis, etc. Does anyone have a solid idea of what Apple is looking for? I worked for Ashland Chemical for 13 years as well and I have to say, I was proud to represent and be a part of such a wonderful company. They truly cared about their employees and I haven't been able to find such an example or opportunity since, until now. Working for and representing Apple would be amazing and I couldn't be prouder.
Is there someone I could send chocolates to or something ? lol Anyone have addresses ? I am not above bribery lol j/k ... kinda