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Two days??? Wow - I think about how seeing it sit for one has been.
It looks like the UPS banner flights from Hong Kong to Ankorage are close to leaving - hopefully this is it for one or both of us....
Yep those are the usual flights (59 and 63) that I would expect to see it on hopefully today but I have seen them as late as day before so who knows when the pallets were/are getting loaded.
Any other XS folks leaving from Shenzhen?

Shenzhen, China 09/18/2018 9:00 P.M. Departure Scan
09/18/2018 8:00 P.M. Export Scan
09/18/2018 8:00 P.M. Origin Scan
China 09/18/2018 8:51 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Yup both of my phones. Same exact scans.
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Apparently, 1 of my iPhone XS Max has been sitting in Incheon, South Korea for 24 hours, hopefully that one will get going today.

Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 7.04.10 AM.png

While my other one just recently landed.

Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 7.06.06 AM.png
I'm not worried of course, and it won't mean anything come Friday...but, not being able to track anything really sucks the joy out of this week. Following the plane...any plane is something I really enjoy. 3-4 days of ZhengZhou 2:10AM just ain't cutting it for me.
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