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Not to double post, but this is exactly what I mean:

If you don't like MS lying about things, file a complaint with the FCC and they will get fined.

THE ADS AREN'T LYING!!!!!! The models pictured cost that much. Newer models that carry different model numbers, not pictured, cost less.

Also, the ads never mention specific pricing. They are worded in a fashion that the pricing discussion in every ad is still 100% accurate with regards to the big picture of Mac prices.

I would like you to point out which of these statements is a lie in the context of the ad (which is what the FCC cares about):

"For under a thousand dollars they only have one model..."
"For under two grand this is the best Apple [computer]; it only has 2 Gigabytes of RAM"
"For a thousand dollars..." "We can't get a Mac."
—Matt and Olivia
"This mac—is two thousand dollars—and that is before adding anything"
—Lauren and Sue
Really hate the Ads. Who wouldn't pick up a free laptop as long as they didn't get ab MBP? Far to missleading.

Argumenativly, Apple did ask for it. I just dislike MS ads in general, it's like they feed off misinformation and BS.

They all do. Each party has its limitations and weaknesses, and they aren't going to tell all details.
Well Apple does this too in ads. For example the one where they said ALL Windows machines will have problems and that their macs won't. Well I know plenty of Windows users without problems and a few Macs who have had problems. Either way, both companies lie.
LOL, legal department demanded that MS stop the ads because they're misleading now. Apple dropped the price of its notebooks so the ads are no longer accurate...'cause we know that $100 price drop is enough to actually compete with Windows based notebooks.

You sure do believe MS propaganda!

For instance, the "$100" price drop is a figment of the MS COO's fervent imagination; the actual price drop was $300 ($1999 to $1699) on the offending ad.

Does it compete well with Windows notebooks? You can take your MS COO's word that it doesn't compete, or instead take the word of various well-established market research organizations which say Apple's market share is either rising or flat right now. That's hardly not competing.

So, yes, the $300 price drop in Mac laptops was more than enough for it to actually compete with Windows-based notebooks.

But, please. Don't let silly things like facts get in the way of your rampant MS fanboism.
Not to double post, but this is exactly what I mean:

THE ADS AREN'T LYING!!!!!! The models pictured cost that much. Newer models that carry different model numbers, not pictured, cost less.

Is it clear from watching the ad that MS's shill is talking about an old computer?

No. Thus, they are deceptive.

Also, the ads never mention specific pricing. They are worded in a fashion that the pricing discussion in every ad is still 100% accurate with regards to the big picture of Mac prices.

Huh? I distinctly recall seeing prices shown AND commented on in the ads. In fact, your quotes below belie your point above. They clearly mention and discuss price specifically on the Mac laptops.

I would like you to point out which of these statements is a lie in the context of the ad (which is what the FCC cares about):
"For under a thousand dollars they only have one model..."
"For under two grand this is the best Apple [computer]; it only has 2 Gigabytes of RAM"
"For a thousand dollars..." "We can't get a Mac."
—Matt and Olivia
"This mac—is two thousand dollars—and that is before adding anything"
—Lauren and Sue

#2 and #4.

The $1699 Macbook Pro has 4GB of RAM. It costs materially less than $2000 before adding anything (like ... what, exactly?)

Again, when they were filmed, they were accurate. That is not the point. The point is that they are not accurate while they are being aired.

Think about it. You are claiming that I could film an ad today deriding HP's lineup (say, because they don't sell a laptop under $2000 which comes with 16Gb of memory), then air that ten years from now (presuming that laptops with 16GB of memory are given away in Cracker Jack boxes by that time) and it would be deemed as completely factual?

I am sorry, but the "world of the ad" is the world in which it airs, not that in which it was filmed. If you don't want the two to collide then you need to make sure you don't include materially volatile facts (and pricing of your competitor's products is a key one) without serious disclaimers.

This is ad marketing 101 stuff here, really. Not sure why it would cause a discussion.

Ever notice the 2 half-screens of 4-point type at the bottom of every comparative car commercial? That's for this very reason (because it is needed to firmly establish the "world of the ad" which points to volatile facts). And, you might note, car models and MSRP pricing change much more rarely than laptop models.

Normally, complaints to the FCC on deceptive advertising would yield nothing but a warning letter and a window for the company (MS) to remove its ads from circulation. However, given that the COO has already proclaimed his knowledge of the inaccuracy of the ads, that window should be deemed to have already started.

Again: if you don't want MS to get away with this crap, then send a note to the FCC. There's an online form to do it, and it will take well less than two minutes to do.
I have owned two uMB's and both had to be returned to repair massive technical issues within the first 30 days. I have a PC laptop from 2004 that, with the exception of the battery I refuse to replace, has worked perfectly.

This thread needs to be locked - it's turned into a farce. Some of the poor arguments put forward in here are an absolute disgrace. I love my Macs, but if having some objectivity regarding MS makes me a troll then this board is an embarrassment.

Oh, well since you have had 2 issues then it must be clear that Mac's are worse quality than PC's, right? NO! Individual milage will vary! What works for one might not work for others, so quit acting like your example is definitive and the thread should now be locked since you got your 2 cents in.
If it looks, smells, acts like a fanboy.... ahem

I can see you obviously disagree with need to point out the fact that the company's name is apple. The ads dont give a comparison of what you are actually getting. I would like to see here is mac with processor, hard drive, screen size, etc and here is pc with... However if they did that it wouldn't be as effective for Microsoft. I just want them to actually say more than jeez these macs are expensive.

Okay I am not an apple fan boy, but thanks for the insult. My point is I see the ads as misleading. If you don't then just say so and state why you dont have to pick a fight with me. I am simply expressing my opinion thats all no more. I understand advertising, but I just feel that it is a little (perhaps not illegally so) misleading thats all. If you disagree fine.

Microsoft is a SOFTWARE company. They don't make the hardware so why would they focus on tech specs when they're simply pointing out the obvious. Feature for feature macs ARE more expensive. It's not necessarily a bad thing but hardware isn't Microsoft's "thing".

These are response ads to the "I'm a PC" Apple ads.. If Apple don't want the competition to fire back then they shouldn't start up with them.

The ads are generic, but they are not misleading... MICROSOFT DOESN'T MAKE THE HARDWARE - why would they wax eloquent about hardware they have nothing to do with???

Mini-FanBoy :p
Remarks like this are idiotic. Microsoft is more than Windows. Exchange runs the business world and does it well. People need to get off the whole Windows = Microsoft crap. Also as a corp. Apple and Microsoft internally are very similar you'd be surprised.

Replies like this are idiotic. Strike one for you. My business doesn't use Exchange. Strike two for you. I never said Windows was crap. Strike three for you. You're out *******.
Replies like this are idiotic. Strike one for you. My business doesn't use Exchange. Strike two for you. I never said Windows was crap. Strike three for you. You're out *******.

So, if your business doesn't use Exchange, nobody else does? Exchange dominates in respect to messaging.
Oh, well since you have had 2 issues then it must be clear that Mac's are worse quality than PC's, right? NO! Individual milage will vary! What works for one might not work for others, so quit acting like your example is definitive and the thread should now be locked since you got your 2 cents in.

I've owned 3 Macs in my lifetime -- never had an issue with any of them. For every horror story there is success.
So, if your business doesn't use Exchange, nobody else does? Exchange dominates in respect to messaging.

My business doesn't use it and I couldn't give two hoots about it.

Domination by anything from Microsoft is due to their well documented underhanded business practices, just like Intel.

If I remember the topic was about the alleged phone call which I already regard as suspect. No more stupid comments from anymore of you nice people out there.
My business doesn't use it and I couldn't give two hoots about it.

Domination by anything from Microsoft is due to their well documented underhanded business practices, just like Intel.

If I remember the topic was about the alleged phone call which I already regard as suspect. No more stupid comments from anymore of you nice people out there.

I'm not sure what you're talking about in that last paragraph. Either way, you have no way of controlling another's opinion on an open forum. :)

What was said above is accurate. Microsoft isn't only about Windows, just as Apple is not just about OS X.

As for underhanded business practices, every company has them at some level. If you're anti-Microsoft due to their business practices, then one can only assume you dislike Intel too as you claim they have done the same. So, why do you support Intel with your purchases?
The Mac I bought is the first intel I ever owned, every PC prior to this was AMD, current PC at work, AMD. I wanted a Mac, so I bought what is offered, I don't regret it. I just hope I don't ever need help as it appears this community is more about bashing than constructive conversation.
The Mac I bought is the first intel I ever owned, every PC prior to this was AMD, current PC at work, AMD. I wanted a Mac, so I bought what is offered, I don't regret it. I just hope I don't ever need help as it appears this community is more about bashing than constructive conversation.

If you don't like the community, why stay? I'm not wishing you away or anything; quite frankly it's the opposite. More opinions bring about more discussion.

EDIT: I should also add that you shouldn't let an Internet forum get you worked up. It used to do the same to me, but just let it slide.
Consider me officially settled down and apologies all around.

My opinion on the original topic is still that it is a lie

No problem. :)

I doubt any lawyer did this either, no matter what company they are representing. They tend to follow these things up with letters.
The Mac I bought is the first intel I ever owned, every PC prior to this was AMD, current PC at work, AMD. I wanted a Mac, so I bought what is offered, I don't regret it.

Well, as such some of us need to work in a Windows environment so must stick to those as well.

I just hope I don't ever need help as it appears this community is more about bashing than constructive conversation.

With almost 341,000 members, some bad sides will show. For the most part, if you need help, you'll get it. This thread obviously was not asking for help. ;)
You're absolutely right, Jay, but...

...there should be an apostrophe in it's.
I mean, you gotta have standards, as right as you indeed are.
On the other hand, I don't care for Microsoft either, so it's OK if you really want to write its. (Just not in public, OK?)

QUOTE=jav6454;8095368]As much as I despise Microsoft, Apple has not right to dictate MS what it can air on the ad front. Apple aired "Get a Mac" ads, and they were great. No MS is striking back. All Apple can do is watch and innovate on a new advertising method.

I can call the strike back questionable at best since many of those cheap PCs have no exact comparison to the Mac equivalent being compared. So they don't exactly tell the truth.

However, the ads work on less tech savy people. Its marketing. Apple took advantage of it, anyone can.

What Apple should really be doing is start changing their "Get a Mac" campaign ads and focus on something new and catchy; more so than "Laptop Hunters"[/QUOTE]
The problem with Microsoft's adverts is that they don't actually advertise a Microsoft product, merely HP laptops ... and seem more set up with the specific purpose of having a dig at Apple and not promoting the benefit of their own product, Windows.
I have a PC laptop (asus which I find to be a very nice company) and I still say the best laptop hunters commercial was the spoof with that bum trying to find one.

"Is this plastic? Im poor, but im not retarded" :D
I dislike both the Apple "I'm a Mac" and Microsoft "Laptop Hunter" commercials. They are both complete garbage.

The truth is, if you want a PC, you will get a PC. If you want a Mac, you will get a Mac. There is no point going to look at the Mac if Microsoft is offering to buy you a laptop.

The ones that I thought were funny was the one where the hunter wanted to do video editing. At least the Mac comes with some fundamental software for doing video editing, where the Microsoft laptop did not. Not that the the stuff that comes with the Apple is any better than stuff you could get for free for the PC, but most people aren't smart enough to use shareware/Freeware.

I have both PC and Mac in my environment. It really depends on what I need to do that determines what tool I use. I will say that the PCs are easier to deal with when they break. Mac is a pain, unless you love talking to teenagers at the Genius Bar.

Clearly CR is not comparing like features in judging what is "best". Else, why is a $1185 Dell being compared with a $600 Dell?

Have you ever looked at a Consumer Reports ?
You are missing the point. It isn't a matter of direct comparison. These are the recommended models with the best quality and value for what features they offer. Recommended buys are a summary of many models that were compared directly. So what they are saying is if you don't need or want the extra features of the $1185 Dell, then the $600 Dell is still recommended as a good value based on the criteria used if you want a 15 in screen.

A lot of people aren't using their laptops for anything more than what a netbook could handle.

This is good news for Apple customers. Apple makes a great product, and, in turn, they have high price tags. There's nothing wrong with the competition, whether they're offering the same quality or not, saying, "Hey, that stuff is really pricey." All that's going to do is drive the prices down on Apple products. It's sort of basic macroeconomics. My work laptop that runs Vista sucks hard even though it's new, and I love my new aluminum 2.4 ghz MacBook, but hell, if the competition is going to knock the price down then great. What was it Austin Powers said? "Yay Capitalism!"
what was APPLE thinking?
Why give the pondscum in Redmond the chance to gloat over what will become a detriment to them soon?

Reverse psychology-the ads are helping APPLE
(who wants to seem cheap or uncool- a few dozen lattes will make up the difference)
APPLE gets FREE publicity via these dolts-thus MS is complying with APPLEs wish, not their REQUEST

PT Barnum once said
"There is no such thing as BAD PUBLICITY"
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