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no cash payments

So I have been calling the Apple Store for about a week now in search of the Apple iPad Case. They finally got some in stock today and I rushed to the store. Upon trying to checkout, the Apple Clerk tells me that I cannot pay for it in cash. Say what?
This is the most ridiculous, outrageous and stupid thing I have ever heard. If it was for the iPhone, it would be understable but for a case?
You know, Apple has been ticking me off lately, with their absurd requests and if they keep on they are gonna lose me as a customer.
Who are they to dictate how and when I wish to pay for something, it is cash people.

That's their choice as a business model. Just like buying off the web you can't buy with cash. The times they are a changing. step up and embrace the technology. I remember it taking 5 days to finance a new car waiting for the cash to travel from bank to bank to dealership.
Personal insults aside, you're not even making an argument other than "I'm mad at a policy I don't agree with." If you have anything substantial to add to your otherwise poorly-thought out rant, please do so quickly.

You didn't get the point did you scientist? Don't you think there is substance enough in the absurd fact that I can only buy a rubber case with a credit card?Are you challenged or you just choose to be that way?
That's just dumb policy at that particular store. I could see it if you were buying a stack of them.
Don't you think there is substance enough in the absurd fact that I can only buy a rubber case with a credit card?

"Absurd" is subjective. Clearly you're just going off the deep end because you feel entitled that you should be able to pay with a credit card. I can't mail in cash to Newegg, but you don't see me huffing, puffing, and blowing my house down because of it. Maybe the Apple store employees felt unsafe keeping so much cash in the store? Who knows.
I prefer to use cash in today's economy, in the past I preferred to use credit cards, stores can have different policys about what you are allowed to use. I remember several stores that had a cash only policy and didn't allow me to use a credit card, if I wanted their product I had to abide by their rules and pay cash. The iPad and accessories are in short supply/high demand right now, would you feel any better if you could only find the Apple case on auction sites for three times the store pricing? That is what Apple is trying to prevent, when supply/demand changes then they will adjust the policy. I am glad they are at least "trying" to keep stock in store for us to purchase, it may not stop the online scalpers but it will slow it down. Just my opinion.
That's their choice as a business model. Just like buying off the web you can't buy with cash. The times they are a changing. step up and embrace the technology. I remember it taking 5 days to finance a new car waiting for the cash to travel from bank to bank to dealership.

I'm 25 years old, not Freddie Flinstone, I have used credit card since I can remember but still the point is that is not right, I wanted to pay cash. I know it is their store but still, the app store is the same thing, is what they want and how they want it. I love their products but they are no longer the Apple I always loved, that once cared about their customers
They have to remember, they can be on top today and at the bottom tomorrow.
Unlike most of you, I am a fair person. I know right from wrong and what Apple has been doing lately is plain wrong.
I wonder where this not accepting cash is legally?

I am looking at an American 5 dollar bill where the government has seen fit to print...


All the rest of the denominations in my wallet say the exact same thing.

If you say I dont have a credit card and demand you accept my legal tender can they refuse?

Now we need a lawyer to take the case for a less than $50 purchase. :p


All the rest of the denominations in my wallet say the exact same thing.

If you say I dont have a credit card and demand you accept my legal tender can they refuse?

Doesn't apply. The above requires mutual consent to the existence of a debt to one party by another. Apple hasn't provided you with a product, therefore you are not in debt to them.
You didn't get the point did you scientist? Don't you think there is substance enough in the absurd fact that I can only buy a rubber case with a credit card?Are you challenged or you just choose to be that way?

I think it's absurd that there are people scalping cases on eBay for way more that MSRP. I think it is equally absurd that Apple is quoting 2-3 weeks for a case to ship.

Obviously one way to try to tamp down scalping on constrained products is track those who purchase large numbers by credit card.

Apple's going to sell that case if you buy it or not, so it's not a lost sale to them.

Delta won't take my $5 bill in exchange for a beer since they are concerned about the cash being taken advantage of. Apple, at the moment, won't take your 2 $20 bills in exchange for a case since they are concerned about the situation being taken advantage of. This really is false outrage.
I find it within their rights, however I disagree with this policy. Just got back touring Independence hall, so I am feeling a little more patriotic than usual.

What do they care if someone buys 50 iPad cases? Really. Meet demand, problem solved. It's a plastic case, not that big of a deal to manufacture IMO.
I think it's absurd that there are people scalping cases on eBay for way more that MSRP. I think it is equally absurd that Apple is quoting 2-3 weeks for a case to ship.

Obviously one way to try to tamp down scalping on constrained products is track those who purchase large numbers by credit card.

Apple's going to sell that case if you buy it or not, so it's not a lost sale to them.

Delta won't take my $5 bill in exchange for a beer since they are concerned about the cash being taken advantage of. Apple, at the moment, won't take your 2 $20 bills in exchange for a case since they are concerned about the situation being taken advantage of. This really is false outrage.

Apple Legal has eBay end auctions if it violates their policies. Maybe their legal department should be doing their job instead of grilling Ellen for making an iPhone parody.
For those that want to get legal......

It is my understanding that if the terms of payment are announced
before the transaction has been made, a company can do as it pleases.
If a business refuses chooses to sell something to you unless you make
payment in chicken toes, that's OK. No debt has been incurred, since
no sale has been made.

"According to the 'Legal Tender Statute' (section 5103 of title 31 of
the U.S. Code), 'United States coins and currency (including Federal
Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and
national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes,
and dues.' This means that all U.S. money, as identified above, when
tendered to a creditor legally satisfies a debt to the extent of the
amount (face value) tendered.

However, no federal law mandates that a person or an organization must
accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services not yet
I wonder where this not accepting cash is legally?

I am looking at an American 5 dollar bill where the government has seen fit to print...


All the rest of the denominations in my wallet say the exact same thing.

If you say I dont have a credit card and demand you accept my legal tender can they refuse?

Now we need a lawyer to take the case for a less than $50 purchase. :p


That's true. They have to accept cash as a business if they want to do business with you. Business can refuse service to anyone for any reason they see fit. Remember, it hurts them too.
just throwing this out there...

I purchased an InCase sleeve for my ipad with cash when they were out of stock on Apple ones. When they came back in stock I simply went in, didn't have a receipt and they swapped it for the apple case and even gave me $1.08 or so back for the difference. Now this is of course a very roundabout way for your situation but it makes me think, wtf? are you sure they wont take cash lol
Who are they to dictate how and when I wish to pay for something, it is cash people.

Who are they? They are one end of the transaction, that's who. If they don't want to deal with cash that is their prerogative. It's yours to walk away. Don't be so uppity like Apple owes you something.
I think it's stupid also, I save up for my toys. I'm the type that thinks if I can't pay cash for toys I don't need it. This sucks to because I have the cash to go get one been saving since first of the year for one.
Apple Legal has eBay end auctions if it violates their policies. Maybe their legal department should be doing their job instead of grilling Ellen for making an iPhone parody.

So what? I still don't get what you are complaining about. There are myriad cases where we all have to pay for things in a manner that we don't want to: things on airplanes, should a server not have cash to break a big bill, should a store not want any more cash on hand that day, should Apple want to track sales of hard to find items.

I would take issue with this policy if a 15 year old who mowed lawns showed up with $600 cash for an iPad and a case and was denied for not having a credit card. A 20-something who possessed a credit card and refused to speak with a manager? not so much sympathy.

And in your words "cash is cash and will always be cash" unless it's in your particular industry.
this is stupid. From what I understood, the purpose of the CC thing on the iPad was to track and enforce the 2 per person limit. but to do that on accessories as well? C'Mon.

My biggest thing with this whole policy is not that they do it. It's their business do what you want. it is the lack of advertising of the policy. most did not learn of this CC policy until they got to the store and pulled their wallet out to pay.
that is the wrong time to tell a customer about a policy that affects them in this way.

why not post it on the website in bold letters??? Maybe not that extreme, but C'mon it's not like it is common practice in the retail market not to accept cash. thats unheard of. in fact people usually have to ask if they take other forms of payment. (ie Amex) so something that out of the ordinary should be made know to the public before they are standing at the register staring you in the eyes.
God, Apple fanboys are THE WORST of the worst. Now they think "DOWN WITH CASH!", the most tried-and-true form of currency since mankind, simply because Apple wants it that way??? We will NEVER get rid of cash, not ever ever ever. Printed media will be dead and buried for 100 years but cash will still be around, simply because credit cards are tied to bank accounts and banks in general, which may people don't like to deal with.


GROW UP and quit being a SHEEP.
I purchased an InCase sleeve for my ipad with cash when they were out of stock on Apple ones. When they came back in stock I simply went in, didn't have a receipt and they swapped it for the apple case and even gave me $1.08 or so back for the difference. Now this is of course a very roundabout way for your situation but it makes me think, wtf? are you sure they wont take cash lol

No they won't. The total came to $43.00 after taxes and I handed him cash. He said: we no longer accept cash for any iPad Accessories. I looked at him with a WTF face and he said that's the new policy. I think it is Apples clauses lately that had me explode. It is starting to get tyrannical.
I always say competition is good for the consumer.
No they won't. The total came to $43.00 after taxes and I handed him cash. He said: we no longer accept cash for any iPad Accessories. I looked at him with a WTF face and he said that's the new policy. I think it is Apples clauses lately that had me explode. It is starting to get tyrannical.
I always say competition is good for the consumer.

could it have been a misguided soul loosely interpreting the no cash for iPad policy and applied it accessories?

Just wondering if you escalated it to a manager to see what they said.

I wold have pitched a fit, you are right, it seems dictatorish to me.
So what? I still don't get what you are complaining about. There are myriad cases where we all have to pay for things in a manner that we don't want to: things on airplanes, should a server not have cash to break a big bill, should a store not want any more cash on hand that day, should Apple want to track sales of hard to find items.

I would take issue with this policy if a 15 year old who mowed lawns showed up with $600 cash for an iPad and a case and was denied for not having a credit card. A 20-something who possessed a credit card and refused to speak with a manager? not so much sympathy.

And in your words "cash is cash and will always be cash" unless it's in your particular industry.

So basically you are saying that if I was a 15y/o who cut grass I would get an exception? It does not matter how I make my money, whether I am a CEO or a person who cuts grass, as long as I got the money, it is none of anyone's business.
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