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They sell Apple Store (not iTunes) Gift Cards.

Can you buy one, with cash?

Then use the gift card to buy the item?

They DO take cash... just not for iPad stuff, for whatever reason.
Deja vu?

This all sounds familiar.

To the OP, I'm sorry you had a bad retail experience, but Apple is completely within their rights. Instead of stewing on it, then ranting about it on an online forum, you should have asked to speak to a manager, who would have been able to make the judgement call that you weren't a black/gray marketeer and completed your purchase. Like the iPad, the Apple branded case is also now subject to limited purchase conditions. Could the associate have handled it better? Probably, but then we only have your side of the story. Could you have handled it better? Well, yeah.
So I have been calling the Apple Store for about a week now in search of the Apple iPad Case. They finally got some in stock today and I rushed to the store. Upon trying to checkout, the Apple Clerk tells me that I cannot pay for it in cash. Say what?
This is the most ridiculous, outrageous and stupid thing I have ever heard. If it was for the iPhone, it would be understable but for a case?
You know, Apple has been ticking me off lately, with their absurd requests and if they keep on they are gonna lose me as a customer.
Who are they to dictate how and when I wish to pay for something, it is cash people.

Mine should've been delivered today, but I didn't answer the door in time, so it's sitting at the FedEx facility in brooklyn waiting to be picked up. I'm actually hoping to trade it for cash or exchange it at the apple store toward one of the incase covers.
I just don't understand how so many people don't at least have some sort of bank account, credit or debit. It's a rather ridiculous policy for the cases, yes, but really, not a huge issue for 99% of people what-so-ever. Are most of you drug dealers who only use cash? I just don't get it. Inconvenient, yes. But worth whining and moaning about. Absolutely not. Buy a gift card, or deposit the cash in your bank account. Or stop being 40 and living with your parents and not having your own bank account. If you showed up with cash, I'm fairly certain a manager would have held a case for you while you ran to the bank to deposit the money. If the manager won't it's probably because you are adding undue stress and tension to a situation that isn't in their control. Unfortunately for you, the world doesn't revolve around your desires and needs, grow up and thicken your skin.
Yes. There's no legal obligation to serve any customer.

Yes, they can refuse. Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender for all DEBTS, however in a retail situation, there is no debt incurred until you own the product. They can refuse to accept cash the same way they can refuse to accept pennies or bills larger than $20.

If they were to give you the iPad and then billl you for it, they would then by law have to be willing to accept cash.
Who are they to dictate how and when I wish to pay for something, it is cash people.

They're the ones with the iPad cases you want to buy. Their game, their rules. Despite what you may think, they don't have an obligation to sell you anything, especially solely on your terms.
Given the way the OP has handled himself here I would venture to guess there is more to this story and that the OP makes it a habit to act like a child when he doesn't get his way. While I do not agree with Apple's policy on their cases, I believe the OP has it coming.

If I were the OP then I would have attempted to use my credit card (or debit card) to buy the case after being told I could not use cash. Instead, the OP went back to his parent's basement to post a thread on MR where he has managed to insult a fair number of members because Apple hurt his feelings.

Two things could have been done here:
Use a credit card or use cash to buy a gift card then use that. It's clear to me the OP is not seeking resolution.

Chalk this up to cosmic karma.

Jessica, There really isn't much to the resolution. It is not that I was throwing a fit, I was extremely upset about this new policy.
Here's what happened: I called the store, was told the case was in stock. I left work in a hurry just to get this case that has been sold out for the longest time. The clerk told me all iPad accessories could only be purchased with a credit card. I would have asked for a manager but I had to get back to work so I just put it on my card. I came to the forum to maybe get people to say something, speak up, that way Apple would rationalize and stop with these stupid new policies. Instead I was bombarded by people basically blaming me for the issue that's why I went off on these guys.
I am not immature and I do take criticism well but when people actually turn the story on me as if it was my fault, that really irritates the crap out of me.
I am not paying with food stamps, cashier's check, money order etc I am paying with cash for christ's sakes. I bought one case, not twenty, this policy is just unbelievably unreasonable.
This is a bit bad in my opinion. Lots of kids prob saved up their cash for a case. I also know many adults who stay away from credit cards for good reason.

It appears the main thing Apple are guilty of is having diff policies in diff stores
From your gaudy signature…

27" iMac Core i7 2.8Ghz 8GB RAM/15.4" 2.4ghz i5 Unibody MacBook Pro 500GB 4GB/32GB iPhone 3Gs/ 64GB iPad 3G/ Canon XSi & S90/1TB Time Capsule & 4TB WD

Butt boy indeed. :rolleyes:

Just because I own a lot of Apple products, doesn't make me a butt boy. A butt boy is someone who will take Apple's side no matter what.
You know what, I don't care anymore, I truly hope all of you who defend Apple, I hope they do something to really tick you off and then you will understand why I am so upset.
There's no point of talking to a wall...
Yes I do manage an airline, if you believe it or not that's your choice.

ROFL with a response like that and you say you 'Manage' an airline... I'm sorry Airport Tycoon doesn't count bud.

HAHA, personally the fact you stated "I have credit cards but I didn't feel like using one" is just sorry no sympathy there. The stores choice at the time. I have paid cash for items, even big items, same store, different time, they didn't want cash and wasn't a big deal to me. But you as a 'manager' of an airline no less were in your perfect right to stomp your feet and hold your breath until you got your way ::eyeroll::
cash only

So basically you are saying that if I was a 15y/o who cut grass I would get an exception? It does not matter how I make my money, whether I am a CEO or a person who cuts grass, as long as I got the money, it is none of anyone's business.

What about the 15 yo that wants to buy on line? thats just the facts Apple wants to be sure no more than two are purchased per person. Simple, just live with it. you seem to grip about nothing.
I'm sure that if Apple decided they would only accept elephant dung as payment in face to face transactions two-thirds of the sheeple on this forum would say something like "Well, you know, not such a bad idea, environmentally friendly, makes Apple stand out from it's competitors, blah, blah, blah".
Come on, it's a case, there's no contract attached to it. Let the guy pay with cash.
So I have been calling the Apple Store for about a week now in search of the Apple iPad Case. They finally got some in stock today and I rushed to the store. Upon trying to checkout, the Apple Clerk tells me that I cannot pay for it in cash. Say what?
This is the most ridiculous, outrageous and stupid thing I have ever heard. If it was for the iPhone, it would be understable but for a case?
You know, Apple has been ticking me off lately, with their absurd requests and if they keep on they are gonna lose me as a customer.
Who are they to dictate how and when I wish to pay for something, it is cash people.

I live in NY I dont know if that is relevant but I paid for my Ipad and case in cash. I also went to 2 different apple stores.
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