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macrumors 601
Oct 19, 2014
Apple Campus, Cupertino CA
Here is something I've noticed at the risk of comparing Jobs/Cook.

Steve told you what he thought: You're holding it wrong! A live funeral for OS9. We're done with floppy drives., etc. It was up to you to deal with it - or not.

Tim justifies things. The other day he justified the price of the iPhone X on live TV as Apple providing a better product for it's customers. That may be true, but it's a justification.

That's what I see with Apple now, a move from conviction to justification.

Just my opinion.

As to Ive…I think he exists in an echo chamber of like minded people.

Tim Cook has not been successful at Apple as he simply is not the replacement for Steve. Nobody can fill the void Steve left as he was a once in a lifetime gift to humanity. Apple is now just another soulless corporation out to maximize shareholder value while not offering any new products of relevance since the passing of Steve. Cook simply got lucky with the current longevity of the iPhone but the ideas have run out.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Tim Cook has not been successful at Apple as he simply is not the replacement for Steve. Nobody can fill the void Steve left as he was a once in a lifetime gift to humanity. Apple is now just another soulless corporation out to maximize shareholder value while not offering any new products of relevance since the passing of Steve. Cook simply got lucky with the current longevity of the iPhone but the ideas have run out.
I've wondered why Steve chose Tim to take over. Pretty sure Steve saw Tim as a caretaker, someone capable of holding things down until the right person came along.

But that's the part that has me puzzled. Who's supposed to come along, who was Steve hoping would show up and how would a transfer of control go to that person? Would Tim know? Would Tim want to give up the control? Did Tim just decide to stay instead of doing something Steve told him to do that no one else knows about?

All the answers to that though went with Steve. But at a certain point I think we may pass the time where giving control to the right person no longer matters.
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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Now that makes a lot of sense.

I think it actually does !

Forstall thrown under the bus and gone like that

iOS 6 being stale and Apple maps a fail from not having google data harvesting at their disposal is hardly a valid reason/amount of backlash by which to CAN an apple diehard in light of all staleness of apple and ESPECIALLY after and all the other backlash from stupid short sighted apple decisions after that

SMELLS like a scapegoat and dirty politics


We need stubborn Forstalls that are PITA's running the show with something of a vision and feeling of creating art And getting neurotic. It feels like apple couldn't care less about anything but stockpiling


macrumors 65816
Apr 3, 2013
Yeah thats what I mean is their products being in love with, not Apple themselves, but just saying ‘Apple’ as an extension of the products they make.

never was a SJ- kool aid drinker but i think he made results happen concretely.

Firing Forestall feels political/emotional/like a bad move on iOS front at least.

And maybe even design.

What is Jony up to, for real? Design wise, and iOS look wise? Been chilling since iOS 7 2013 and iPhone6 2014 bod, eh?


he looks like he's NEVER seen the X until this photo, like 'what is that right there?'

And Tim is cheesing so hard. Classic Car salesman, snake oil without reality distort field enabled, Tim.

Is that Tim grabbing Jonny's.... wait, it's an iPhone x.


macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2017
I love the notch ever since the first rumor, I would've been disappointed if they didn't included it or blacked it out.

With the notch your really get the feeling of having a screen that changes the typical dull square screen that adapts to the physical design of the device. The notch makes it possible for the screen to be rounded from top to bottom. I always dreamed of an iPhone with a screen that follows the device's shape and they just did it. They can't just put the sensors under the screen and the notch was the best they could have done to have the screen follow the iPhone shape with the current technologies.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Can’t believe he didn’t show the magic mouse 2 with its charging cable attached, but then I suppose there have been so many Apple design snafus of late...

Deserves to have a photo with this

The pinnacle of modern apple design perfection Poor magic mouse 2 it's Victim to pure idiocy. Who ever would think you'd want something more aesthetically pleasing if not ability to use mouse while charging by placing it where a mouse cord usually is on corded mice? Duh!

Not just a lack of attention to detail. I would argue a complete disregard for attention to ANY even the most obvious non-detail detail
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macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2017
I must add, though, that I do hate the flat design of ios 7 with all my heart. They went too far with the flatness and whiteness. Yosemite did a truly amazing job in bringing mac os to modern design without begin too flat or white.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
I must add, though, that I do hate the flat design of ios 7 with all my heart. They went too far with the flatness and whiteness. Yosemite did a truly amazing job in bringing mac os to modern design without begin too flat or white.

I actually was JUST thinking that using my Mac earlier.

Mac looks clean nand modernized and not annihilated

iOS not only looks outdated it looks like it hasn't withstood the test of time or looked like it should've ever happened at all with parts of its extremity IMO
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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
That's the reason I hate Tim cook and Jonathan Ive, they got rid of Scott Frostal out of nothing. There was clearly something very fishy going on. Reminds me of when Steve left apple.

Tim Cook is the Steve Balmer of Apple.

Forstall is the Pandora's box to apple's downfall

As a globalist Timmy hates the idea of innovation so he pumps the brakes on it and makes it come to a screeching halt by his passion to do so and incompetence combined

ForstallID is the secure enclave of all the answers to why apple is rotten to its core


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2010
I love the notch ever since the first rumor, I would've been disappointed if they didn't included it or blacked it out.

With the notch your really get the feeling of having a screen that changes the typical dull square screen that adapts to the physical design of the device. The notch makes it possible for the screen to be rounded from top to bottom. I always dreamed of an iPhone with a screen that follows the device's shape and they just did it. They can't just put the sensors under the screen and the notch was the best they could have done to have the screen follow the iPhone shape with the current technologies.

Do you really think disturbing the screen view is innovation and fresh design over “boring regular old “ screens? Maybe they should also put it on their mac screens?
A screen suppose to give you the best undisturbed view, period.
If next year they’ll invent this under the screen and lose the notch you will be sad and disappointed?? Lol.
It’s just wrong.
Forstall is the Pandora's box to apple's downfall

As a globalist Timmy hates the idea of innovation so he pumps the brakes on it and makes it come to a screeching halt by his passion to do so and incompetence combined

ForstallID is the secure enclave of all the answers to why apple is rotten to its core

In other words, the Cook is a coward.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Can we talk about how the red crown which isn't the antenna/serve any functional purpose but is just a cosmetic distinction between generations of watches clashes with so many bands and color combos?

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Apr 7, 2012
Notch doesn't bother me at all, but I see his points, If you have a huge issue, their are plenty of other great phones, but they all have compromises these days. You just have to pick which bothers you the least.
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Oct 28, 2016
Apple is about making change and look different,im tired of the same design language, s8 v30 G6 pixel 2 etc
If you want a classic design go for 8,if you want a new one go for X
I love that iphone x has all the bezel the same dimensions exept for that top notch where is there for a reason,a purpose. Apple in the past was about design over function, now its function over design


macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2004
People need to stop saying you *must* charge the pencil by plugging it into the iPad. It's a convenience thing. If all you have with you on the move is your pencil and iPad; you can quickly get back working again.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2017
I think scott forstall is who steve had in mind. Tim removed him and made himself permanent.
If that were true, why didn’t Steve make Scott ceo? It’s not like he couldn’t.
Forstall is the Pandora's box to apple's downfall

As a globalist Timmy hates the idea of innovation so he pumps the brakes on it and makes it come to a screeching halt by his passion to do so and incompetence combined

ForstallID is the secure enclave of all the answers to why apple is rotten to its core
Perhaps innovation only happens in globalist communities because anti globalists don’t have the capacity for innovation.
Tim Cook has not been successful at Apple as he simply is not the replacement for Steve. Nobody can fill the void Steve left as he was a once in a lifetime gift to humanity. Apple is now just another soulless corporation out to maximize shareholder value while not offering any new products of relevance since the passing of Steve. Cook simply got lucky with the current longevity of the iPhone but the ideas have run out.

No one gives Tim enough credit except Wall Street.

In the short term, Tim has grown services, iPad, and watch and tv businesses.

He has placed huge long term bets on augmented reality, machine learning, and iPad fulfilling Steve’s truck / car vision.

I wonder how many people knocking Tim also buy his products.

The notch doesn’t bother me, and I will buy an iPhone x. The red dot on my series 3 doesn’t bother me either, I think it’s distinguished.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 15, 2010
I stopped reading after the second word "notch"
how can an article start with that and expect to be take seriously, the whole article is one big rant, nothing more.

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