I'm 16 and just had my second interview! It appeared as though they were thoroughly impressed by what I had to offer based on my age, saying "I picked excellent hours" and "they are looking for the very positions I am interested in." I humored them and I think I gave the answers they were looking for.
I did some role playing as well as answer some critical thinking questions; which I think went well. The second interview lasted no longer than thirty minutes with 3 managers at once. Then we had open discussion for a while and I asked many questions and wrapped it up thereafter. They said they they would reach out to me by Tuesday, if not sooner! The only thing that I am afraid went wrong is having them say "yeah, uh huh, that's cool" to almost all of my answers, which were well thought out.
If all goes well, I may need to delete my posts. Best of luck to all of you!