Buying a new notebook today/tomorrow, any promo codes would be greatly appreciated.
I have 3 - count 'em three - for $100 off purchases of $1999 or more at the apple on line store. That's a free shuffle plus tunes to put on it!
The rules in the previous post still apply.
First three to PM get them!!
Hooray, I WIN!!! How do I claim my prize??
Thanks, techound!
Apple coupon for $30 off of $300.
First to PM me gets it.
Sorry, no newbs.
If you don't hear back from me, then you weren't the first to PM me.
You know, I just came here as a newbie, and asked but didn't get a promo code from anyone, but I came back and gave away a promo code a few days later. Just to be nice. But reading your post "no newbs" really put me off the board. I understand that newbies can be annoying, but just to assume that a newbie isn't a new but valuable member is pretty lame. I'm due a couple more promos but I'll be heading somewhere less unfriendly. Thanks!
You know, I just came here as a newbie, and asked but didn't get a promo code from anyone, but I came back and gave away a promo code a few days later. Just to be nice. But reading your post "no newbs" really put me off the board. I understand that newbies can be annoying, but just to assume that a newbie isn't a new but valuable member is pretty lame. I'm due a couple more promos but I'll be heading somewhere less unfriendly. Thanks!
Timecoloured's decision to perceive it that way is unfortunate.
This thread, probably more than any other, draws new people to the forums. Members who have been around for some time tend to view each other as family. Timswim's decision about whom he gives the code to, while perhaps ill-advertised, is his to make.
Additionally, this thread is not a promo code "ATM". Promo codes are hard to come by and this is an excellent venue to respectfully request one, as most posters do.
While I can't speak for Timswim, my assumption reading his post is that he wanted to pass it on to another long-time knowledge base contributer and perhaps he is tired of the "gimme, gimme" that sometimes permeates newbie requests.